
Liquid Creatine


Mar 11, 2002
Warrenton VA
Read the thread below on creatine. I used the powder for about 3 months a year ago while teaching spinning. It really did work to add muscle, and I believe that I recovered faster. But....The on and off loading phase bothered me. I did notice that I got about 3-5lbs of extra water retension weight when using the powder. Some articles I read said that a lot of the powder is wasted because it doesn't absorb well.

So after reading VeloNews, I saw an ad for Runners Advantage liquid creatine. They claim that it's all absorbed, and you don't have to cycle on/off. Bought it at GNC, $49.00, OUCH!! You take 5 1ml eye droppers full 10 minutes prior to a ride.

I'll keep you all updated on wether it's worth a damn or not. So far I notice that my recovery is faster, and some definition is coming on quicker than expected. I've been almost overtraining for several weeks, and am getting endurance, and muscle mass, but not the defintion or quick recovery.

Also, I've been hitting the METRX after workout protein recover bars after a ride. The only negative is that you get some great gas, and they have amino acids which tend to keep me awake at night. Any suggestions on post ride recover bars/drinks?


May 6, 2002
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Also, I've been hitting the METRX after workout protein recover bars after a ride. The only negative is that you get some great gas, and they have amino acids which tend to keep me awake at night. Any suggestions on post ride recover bars/drinks?
Lay off the cabbage and you should be just fine. As far as recovery bars go, I get "Balance" bars from Sam's club; they're a 40-30-30 mix with 15g of protein. The name of the flavor is what kills me: "Caramel Nut Blast" :D Sounds more like an event at a swing club...

Let me know how you're creatine study goes - I always thought creatine was for high strength, short duration muscular efforts - which might describe your rides :p but not mine.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Maybe that's why I haven't been sleeping worht a damn lately.... I thought I wqs just stressed out.

But I'm approaching two months "on the juice". I'm kinda disappointed. I think a great deal of it is my own fault though cuz I didn't eat enough. But I'm not convinced that the creatine did anything for me. I mean I'm a little bigger, but I'm not sure that it's not jsut from going to the gym.

But the stuff i took was liquid. One tablespoon a day. Tasted fricking horrible.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
I was going to buy some liquid creatine but did my research and found some scientific tests showing that it was terrible stuff! In the samples they tested the creatine had (despite the claims) degraded into whatever is it imakes (creatinine?) which is poisonous!

I expect any positive effect you're feeling is just placebo effect, and that you're training harder because of it.

Just doing a search......:


I've not read that through but I think it says what I read in another article.

nite rider

Feb 20, 2002
Medford, MA
Originally posted by Acadian

Dunno, but I can get some Nitro-Tech bars for cheaper at my local GNC than at vitaglo.com
You can get Nitro Tech bars and everything else you want for wholesale at www.totalsportnutrition.com. If you want to save an additional 5% off their price, just mention MTBMIND.com while ordering. They will beat any price on the net.

I got them to carry Cytomax and the rest of the Cytosport product line at wholesale also! Pretty sweet deal. Check them out.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
NitroTech and MetRx bars are good, but you probably want something higher in carbs after a ride or workout. You need to replace depleted carbohydrate stores. A lot of protein bars are low in carbs, so check the wrapper to make sure you get some carbs into your body after a workout. I usually have a protein shake spiked with dextrose after a workout, and I have high carbohydrate meals after rides.

BTW, I order all my supplements though dpsnutrition.com. They have the lowest prices I have seen anywhere, period. Also, shipping is lightning fast. I get my stuff no later than two days after I order it for just $5.


Feb 20, 2002
Lodi, CA
Liquid creatine does not retain water!!! Reqiures no cycle phase!!! Pre absorbed!!! In other words it doesn't work!!!

Studies show that a solution of creatine that claims to have 5 grams per whatever dose can actually have less then 18% of said solution!!!

Someone already stated that when Creatine hits water it will begin to degrade into a less useable form called Creatinine which is a waste product of Creatine (Isn't Harmfull) which will be expelled from the body.

If you want to take creatine I suggest taking it from a powder form which is micronized to create more surface area for absorption... Ohh ya Liquid Creatine will send you to the poor house if you keep taking it...

Just ma $0.02!