
Little Monkeys



I don't think that kids are going to be in the picture for me, I just don't think I have the patience for them, but I sure do love my niece! I just wish she live next door instead of Chicago! She is 3 months in these pictures.

And her in August at 1 yr old



The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Yes, everybody says "Oh MY GOD, she looks just like her dad" Its actually kind of scary how much she looks like me.
That's funny, we look at our son, and say who the hell is this kid? He looks nothing like either of us. The closest family resemblence anybody can come up with is my wife's Dad and even that is a stretch.


took the red pill
yep and mom did not gain 1 lb during pregnancy. Got diabetes and the guesser put her on a strikkkt diet. So she was losing weight on the body while she was pregnant. She weighs less than the pregnancy and according to Hollywood when you are thinner you are a better person, so a win win for all :thumb:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
yep and mom did not gain 1 lb during pregnancy. Got diabetes and the guesser put her on a strikkkt diet. So she was losing weight on the body while she was pregnant. She weighs less than the pregnancy and according to Hollywood when you are thinner you are a better person, so a win win for all :thumb:
Ha, you said "Guesser".


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Syd rockin the crazy hair! I love it!

We just bought Evelyn one of those blow-up bed/sleeping bags, but it's a princess one. I'm sure she would have been just as happy with a care bear one.
I totally thought of your daughter when I saw that pic. Syd loves her blow-up bed/sleeping bag and it's a whole lot easier to cart around than her pack-n-play so we love it too!!!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Just got done doing some family pics at our local Sears store.

Here's one of me and my daughter.