
Little help please: Roco R


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
I have a Roco R with the piggy back chamber (EDIT: it is a 2007 i think...). It is making a clunk at the very beginning of the compression stroke. Searching the intarwebs has revealed that this can be one of two problems: 1) too little pressure in the chamber and 2) the shock needs a bleed.

I checked the pressure today and it was fine. I researched bleeding the the thing and every picture and description that I have found talks about a bleed screw that should be on the manifold/arm/connector between the main body and the piggy back. My shock does not have this. :confused:

Be that as it may, could someone please explain to me how to bleed this thing?

I feel like a complete dunce for needing to ask this, but I can't really think of any way to bleed this thing properly short of submerging the entire shock in a bucket of shock oil...