
Libby's Defense: I was made the Scapegoat.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Pretty much no one saw this one coming.


It was the last thing the White House needed at a time when President Bush is already on the defensive over Iraq: a circular firing squad in a federal courtroom in which the president’s men—and Vice President Dick Cheney’s—are all shooting at each other.

But that’s how the perjury trial of I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, Cheney’s former chief of staff, began. Libby’s long-awaited defense was laid out for the first time Tuesday in opening statements and it turned out to be a stunner: a “scorched earth” strategy in which his main defense lawyer pointed accusatory fingers at White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove as well as other top current and former Bush aides.
Guess that pretty much blows the whole pardon hunting strategy out the window. Though I suspect he would get one regardless.

I don't think a lot of substance is going to come out of this but the White House is out for a major league public f'ing over the whole deal.

The opening statements underscored what many had already suspected: that Cheney—who is slated to be called to testify by the defense—will be a crucial witness in the trial. But Wells’ opening statement suggested that it will be more than just the vice president on the hot seat. Rove himself now appears likely to be called (he is on a list of possible witnesses) and forced to testify about how he had disclosed Plame’s identity to then-Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper. Bartlett also appears likely to be called, as does Armitage, Fleischer and David Addington, Cheney’s current chief of staff.
With all of them on the stand its going to be awesome especially with both lawyers looking for blood.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
If Libby's telling the truth, I wouldn't expect a pardon either. You get thrown under the bus once, and now it's backing toward you...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Not if he's hunting for a pardon from the next (democrat) administration.
I was just thinking that too...because what he's saying right now isn't a valid defense against a perjury charge, is it? And it's too late to cooperate with Fitzgerald...

Although I can imagine the screams (validly so) from the Kos people if Libby is pardoned by a Democratic president...

edit: That's also quite the deal with the devil, considering that a Democrat would have to be elected, and he'd have to have talked to the right one already. How do you know that Hilary or Obama is even going to get nominated at this point?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
If we are out for pure comedy, I'd rather see him make an attempt at the skittles defense.

I can't wait to see some heads roll at this trial.
I'm pretty sure there won't many heads rolling but there will be a ton of dirty laundry finding its way into the public eye. No matter what its going to be entertaining. If for no other reason than the return of Ari to the public eye.