
London Dirt Jumping>>>>


Mar 26, 2003
"i know it sounds odd, but bigger is usually easier if you can just get past the mental part."

nah that is very true...it's much safer than jump a 3 foot high double than a 1.5 foot high double. you are more likely to hang up on a small double cause you need precision and to have confidence to ride the jump small enough to land in the backside of the landing.

a good method is to build a 3 foot high double in dirt, steeper transitioned take off and flatter, wider landing ramp.

make the double a little longer than the wheelbase of your bike. if you have people riding 26" and 24" cut it to suit the 26" otherwise the MTB riders will not enjoy their experience! the 24" rider can just go higher to make the longer gap.

fill the middle of the dirt jumps with wooden pallets or logs, then a layer of 2 foot of dirt on top so that its flush with the take off and landing ramp tops.

there you have a tabletop, learn to land it right every time...make sure your buddies can do the same. try slowing down, the hardest part can be learning to trust the lift and throw of the double jump even at low speeds. many people tank at it and hope to make it only to land wheelie down the ramp or land flat!

when confident, pull out the dirt and wood and there you have your double jump that you have already got confidence jumping.

the first run might be a physche-out but ignore the sheer face of the second jump, just do your jump as you already done 100 times on the tabletop..no problemo!

if you are scared stuff an old mattress in the gap, or build your landing ramp so that the backside of the ramp is flatter and wider, rather then the trail example of cutting the inside faces of the take-off and landing ramps to be sheer vertical faces..it saves dirt but hurts like hell (broken frames/forks/bodies).

some people leave about 3-4 foot of dirt tabletop attached to the front of the landing ramp, so that if you come up short you can bail to the flat instead of smacking into the lip!

have a look at these, they may be small but have a wicked kick that has thrown many suckas into the mud!



I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by roel_koel
and this is what small doubles do to your bike if they catch you off-guard.............Jim's wheel R.I.P.
I did that last Sunday.:mad:

Hey you Englanders,

I'll be in and around the Lake District near the end of the month. Anyone know where I can rent a bike and where I should ride? I hear there is excellent riding in the area.