Good suggestions if Joker is interested in "city" suburban living. But those are all pretty far from the "mountain" terrain. After-work rides and such would be a lot more time-consuming from any of those locales.My wife just drove around and checked out a few neighborhoods that my sister suggested. These neighborhoods are probably highly relevant to teh Joker's interests:
1. Washington Park. Older layout, older homes, cute little "downtown" area.
2. Lowry., converted former air force base. "Cookie cutter" in that it's a newer development over the last 20 years or so, but given that there's a little "Lowry village" with amenities nearby and a nice mix of house price ranges ("100s to millions") within the same greater neighborhood, not out of the question by any means. I favor newer construction anyway for the layout and higher insulation.
3. Stapleton. Converted former airport. Very similar to Lowry only minus the planned-development "village" bit. Kind of out by itself in the middle of a field, but has a nice little greenbelt running through it with multi-use trails, mini parks with play equipment and such similar junk
4. Aurora proper, near the (UC) University med center. While the med center was huge and beautiful, Aurora, or at least what we saw of it, was not. Older construction and high variability from block to block. No cars on blocks in the front yard but not too many steps removed from that. Neither the type of houses nor the type of neighborhood we're interested in.
Finally, to give a ballpark idea of price, we grabbed a few random flyers from houses for sale that we passed while driving by, and one attractive one in Lowry on a small lot (4500 sq ft) measuring 2750 sq ft itself with a 2 car garage was $425k asking price. There was plenty of variation smaller and larger with prices as appropriate.
Oh - and houses in Wash Park tend to be heinously expensive. Comparatively speaking.