
Lizard Habitat and Aquarium stand I made...


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Thought some of you guys might find this interesting. Keeping reptiles is a hobby of mine, and I thought Id post some pics of the setup I made for Giblet, the Saharan Uromastyx.

Here you can see the stand I made. Nothing fancy, simple 2x4's mostly, but its reinforced alot because tanks full of sand and bricks get pretty heavy. Coffee tables wont really cut it.

Here is a little better view of the habitat. Mostly just sand and bricks and some nice places to hide. You have to have a wide temp range for these lizards, so a larger tank is necessary.

And here is the star of the show, Giblet. She's looking nice and healthy these days. That's good. They are hard to keep. Need alot of attention and a much varied diet. She eats better than I do.

Here you get a good example of the heat required. This is a 100w light. They require a basking temp of 120F , so the light has to be practically right on them.

Hope you liked them.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
The only bite I have ever needed stitches from was a lizard. Six stitches thanks to a techs Iguana.

The Bulldog that bit me on the back of my arm just left a nice bruise for about three weeks.