
local park shredd info

are there any parkdogs who would be interested in sessioning this week? and in the near future?

915 - on E. Lee would be easiest and the pictures are pretty ill: http://www.skateboardpark.com/skateboardpark/viewpark.asp?ID=867
the hours are 4pm-10pm mon-fri except wed. when they open at 5pm.
it's $10 for a 5hr session, a little hefty but worth it for convenience and quality, maybe country park beforehand?

Creation Park - In kernersville looks nice; http://www.creationskatepark.com/sessiondetails.htm
it is open mon-thurs: 3pm-8pm and fri. 3-10pm Thurs, there's something about a bible study so f-that, seriously though, who skates for jesus?
it's $8 for non-members each session

like 915, creations didn't specify any certain bike hours so i'm guessing that skates, boards and bikes all shred at once.

Fourth of july park - in kernersville doesn't really have any pictures up online that i could find *sketchy*
but it's free tues/thurs for bikes 2-5pm it costs $10 on sat/sun and is only open for bikes 10am-12pm

i'm open to suggestions if there's a good bit of interest but right now i'm planning on heading over to 915 on thurs right at 4 when they open.

also i forgot to add i have a couple friends that have been real interested in documenting the local riding scene and will be there to take action shots of anyone in the g-borro crew, and i'll be sure to post them on here


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus

excellent riding environment. good music pumping loud the entire time. decen't setup for bikes...as good as can be expected for a privately owned indoor skate park

4th of july park:
small but a good "first timers" park. not many pros showing off or attitudes. you might want to call the park and double check the bike times 'cause they tend to change w/out notice.

small vid showing more of the layout.

hope this helps. let me know when/if you're going and i'll try to make it. noah loves the skateparks and i live close by.
those are excellent pictures. i'd like to visit that 4th of july park sometime soon, because i Really liked the look of that hipped half pipe. how is next tue for you? that's the only day this semester i don't have a class from 2-3 which alots plenty of "shreddidge" time and then it'd be free also.

in terms of this week i'm going to hit up 915 on thurs. as soon as they open at 4pm. also tom patterson, a local 20-incher and fixed gear junkie here at uncg might be heading out there with me. my mountain biking nada-girlfriend kris will be there to photo shoot (and if i am able to convince her, she'll shred with us aswell) along with my other photographing friend jessie labell will most likely be attending.