
like butta


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
i need a lil advice from the experts. i'm working on my dirt jump ability, but still just tend to dead-sailor over everything. i stiffen up in the air, and come down hard. how do i loosen up and build my style? :evil:


May 18, 2004
somewhere near the apex
work on your air presence in general. jump diving boards, trampolines, into water sand whatever and try to style, bike or no bike this helps your mind think about moving in 3d space.

try to stay low and over accentuate pumping back sides. even if your rigid in the air, this will start to give you pump and natural smoothness wich should hopefully help.

most importantly RELAX. go to the jumps when your in a good mood, and are joking around with your buddies or whatever. don't put any pressure on yourself to jump anything big, and concentrate on improving what your comfortable with.


Turbo Monkey
I used to have major issues like yours - it nearly consumed me to the point of throwing in the towel. I was so worried about what could go wrong that I wasn't paying attention to the task at hand and would nearly case every time.
Once I was able to block out the negativity in my attic, it became obvious to me that I was not letting the bike do what it does naturally. Instead of flowing with the bike, I was opposing it.
It almost sounds like you may be weighted too far back on your bike, as that's when I tend to dead-sailor on jumps. Find the center of balance as far as the front-to-back of the bike goes and that may help.
Also, pay attention to the bike - when it feels like it's 'exploding' from the lip, try to go with it - do not resist it.
Seemed to work for me - hope it does for you.:cool:

Sure hope that didn't confuse you as much as it did me:p
Search this forum, there are quite a few detailed answers.. I am just on lunch, heading back to work so I dont' have time to explain it out again right now, but I have done so in the past so you should be able to find a few helpful hints.


Mar 11, 2002
Correct speed depends alot on who you are and how you jump. Some people go low and fast, i had a tendency to go really slow and put up more height to clear stuff.