
Let's get ready to rumbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
No, I don't get invited to either caucus actually. I had briefly contemplated it just for the LULZ, but I didn't want to wind up getting a mail box full hate literature just for a few laughs.
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
They replayed Newt's victory speech talking about his first and second terms as President AFTER losing his ass in Florida.

"Apparently Newt has mistaken the Florida primary with the Presidential election and getting your ass kicked as winning." - Jon Stewart :rofl:


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
$tinkle, was that you? Santorum picks up Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri (which was non-binding, so no delegates for that one), putting him in 2nd in the delegate count overall. Out of 8 contests, Santorum has now won 4, Romney 3 and Gingrich 1. In Minnesota Romney came in 3rd behind Ron Paul. :rofl:

Not that any of the crop of GOP candidates is worth a damn, but Santorum has far less political baggage than either Romney or Gingrich. The attack ads on those two write themselves, but Santorum is far less known as a candidate, and therefore harder to attack. He has lower unfavorability numbers than either Gingrich or Romney. Granted his favorability numbers are worse than either of those two as well, but it's definitely going to be harder to attack him for being elitist (Romney) or utterly corrupt (Gingrich). Definitely will be interesting to watch, especially the next month or so before Super Tuesday and the beginnings of "winner take all" contests in April.


Nov 28, 2008
i was really surprised when i saw the results this morning. not what i was thinking would happen at all. the GOP is really having a tough time picking a candidate. now that santorum has picked up steam newt is gonna find the dirt and blast his a$$. his days are numbered as far as attacking goes. newt can't resist it, and romney got a little momentum earlier from attacking newt, so he'll probably go on the offensive as well.

even though numbers are down, and even with this candidate pick being a pretty messy one, i don't think the GOP will have any issues uniting against obama. they might not be voting for their candidate, but they will be voting against the other one. and if anything gets americans motivated, its gonna be negativity and fear.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Wow, how much lesser of 2 evils does the GOP need?

"Yes, he totally sucks, but have you seen the other 2 douche bags?" :rofl:


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Come on, you're not THAT young. He was arguably the most vocal douchebag on the floor when he was in the senate. And you know what happens when his ilk opens their mouths.That's how the gay sneaks in

The material is there, make no mistake :D
The material is there for liberals and young people (the ones who laugh at the Santorum jokes on The Daily Show), but for the middle-of-the-road blue collar workers across the Midwest and South? Not so sure. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a hugely UNlikeable guy with the personality of a leech, but that's not always the easiest thing to attack. Hell, his anti-gay statements will probably endear him to some of the moderates in places like WV, SC, IN, etc.

even though numbers are down, and even with this candidate pick being a pretty messy one, i don't think the GOP will have any issues uniting against obama. they might not be voting for their candidate, but they will be voting against the other one. and if anything gets americans motivated, its gonna be negativity and fear.
Nobody ever wins just by trying to be "not the other guy", especially going up against an incumbent. Look at Kerry failing in '04 as a prime example, with Bush having got us into 2 wars, the massive patriotic sentiment from 9/11 was long gone by election day, our debt was getting worse, and he *still* won because people can't get excited enough to vote against someone. Sure, they might cast a vote in protest, but they're not going to donate money, time, effort and excitement to get someone elected that they don't really care about.

Obviously if the economy picks up steam, Obama's a shoe-in for reelection, and if the economy tanks he's doomed regardless, but it will be interesting to see how the Obama team attacks Santorum if he's the eventual nominee.


Nov 28, 2008
Obviously if the economy picks up steam, Obama's a shoe-in for reelection, and if the economy tanks he's doomed regardless, but it will be interesting to see how the Obama team attacks Santorum if he's the eventual nominee.
and the economy (although still crappy) is techincally improving in spots. i just wonder how much it has to improve for perception to change on it, because like you said, it's really the main issue if you boil all the other crap down.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
The material is there for liberals and young people (the ones who laugh at the Santorum jokes on The Daily Show), but for the middle-of-the-road blue collar workers across the Midwest and South? Not so sure. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a hugely UNlikeable guy with the personality of a leech, but that's not always the easiest thing to attack. Hell, his anti-gay statements will probably endear him to some of the moderates in places like WV, SC, IN, etc.
"K street project", Tom Delay........... It's a big part of why he lost his last job.

Them tea bagger human spheres don't like them sum government corruption. Newt'll be on that like it was a roofied up staffer.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I guess it's the fact that she can be very opinionated and really takes one side on a story.

