
'Lil Manimal tearing it up again!


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
he's done this stair drop before, but he wanted me to use the bigger ramp this time. totally his idea......he just looked at it and said, "daddy....will you put my big ramp up there, i think i want to go cuhrazzzy today". it was so cool :thumb:

he made it 2 out of 4 tries, he didn't pull up hard enough on his first try and nosed in really hard but it didn't seem to phase him. 2nd and 3rd went well once he figured out that he had to pull up harder because he was landing flat. 4th time he tried to tweak a little and landed with the wheel still turned, threw him OTB....but he got up and wanted to try again, but i had to get ready for work. anyhoo, most of you have seen him do this drop before but i thought it looked awesome from the different angle and off of the taller ramp.

the money shot

ruh roh

trying to bail


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Hey...where's his new ride?

Does he like the Ryan Leech feel of his 12" wheels for urban, and the 20" for straight-up MTX? :)

You're doing a good thing, B. You should take him out to Tar River some time. There's a couple of nine year-olds out there that are starting to rip it up. He would have a blast!

Great pic. I have the older one of him from the opposite side as my wallpaper for quite some time. My g/f was like "Is that you as a kid?" :)

"No, honey.....I was lucky to have just figured out legos by his age." :eviltongu :blah: :blah:

Keep 'em coming....


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Greyhound said:
Hey...where's his new ride?

Does he like the Ryan Leech feel of his 12" wheels for urban, and the 20" for straight-up MTX? :)

You're doing a good thing, B. You should take him out to Tar River some time. There's a couple of nine year-olds out there that are starting to rip it up. He would have a blast!

Great pic. I have the older one of him from the opposite side as my wallpaper for quite some time. My g/f was like "Is that you as a kid?" :)

"No, honey.....I was lucky to have just figured out legos by his age." :eviltongu :blah: :blah:

Keep 'em coming....
i think he's decided that he likes the little bike better for jumps/stunts and the new bike for just going faster. he tried a few drops on the new one and it's just so much bigger and heavier that he can't keep the front end up.

we need to get back out to tar soon, i'm looking forward to hitting the monster jump again, except this time, on the big hit. hitting that thing on one of it's highest leves on a hard tail just hurts!


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
oh yeah, almost forgot. his first teeter. well, actually, i had a shorter teeter at the end of the long skinny that he cleaned but i didn't have the camera out. this is still cool nonetheless.
here's a link to the extended version of a small vid of him riding skinnies....with added teeter footage. it's less than 1MB so enjoy! just copy/paste the link, i couldn't get the hyperlink function to work for some reason. http://freeridesouth.com/video/showVideo.php?id=563&filename=frsvid563.wmv



Mar 4, 2004
Hmm.. You know that the giant acid is available in 20" now right? ;)

A jockstrap, fullface helmet and some proper wheels and the wee dude should be all set..

I have a feeling i'll be seing him on this site alot more as he grows :D



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
priceseliger14 said:
do u have a vid of that one stait drop
there's a vid floating around of him doing the stair drop off of the slightly smaller ramp but i just put my camera on burst for that particular pic. think i'm getting a bigger memory card for my camera for christmas so i'll have more vids to post. it's too cumbersome to whip out the dig camcorder when i can take pretty high quality vids on the still camera.