
Look what was in my backyard

Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
Not that unusual anymore. Some major cities have actually introduced peregrine falcons to help keep the pigeon population in check. We have a red-tail hawk that hangs around the back of our building and I think it nests on the roof of one of the adjacent buildings. And this is within sight of the Boston skyline!

The Cheese

dh girlie

SuzyCreamcheese said:
Not that unusual anymore. Some major cities have actually introduced peregrine falcons to help keep the pigeon population in check. We have a red-tail hawk that hangs around the back of our building and I think it nests on the roof of one of the adjacent buildings. And this is within sight of the Boston skyline!

The Cheese
Eh...I've never seen one chillin in my hood and when I went out to look at it I saw that he had that dead bird in his hands. Do you know what kinda hawk that is by chance?


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Last year I was out getting something out of the car when I heard all this co-motion. Hawk had tried to take a bird right out of the front yard about twenty feet from where I was standing.


Wumpus said:
Last year I was out getting something out of the car when I heard all this co-motion. Hawk had tried to take a bird right out of the front yard about twenty feet from where I was standing.
Around here, the black birds give the hawks hell. The coolest thing ever was watching a hawk nab a rabbit while I was baling hay. I nearly hit him with a front wheel and he still got the rabbit. It was cool when you would start plowing, the hawks would show up for a feast of mice.

dh girlie

loco said:
Around here, the black birds give the hawks hell. The coolest thing ever was watching a hawk nab a rabbit while I was baling hay. I nearly hit him with a front wheel and he still got the rabbit. It was cool when you would start plowing, the hawks would show up for a feast of mice.
Jeez you really ARE a hick...bailin hay, plowing, mixin dwight yokum CD's....


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
when i was in florida last week, otis and i headed to the swamp to take a walk (corkscrew nature preserve).

we saw this friendly critter:



narlus said:
when i was in florida last week, otis and i headed to the swamp to take a walk (corkscrew nature preserve).

we saw this friendly critter:

That was scare the holy bejeezus out of me.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
narlus said:
when i was in florida last week, otis and i headed to the swamp to take a walk (corkscrew nature preserve).

we saw this friendly critter:

That's a small one, they get MUCH bigger. While in college when it would get cool, the big ones would wander from sunning themselves on the lake shore onto the warm asphalt of the STREET! There is nothing like a 10-12' Gator to stop traffic, but then again they are our mascot :D


They are as creepy as snakes to me. I may have something against all reptiles.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
yeah, that was a small one. but he was so peaceful.

we also saw a female that apparently had babies, but we didn't have binoculars. saw some neat birds too, including a yellow-crowned night heron.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Good God. I thought it was going to be some passed out stripper dude wearing only a few strips of duct tape.....

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
narlus said:
when i was in florida last week, otis and i headed to the swamp to take a walk (corkscrew nature preserve).

we saw this friendly critter:

They're pets where I come from ;) :D :thumb:


dh girlie said:
This one at Gatorland was incarcerated there because he ate people dogs...
Isn't that more of a crime against humanity??? What if he had just eaten regular dogs???


dh girlie said:
I think its not funny at all that he ate dogs...I'd rather see him eat humans....not just ANY human...but some I know of...
Yeh - like "people dogs". I would hate to have my dog eaten. Did you read about Casey's teefusses???


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
SuzyCreamcheese said:
Not that unusual anymore. Some major cities have actually introduced peregrine falcons to help keep the pigeon population in check. We have a red-tail hawk that hangs around the back of our building and I think it nests on the roof of one of the adjacent buildings. And this is within sight of the Boston skyline!

The Cheese
We've got a pair of nesting hawks that hang out on campus here in the middle of the city. Last year one of them killed and ate a pidgeon right outside our office window. It was gross. Pretty impressive power.

Sorry for re-railing the thread, if such a thing is possible.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
SuzyCreamcheese said:
Not that unusual anymore. Some major cities have actually introduced peregrine falcons to help keep the pigeon population in check. We have a red-tail hawk that hangs around the back of our building and I think it nests on the roof of one of the adjacent buildings. And this is within sight of the Boston skyline!

The Cheese
I thought the Falcons just ended up there because the habitat worked for them? There was "problem" in Stockton a few years ago with a Peregrine dropping pigeon carcasses on peoples heads from 10 or 20 stories up. The Falcon had nested in the BofA sign atop the highrise and after grubbing he'd discard the scraps to the pavement below, in this case the busy sidewalk.

Lisa, cool pic! I love birds of prey. I like how you can see his eye that's badass!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Forgot to mention a Raven swooped out of the sky and snatched my GF's pet cockateel right in her backyard, the cockateel exploded on impact and the raven flew away with what was left. My GF was crushed but damn if that ain't a good story none the less. sad but good...


What would have been funnier than the lady driving down the road with the lovebird crapping on her shoulder would have been a hawk flying through and nabbing it.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
We've got an owl that hangs out hooing all night in our yard, we named him Snoopy. We've also got red tail hawks, rattle snakes and mountain lions to round out the predator list. We've also got a few dozen different song birds (which my wife and daughter feed to keep them around) mice, jack rabbits and cottontails, squirrels, lizards, and the neighbor's dogs. I guess we live in what you could consider a rural area though.

dh girlie

Kornphlake said:
We've got an owl that hangs out hooing all night in our yard, we named him Snoopy. We've also got red tail hawks, rattle snakes and mountain lions to round out the predator list. We've also got a few dozen different song birds (which my wife and daughter feed to keep them around) mice, jack rabbits and cottontails, squirrels, lizards, and the neighbor's dogs. I guess we live in what you could consider a rural area though.

Wow, thats a regular ole menagerie you've got going on...I just see lots of squirrels, some birds and neighborhood cats...


dh girlie said:
Wow, thats a regular ole menagerie you've got going on...I just see lots of squirrels, some birds and neighborhood cats...
We get it. You have told us like 3 times just today. Sheesh


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i thought this was gonna be a pic of locos cd. we had 2 bear cubs in a tree in my back yard one time. they were just chillin for the day, then they left.