I get creeped out by the feeling that I am watching Bizarro World Bill O'Rilly.
But bill o'reilly straight makes **** up to back his 'points'. Other than the yammering (agreed on that one), those two could not possibly be more polar opposites. I don't think maddow makes obscene calls to subordinate coworkers with lewd suggestions involving middle eastern fare......and then rants about family values either :rofl:


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Yup, very opinionated and takes one side of a story, but she does the research to back up everything she says and also has more people on from the opposite side of the conversation than any other talking head I can think of. For example tonight she has on the (Romney supporting) GOP head of Washington County to discuss the caucus issues.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
Yup, very opinionated and takes one side of a story, but she does the research to back up everything she says and also has more people on from the opposite side of the conversation than any other talking head I can think of. For example tonight she has on the (Romney supporting) GOP head of Washington County to discuss the caucus issues.
I am going to go so far as to say she her show is the best researched of all the cable news shows. She also gives her guests a chance to correct her framing of the issues. She does have a bias but it is not like she pretends not to.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Sure, they might cast a vote in protest, but they're not going to donate money, time, effort and excitement to get someone elected that they don't really care about.
Stop following me. I carry a gun; seriously.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
GOP's nightmare scenario.

Upshot: Santorum might win more votes but still lose the delegate count.

It’s not impossible — though it’s very unlikely — that the popularity contest could leave Santorum as the clear, unambiguous winner, while Romney becomes the clear, unambiguous nominee. Imagine Santorum finishing with a five point edge or more in votes — even as Romney gets crowned the GOP candidate for president.

If that happens, it’s hard to see rank-and-file Republicans accepting the outcome as legitimate, even if the Republican partisan press tries hard to sell it. And it’s even harder to see Romney kicking off the fall campaign successfully if half his party believes he stole the nomination.
Oh please oh please oh please oh please....

edit: The more I think about this, the more I think it might be possible. Santorum has the edge in enthusiasm here, but he's trailing (so far) in delegates and isn't even on the ballot in VA and IN. He could pick up the majority of states on Super Tues (including Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Tennessee, and Romney wins Vermont, Massachusetts and Virginia) but Romney would walk away with *all* of the VA delegates since Santorum's not even on the ballot. If a candidate exceeds 50% he gets all of the delegates, and that will happen since only Romney and Paul are on the ballot.

Playing around with the delegates (pure speculation, not accounting for anyone other than the two of them competing), I could see Santorum winning 7 states and only picking up ~200 delegates, and Romney only wins 3 but picks up ~230. Furthermore Santorum definitely won't get that many, since many of those states are caucuses that Ron Paul seems to do well in. So Romney will get ~230 delegates, and Santorum could win only ~175, even though Santorum wins in the overall number of states (and who knows, if the voting in VA is low enough maybe he wins in the overall vote tally as well).

Basically to me it looks like either Romney seals the deal, or we're headed for the nightmare scenario. Romney is a lock on MA, VT and VA in the upcoming contests, leaving him almost assuredly as the delegate leader after Super Tues.

This clusterfvck is a BEAUTIFUL thing to watch.
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Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
By the way, Romney is pretty much guaranteed ALL of the delegates from the following states since they're winner take all:

Arizona (29 delegates)
Virginia (46 delegates)
Indiana (46 deleagtes)

And will probably win most of MA (total 41) even though it allocates on a proportional basis and VT (total 17) that has a winner-take-all if the winner gets above 50% which Romney probably will get. So figure an extra ~50 delegates just between those two for Romney?

That's another guaranteed ~120 delegates just for showing up, and a total of ~170 just between those 5 states... I just hope that Santorum catches fire (heh heh, flaming santorum) and starts winning the other primaries.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
Oh. My. God.

Could it get any worse for Romney? He is to give an groundbreaking speech today regarding his economic platform, and so held it at Ford Field (~65,000 seats). The problem is only a couple hundred showed up. Then any clip that *actually* gets any play is the fact that his wife, "Ann, drives a couple of Cadillacs."


For the lulz:

Looks about the same as any given Sunday in the Fall.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I was originally cheering for Santorum since I thought he'd be the easier candidate for Obama to beat, but Romney really does seem to be doing his best to prove that he is the snobby elitist that Santorum is talking referring to, not Obama...

The remark came during a tour of team owner Richard Childress’ facilities, when Romney was asked by an Associated Press reporter whether he follows car racing.

“Not as closely as some of the most ardent fans, but I have some great friends who are NASCAR team owners,” Romney responded.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
I know it was sort of "trendy" in 2004 for people to say they were going to move out of country if Bush got re-elected but if Santorum actually is elected I think I would move out of country.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I know it was sort of "trendy" in 2004 for people to say they were going to move out of country if Bush got re-elected but if Santorum actually is elected I think I would move out of country.
Same here, except I'd have to go farther than Canada since the nuclear fallout would still probably affect most of that country as well...

I just want this nomination race to go on as long as possible so that the candidates can keep making utterly retarded statements in front of video cameras. From Mitt's wife owning a "couple" of Cadillacs and being friends with NASCAR owners to Santorum claiming anyone who wants to go to college (or who wants their kids to go to college) is an elitist snob and saying that JFK's speech in 1960 on the separation of church and state makes him want to throw up, they just keep trying to appeal to that wackjob 10% but are turning off the other 90.