
Like a Good Conspiracy Theory?


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
All this talk about Mark Foley and his text messages got me thinking about Craig J. Spence and the allegations back in 1989 about the Washington Call-Boy scandal. Some of you may remember this some may not.



Basically Spence was caught with receipts from different agencies that were fronts for male prostitutes.

Over the years there have been several allegations of Washington types involved with boys but this one goes back a long time.

Back in 1982 this kid Johnny Gosch was kidnapped in Des Moines IA. He later became the first “milk carton kid” and a poster boy for missing children in America. There was many theories at the time that maybe he was taken into some kind of child prostitution ring. Then one day in 1997 Johnny’s mom says Johnny showed up on her doorstep and detailed the past 15 years in a hour visit dropping names of several high ranking DC politicos.

In 1999 Mrs. Gosch testified in the Franklin Bank Scandal that people involved kidnapped her son and basically made herself look like a whacko.




On a side note in September of 2006 someone put some pictures of a bound and gagged Johnny on his mothers doorstep. Why would someone do that 25 years later? Were they tipping her off to the up coming controversy? Did Mark Foley dip his wick in a young Johnny? Is the Call-boy ring still operating?

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Is this the same scandal with Sen Barney Frank running a brothel in his house?

In 1990, the House voted to reprimand Frank when it was revealed that a male prostitute, Steve Gobie, that Rep. Frank had befriended after hiring him through a personal advertisement, had conducted a prostitution ring from Frank's apartment when he was not at home.


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
Is this the same scandal with Sen Barney Frank running a brothel in his house?

Same time frame I'm sure they had something to do with one another.

It's just wierd that so many of these stories revolve around DC and everytime something happens to blow the lid off someone drops dead or the case is dismissed.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
It's just wierd that so many of these stories revolve around DC and everytime something happens to blow the lid off someone drops dead or the case is dismissed.
True! You guys should watch these documentaries:
Conspiracy of Silence-Discovery channel (banned documentary)-evil in charge. david icke
and Homosexual.Blackmail.In.US.Government-Kay.Griggs.Interview-1of2.DivX5.

This is what says in the pre text of "Conspiracy of Silence":
"On Tuesday May 3rd 1994 this program was scheduled to air on Discovery Channel. Influential members of congress applied pressure to the cable industry to stop the airing of the program and destroy ALL COPIES. It was already listed nation wide in the April 30th-May6th edition of TV Guide and newspaper supplements. The Discovery Channel and Yorkshire Television were reimbursed for their 1/4 to 1/2 MILLION dollars production costs."

For the other documentary check out: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=kay+griggs
and her site that on the first page explains a little:

Kay Griggs was a Southern divorcee who rented a room to Marine Corps colonel George Griggs in the late 1980s. She was impressed by his clipped manner, his education, his good looks. Two months later she married him. What she found out about world affairs as George Griggs' wife was astounding.

Colonel Griggs was a Marine Corps Chief of Staff, as well as head of NATO's Psychological Operations. He was also, his wife realized, entirely mind-controlled. Kay, a self-declared Christian, became privy to the real workings of the United States military, leadership training, drug-running and weapons sales, and the secret worldwide camps that train professional assassins.

These interviews with Pastor Rick Strawcutter of Adrian, Michigan were conducted in 1998, before September 11th
and the installation of U.S. President George W. Bush.
Kay Griggs' report of world events and the power elite paints a picture that begins to explain the hows and whys of our current global scenario.
"They took with them the most perverted aspects of Nazi Germany and brought them
over to the United States."

"They get rid of the good guys. The Marine Corps are the assassins for the Mob. The military is run by the Mob. The military IS the Mob."

"He told me what they did. They nurture--they cultivate--the sons of prominent families. They're called "rising stars." They rope them in. Then they "turn" them."
That old qliché that politicians like to get whipped by dominatrix's is noting compared to this.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
and homos
Actualy in ancient Greece among the free men it was considered a good thing... Seems like the military and civilian elite of the US has taken that old Spartan seed that ~you fight best for the ones you love, so they are all godless sodomites now...