
listen up dhers

Mr Big

Jan 23, 2004
The Betty Ford Clinic
ok here’s the deal. Comfort is looking really good. It is really fast has some burms and a 36ft long jump (almost done) over the xc trail. We have 4 more jumps to build. The only problem is time. If we run out of time the course may change. I need two things from All of you.

1. Work days we will be out sat 3/26, (I understand this is a bad day do to twin parks race) 4/2, and 4/3. I would like the course done by this date so that it can be ridden in by the 4/16 comfort race.

2. Ride it. Even though the course is not complete does not mean that you cannot ride it. It needs badly to be ridden in. (please don’t hit the stunts that are incomplete). The course is marked the whole way down in purple. I MUST SAY DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THE COURSE OR YOU MAY BE BANNED FROM THE RANCH. If you see things that may need to be changed just let me know.
Mar 1, 2005
Are all the courses being changed,and what about the jumps are they to flat bottom. That is comforts major problem the jumps sux and no damm flow. Put some pics


Sep 23, 2003
Frisco, TX
azonicist said:
the course is completly new. pics should be up next week
got any pics yet? do you know if there is gonna be anyone out there pre-riding on friday? I would like to drive down from Dallas on Friday morning to get some runs in, but cant shuttle myself.


Mr Big

Jan 23, 2004
The Betty Ford Clinic
i am having a hard time keeping my mouth shut.

i just want to say that

1. i helped built 2 courses out in comfort since jan
2. the race will only use the beginner line that me and greg built that was beefed up
3. too many people think they know what is right and dont
4. i have been verbally attacked over this
5. i had no say in where stunts and obsticals were placed
6. dh/fr/dirt jumpers are to few to be asses to each other. who cares what town or bike shop you ride from, we all ride
7. i dont know everything
8. i got blamed last year for the course, but not this year
9. i will be out helping on friday mark a course i dont think is a good dh, but just like the pro's i will race it
10. i hope this does not happen again next year
11. if i am attacked verbally again on an unnamed web site, i will shove the trophy i win up................
12. come out to the race


Apr 14, 2005
Houston, TX
Nice work!:) Did you guys get all the jumps finished? I have'nt been out there for a couple of years. Is the creek jump still to flat? I'll be heading out there from Houston early Fri. morn. See you guys out there, and thanks again for your efforts.
Mar 1, 2005
I was way surprised with the course in comfort, there has been some bitchen but its way rad.There not much you can create in comfort given its not a mountain.But this course rocks way better than last year. The best part it has nothing to do with last years course its all new.It will be a blood bath this year for people who cant jump and on hard tails, but its way rad.