
Lil' Manimal Episode IV teaser vid...


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
x-post from lounge.

Just thought i'd throw together a quick teaser for the vid i'm working on. it covers him from 6 years old through his recent birthday stuff.

youtube version is really crappy resolution, the freeridesouth version is a little higher quality.




(if for some reason the FRS link doesn't work, just go to freeridesouth.com, click the video link and look for file # frsvid1141)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Noah ROCKS!!!!
Hopefully my twin boys (1year old) will take to riding as Noah has. Got any tips?
replace the barney vids with bike vids :D i had to dub my own soundtrack on several of the ones he grew up with because of the language in the music...but other than that.... :thumb:

i specifically remember him, at about 2 or 3 years old, asking me to put in the "monster movie". he was referring to kranked 4 (i think) because it had the flaming skeleton dude and the part where brett tippie was eaten by the monster in the hallway. i wish i could find that vid again.
i think that when a young kid watches video studs hucking off of a 40' cliff, crashing and then getting back up, it really does something for their perception. most kids think of falling over in the driveway as a horrible crash because they've never been shown what a REALLY bad crash is. that's my take on it anyway.
oh yeah, and leave lots of time for fishing and other sports. i'm trying really hard not to make riding the ONLY option for father/son time. we pretty much took the whole winter off from any major riding events so i think he's fresh into it again.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 19, 2004
Rangers Lead the Way
replace the barney vids with bike vids :D i had to dub my own soundtrack on several of the ones he grew up with because of the language in the music...but other than that.... :thumb:

i specifically remember him, at about 2 or 3 years old, asking me to put in the "monster movie". he was referring to kranked 4 (i think) because it had the flaming skeleton dude and the part where brett tippie was eaten by the monster in the hallway. i wish i could find that vid again.
i think that when a young kid watches video studs hucking off of a 40' cliff, crashing and then getting back up, it really does something for their perception. most kids think of falling over in the driveway as a horrible crash because they've never been shown what a REALLY bad crash is. that's my take on it anyway.
oh yeah, and leave lots of time for fishing and other sports. i'm trying really hard not to make riding the ONLY option for father/son time. we pretty much took the whole winter off from any major riding events so i think he's fresh into it again.
It's funny that you mentioned the videos, when the boys were about 9 or 10 months old they were being fussy and whatnot, didn't want to play with anything, just generally nothing were making them happy. Well I said to myself and my wife that I need a break from all the fussing, I went into the living room and threw in Earthed 4 to unwind. Eli "escaped" from the bedroom and was crying and fussing making his way to the living room, he stopped in front of the TV and stopped fussing and sat down (well plopped down as babies do) and watched the action, then Cooper came in and I be damned if he didn't do the exact same thing. They sat there for at least 5 minutes watching it, then they got bored and started to look for something else to do. But at least they weren't fussing.

My wife came in there and looked at her and said that I think I'm going to cry, look at them, their going to be bikers. Of course she said that I was an idiot, but was impressed that it captured their attention for as long as it did.

Didn't really think about the crashing aspect about it, good advice! And their will always be fishing and other activites to keep them from getting burned out. One thing I promised myself was to guide them into a "cool" sport(s), but not to suffocate them with any one sport until they found that "passion" of what they wanted to do.

Great advice Manimal, thanks!I'm sure that I'll be hitting you up in a couple years for more advice!
