
Little Waimea repair event Cancelled

The joint trail maintenance event, scheduled by the MultiUse Trails
and the San Diego Mountain Bike Association for January
22nd is "Off". This event would have been to repair a developing rain rut, and install "drains" throughout a singletrack trail in Los Penasquitos, known as Little Waimea.

The damage throughout the Preserve(s)
is so extensive that Ranger Brown has indicated we won't have the
ability to get rock material imported or other support for the
maintenance event, even if it's sunny, SO THE EVENT IS POSTPONED,
INDEFINITELY. I'm sure the ruts in Little Waimea are now much, much
worse than they were after the November rains, but there's a lot of damage throughout the Preserve ...more than the Ranger Staff have been able to assess.

The Los Pen Preserve will remain closed throughout this coming
, regardless of sun and wind, due to washouts they are aware
of, deep mud that prevents emergency vehicle access and the concern
about unknown hazards and washouts. Even if trailheads look dry, be assured that the trails will not be: the water table is only slightly below (or above) the trail elevations in major parts of the canyon. In 1998, flooding like this kept the Preserve closed for months. We'll work to minimize our downtime, this year.

Once the Preserve opens up, members of the MTC Trail Team will
volunteer time to assess conditions and identify hazards throughout
the Preserve. Once Ranger Brown has a good assessment of issues,
we'll identify priorities for repair and maintenance.

I normally end with "See you on the Trail", but not this time...