
Local Time Trials


Oct 30, 2003
In the very near future, you will have yet another chance to compete in Pedal Shop time trial events, what we here at Pedal Shop like to call W.U.T.T (Wednesday Underground Time Trials), pronouced "what".

DETAILS: time, locations, distance, etc.

The races will be held at night and usually on Wednesdays so, get your lights charged up and ready to go. The 1st rider will shove off at 7:00pm.
NOTE: weather pending, we might instead hold the races on Monday nights or during the AM-weekend-hours. Either way, we'll be sure to keep you posted as best we can (via email).

Keeping it underground, all we're saying right now is: In Ashburn or possibly at a Leesburg or Aldie site. We have loactions in mind but they will not be posted to this site at any time. You will be informed via email.

Depends on location but no single event will take even the slowest rider more than a half hour.

by law, none

MTB, 1X1, Cyclo, unicycle or just make something up: e.g. Tonight I will be riding my fix'd gear with a flat front tire.
You will be informed of the classification options for each event. Since these events are not sanctioned by IMBA, NORBA and any other race organizations, there will not be any classes like; sport, expert, veteran, Yeti, etc. Basically, there's no chance of any sand baggin at all, you're really racing against yourself.

PRIZES:Yes, and sure, maybe a small bag of bragging rights will be handed out but you can also just be happy with the fact that maybe you did better than you did the week before.

PRB's: yes, most likely.

Email us and tell us why you are worthy (best reason/s will be posted to the web site). Send your request to: Pedalshop@aol.com

1. By law, you must use your own lights , follow the stars or follow the moon because we will not guild your way or loan you a lighting system.
2 Besides lights, you may borrow bikes or any bicycle products from your fellow rider but you must do so before you go out for your lap/s. If anything happens during your lap/s that you can't fix on the spot, that's it, you're out: take the DNF .
3. No harassing slower riders that you might pass and slower riders, give the faster rider the lane but, don't knock yourself off the course to get out of the way.
3. STAY ON THE COURSE... "cutters", aka cheaters will be executed on the spot.
4. Keep your two cents at home.
5. Understand that we're doing all this for you so you can have fun, and that's it.

So when your better half asks you: " What are doing tonight?" you can give two possible replies: "Yes I am" or "Wutt".