
Let's get stung by yellow jackets


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I found a nasty yellow jacket nest next to my garage. I tried spraying it with the usual wasp and hornet spray, as well as some bifenthrin I had lying around. Neither did diddly. So, tonight I'm going to try dumping a pot of boiling water on their noggins when they aren't looking. If that doesn't work, I'll hire a professional, but they can't be out until next week, so I'm trying this now. Not sure why I'm posting this, I guess I just want to give you people something else to make fun of me for.

Anybody tried anything similar?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Always have ended up resorting to the professionals when it comes to yellow jackets. Tried the powder shit, but the entrance was too remote for me to safely get it in there...

Pros always come in with suits on and they don't fuck around - they dust the shit out of everything around the entrance. $150 well spent. Those yellow jackets are just assholes.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Always have ended up resorting to the professionals when it comes to yellow jackets. Tried the powder shit, but the entrance was too remote for me to safely get it in there...

Pros always come in with suits on and they don't fuck around - they dust the shit out of everything around the entrance. $150 well spent. Those yellow jackets are just assholes.
What he said. We always call Neil the Bee Guy. It used to be Colin but he got promoted to area manager and now Neil reports to him. Neil lives one street over from us, as luck would have it. I can call at noon and by 5:00 the bees are eradicated. Those bees are stubborn though and just seem to relocate, so every two years we have to make our $150 payment.


Feb 24, 2011
Ever run over a ground hornet's nest while riding in the woods? Nothing like getting your ankles swarmed and those little f&%ckers can bite. Not fun.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
If they are in the ground just stick a hose on the hole and drown them out. A little dish soap goes a long way and doesn't pet gasoline in the ground water. Low risk, highly effective.

If they are in your garage, definitely burn them out with gas.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
i have some m80s left over from the 4th...

Ever run over a ground hornet's nest while riding in the woods? Nothing like getting your ankles swarmed and those little f&%ckers can bite. Not fun.
a few years back on the rockiest, most washed out, steep part of a backcountry trail...buddy in front of me stirred em up and they tagged me with nowhere to go/stop. got about 15-20 stings. in my ear. in my armpits, in helmet vents...got to my friends house. i chose beer over benadryl :D


May 2, 2006
Asheville, NC
Is it a ground nest? If so Get the Bengal foaming yellow jacket spray. Spray it in the hole after dark and it will foam up creating an impenetrable exit. Really satisfying hearing those bastards buzzing around in their final resting place


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
Ive delt with a lot of shit but never a yellowjacket nest. I would try fire, some random chemicals i have around, fire, fire crackers, some glue, cement to entomb them. Shopvac may suck them up. Or just smash the shit out of them when you stop being a pussy.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Is it a ground nest? If so Get the Bengal foaming yellow jacket spray. Spray it in the hole after dark and it will foam up creating an impenetrable exit. Really satisfying hearing those bastards buzzing around in their final resting place
Hopefully they only have 1 exit


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Vinegar, Ammonia, Powdered Laundry detergent or Borax, and then plain old water. Mix in a bucket. Dump down hole. Do not stick around.....


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Ground nesting Yellow Jacket nests always have at least two holes and sometimes a third. There is a main entrance that is obvious, the other hole(s) will be harder to spot. Gas will work, but will kill your grass, and probably ruin some other shit. It's actually better to not light the gas, but make sure to plug the other holes. If you don't, they'll fly out the other hole and the entire hive will be on you in a matter of seconds. The fumes will spread through the nest and kill them off. Spot the holes during the day then come back at night when they're all in there.

Best option though is to call a pro who will come out spray some chems down the holes, then apply a powder that sticks to their feet and give you a bill that is significantly less than an ER visit.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Ive delt with a lot of shit but never a yellowjacket nest. I would try fire, some random chemicals i have around, fire, fire crackers, some glue, cement to entomb them. Shopvac may suck them up. Or just smash the shit out of them when you stop being a pussy.
You obviously have no experience with Yellow Jackets. They work on a yes/no pheromone system. If one stings you the others will also attack. If you kill one, it will release a pheromone that the others will pick up on, and you guessed it, they will attack. Get stung by one while riding and if you pass another nest that nest will attack you.

And if you decide to ignore this advise and stomp those little yellow bastards to death cuz you ain't no pussy, then please have someone film it.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
For the record, bare hands smash is an effective means for handling paper wasps.

Ground and hole nesting fuckers are another animal. Honey bees are easy once you build a bee vacuum.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
The nest will have only one entrance. A cup of gas, wait thirty seconds, add a lit match.
A local resident in the mountains tried to burn them up in their nest. Gave me the most intense one hour of hose time fighting a wildland fire I have ever had. Flames were causing the paint on the houses to bubble We could see folks running out their front doors and fleeing in their cars while we fought the flames at the back door. Home owner got quite the bill for stupidity. 4 engines and one hand crew at $1600/hr for each unit for four hours at work so $1600 x4 x 5 He had to write a check for $32,000. then deal with the citation for arson by negligence..
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You obviously have no experience with Yellow Jackets. They work on a yes/no pheromone system. If one stings you the others will also attack. If you kill one, it will release a pheromone that the others will pick up on, and you guessed it, they will attack. Get stung by one while riding and if you pass another nest that nest will attack you.

And if you decide to ignore this advise and stomp those little yellow bastards to death cuz you ain't no pussy, then please have someone film it.
For any stinging insect attack, walking away without flailing is the most effective defense.



sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
The "kill-on-contact"-knock-the-nest-out-of-the-park-heavy-stream-spray stuff is totally ineffective? I've used it several times, given that some of the times I had to be ready to get the hell out of there fast, then follow up a bit again.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Also, have you tried go-pro? I hear they hate being video taped.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
okay, got my pot

and some glowsticks for light. pink is just as good as red, right?

poured myself a little bourbon, that'll help

cut a hole in the plastic, so that the bees have only one escape route

oh shit it's boiling, time to go. used the spoon for heroin/adding soap to eh mix

pure confidence. bees hate confidence.

quick video of the confrontation