
Local News


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I should preface this by saying that I normally don't watch the news because it makes me mad and I end up yelling at the TV...

Here in Los Angeles it seems that 70% of the local news is about frikkin celebrities. What they're doing, wearing, ****ing, etc. It is sickening. It's not even news anymore. And if I have to see paris Hiltons ugly mug one more time I am going to throw my mace through the TV! Damn that bitch is skanky!

So my question to all you non-californians is what is your local news like? Does your local news waste time on celebrities like they do here in LA?

P.S. Thanks for letting me vent.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Celebrities, pet of the week and live spots at the new Starbucks by the wacky token black "weatherman" here in Phoenix...

Low Cal News.

That's friggin hot though:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
I actually stopped watching So Cal news because it was all about death. While I understand that violent crime is a huge problem (and growing, according to recent report), my time is too valuable to waste on such depressing s****e.

E! however, is a different story. That channel's news is tabloid crap, give me Dr. 90210 and Girls Next Door and let's leave it at that.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Celebrities, pet of the week and live spots at the new Starbucks by the wacky token black "weatherman" here in Phoenix...

Low Cal News.

That's friggin hot though:
While it probably doesn't need to be said, you have bad taste in women. She looks like a drag queen. Or maybe you like drag queens? :think:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I watch the Baltimore news. 15 minutes about gang murders and cop shootings and then the weather report, which is invariably wrong. and then I always turn if off when they start talking about who the Ravens are playing.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
I watch the news for 10 mins in the morning to see the local happenings while I drink my coffee. I avoid TV news otherwise because it's retarded. "See how department store samples COULD contain bacteria, tonite at 6"


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I don't watch local news. But I will report it.

Saw this on the way home for lunch. Some jerk rolled his bulldozer at the local slash/burn/flatten housing developement construction. How come growth anymore means making things look like the midwest??



ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
"Will the largest storm in 40 years hit today? More tonight at 11. See you then."

This was almost a direct quote from the 6 o'clock news here in Seattle 20 minutes before 75 mph winds knocked out power to 1.5 million people.

Buncha worthless retards.

I always watch the news when a hurricane is coming. Not really for the coverage, but because the same funny thing always happens: The live reporter reports from the beach where the hurricane is going to hit. He's got a slicker on and the rain is going sideways because of the 60 mph winds. Giant waves are tearing the beach to bits. And there is always, always some tourist in shorts walking on the beach behind him.