
Long Weekend= Lots of Riding Pics


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
The forecast for the weekend called for rain, so as soon as the sun peeked out from behind the clouds we headed out for some riding.

Speaking of sun

While it looks like I'm about to go over the handlebars, my superior bike handling skills saved me ;)

Why Orven is not allowed to play photographer

A little too much brake coming into the rocks forces me to display those bike handling skills again :p

Lovebunny claimed he is finally going to podium at the local race coming up this weekend...here he is practicing for the hike up


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Lovebunny, why is it you have not made it to the podium yet?

Some random grom

New Team Jersey

Orvs showing everyone how it is really done

In the hunt for a podium finish at the next Fontana race, lovebunny tries to run away from Orven



Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Looks like lovebunny's got the lead :D

This was a lot steeper than it looks

mmmm.....technical rock sections :drool:

The sun made an apperance again....

I think we are going to have to teach Orvs how to do something other than berms ;)

After playing in the sun we headed up to Beyond Bikes for the Earthed 3 premeire...and of course lovebunny had to try and duplicate all the trials manuevers he had just watched :p


Mar 14, 2005
ha!! your looking good heather!! nice shots!!! superior bike handling skills huh???:rofl:
I like the new jerseys!!!!!


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
On Sunday I decided to stay home and take a much needed rest day. I sent the boys out to play and Orven played cameraman.....

8:30 AM, mexico standard time.
OZ: "Hello?"
TJ: "Hey, it's TJ."
OZ: "What's up brah?"
TJ: "Umm, it's like raining here. Like, it's really pouring."
OZ: "And?"
TJ: "Just so you know. Do you still wanna ride?"


The most technical part of the ride, the drive.

Finally arriving at their destination somewhere in Vermont.

Lovebunny headed out into the fresh snow and made his own trail

Hands were frost bitten, they were shaking. Or could it be CJ was just scary fast? He wants a podium finish at the next Fontana race!!

Nice to get in the lower elevation and finally feel the circulation back in the frozen extremities.

Lovebunny rode like crazy and taunted Orven at every chance

"Oh, hey, I was like uhm looking for my carkeys."-Lovebunny

Lecturing Orven on why one should not overtighten brakes on handlebars. For the record, Lovebunny promised a win at the next Fontana race.

Lovebunny heckled and pestered Orven to drive and meet NCRIDER out in Lake Elsinore, the better 909.

The end of a good day


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Orven and I had the day off on Monday, so of course we had to go out and play....

Crystal clear blue skys

We could see the ocean beyond the hills, but it doesn't really come out in the photos

Hiking is fun! :)

Orvs showing me the best line through the rocks


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
I got tired of being behind the camera and wanted to get some riding in, so Orvs took over photo duties

Look ma, no brakes

Why roll over rocks when you can huck them?

Look at that attack position :p

I think I was laughing the whole way down the chute

I'm finally getting the hang of this cornering thing :think:

Note to the guys: If you are finishing a trail ride with your significant other and you see a cute little bunny that looks like it has been dumped off by the side of the road and it is quite obvious your significant other has not noticed it yet....don't point the bunny out or....

You'll have a new addition to the family :D


Sep 12, 2005
Thats awesome guys. Great pics! Totally different than the riding over here in the northeast.

Lovebunny- good luck on that podium!


Artisanal Tweet Curator
1. You're laughing because your tire is pointed squarely at the photograhper's crotch.

2. I'm still mad at you for NOT adopting the minibun you guys found in mammoth last year.

3. Please please please let me buy one of those "jerseys" from you.

4. Bitchin pics. Vermont looks fun.


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
kidwoo said:
1. You're laughing because your tire is pointed squarely at the photograhper's crotch.

2. I'm still mad at you for NOT adopting the minibun you guys found in mammoth last year.

3. Please please please let me buy one of those "jerseys" from you.

4. Bitchin pics. Vermont looks fun.
1. I think you might be right
2. I'm still mad at me for not taking home the baby rabbit last year, but happy I saved this one
3. I'll see what I can do about the "jersey", PM me size information
4. After seeing the pics they took on Sunday, I almost wished I had joined them


Feb 11, 2006
it's not that cold where i am, i just can't wait for daylight savings so i can get longer rides in after work and not just on the weekends if it's not raining.
stupid daylight savings crap.


nice pics


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
it's not that cold where i am, i just can't wait for daylight savings so i can get longer rides in after work and not just on the weekends if it's not raining.
stupid daylight savings crap.
I can't wait for longer daylight hours either. The trail we rode on Saturday is about a mile from my work and I can never seem to get out of here before dark lately :nopity:


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
lovebunny said:
yeah. I cannut really garantee a win this weekend but I can reassure you that I'll finish first place in my class
Orven is buying you a bottle of Martenelli (Apple Cider) since you're still not of drinking age, so you can burst the pop top soon as you get on the podium.