
Looking for a job...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
jdschall said:
Thanks n8. Here's one at Sandia I'm actually qualified for:

"The Microsystem Materials Department at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work in the area of thin film tribology and electrical contacts. Our current research is directed towards synthesizing robust tribological coatings, and understanding the mechanisms of friction, wear and electrical contact resistance in micro- and meseo-scale regimes. Our department is equipped with state-of-the-art experimental facilities to conduct nano and microtribological studies, contact resistance measurements, and surface characterization."
Sandia Labs makes some really neat cutting edge chit too...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Yep. I submitted a resume to them. I'm more of a theorist than an experimentalist so they might not be interested.

I checked Los Alamos again and they have another position in the group I interviewed with last year. I'm a little more qualified for this offering than the last one. Unfortunately it's another post doc and I really want to find a permanent position somewhere. The flip side is that post docs at Los Alamos pay almost half again as much as I'm making now with a lower cost of living so it might be worth it to move across the country for a couple of years.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
jdschall said:
Yep. I submitted a resume to them. I'm more of a theorist than an experimentalist so they might not be interested.

I checked Los Alamos again and they have another position in the group I interviewed with last year. I'm a little more qualified for this offering than the last one. Unfortunately it's another post doc and I really want to find a permanent position somewhere. The flip side is that post docs at Los Alamos pay almost half again as much as I'm making now with a lower cost of living so it might be worth it to move across the country for a couple of years.

Lots of excellent trails in the Los Alamos area:



The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
N8 said:
Lots of excellent trails in the Los Alamos area:
You don't have to tell me. I was absolutely blown away when I visited NM and all I did was hike around for 2 days. I can't even imagine riding there. I can still smell the pinons and junipers. :drool: :drool: :drool:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar

Bad News:
VT, Vandy, and Johns Hopkins all said thanks but no thanks.
I'm still on the list for U Pitt and Cornell, but I'm not hopeful.

Good News:
After several month's of waiting I finally got an interview from ORNL. I'd all but given up on this one. They want me to fly down for a visit in the next week or two. I just reread the job advert and I think I have a lot of studying to do to get prepared for the interview. Does anybody know what asychronous programing models are? Because I sure don't.

The job isn't exactly what I'm looking for although I think it would be really cool because the work would be really diverse. But the location is ideal.

In Other News:
I'll try not to get my hopes up on this one too much. Just in case I have a whole stack of resumes to send out to more schools later this afternoon.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
jdschall said:

Bad News:
VT, Vandy, and Johns Hopkins all said thanks but no thanks.
I'm still on the list for U Pitt and Cornell, but I'm not hopeful.

Good News:
After several month's of waiting I finally got an interview from ORNL. I'd all but given up on this one. They want me to fly down for a visit in the next week or two. I just reread the job advert and I think I have a lot of studying to do to get prepared for the interview. Does anybody know what asychronous programing models are? Because I sure don't.

The job isn't exactly what I'm looking for although I think it would be really cool because the work would be really diverse. But the location is ideal.

In Other News:
I'll try not to get my hopes up on this one too much. Just in case I have a whole stack of resumes to send out to more schools later this afternoon.

Did you not apply for anything in NM?


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
N8 - there were a couple of postdoctoral positions at Sandia and LANL. I decided not to apply for them. The kind of work I'm qualified to do at LANL pretty much would involve working on the nuclear weapons systems. Something I'm not quite ready to do from an ethical standpoint. I'm a little too much of a peacenic for that. Sandia's a little different but I'm really not looking for a postdoc and I didn't see any permanent jobs that I was interested in. I keep checking back though.

Baconboy - I keep checking the CSM. There's a position open for a metallugrical engineer - close but no cigar. They seem really into metals research. (I wonder why?) I'm more of a semiconductor / nanotech kind a guy.

Oh and I'm not fat. I just have a little ring around the middle that I'd like to be rid of. The curse of early middle age I guess.:oink:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
jdschall said:
N8 - there were a couple of postdoctoral positions at Sandia and LANL. I decided not to apply for them. The kind of work I'm qualified to do at LANL pretty much would involve working on the nuclear weapons systems. Something I'm not quite ready to do from an ethical standpoint. I'm a little too much of a peacenic for that. Sandia's a little different but I'm really not looking for a postdoc and I didn't see any permanent jobs that I was interested in. I keep checking back though.

A little nukie never hurt anyone...


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
what about Montana or South Dakota School of Mines?

not that it means anything, my hubby's CSM '84 and used to piss off his profs by wearing a rainbow propeller beanie on field trips...



The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
N8 said:
aside from the casualties I meant.

Of course. The ethical conflict is actually a lot tougher than people might first think. It's not at all black and white. Especially when you realize that other people are more than willing to fill the same position no matter what your own personal convictions may be. In the grand scheme of things your convictions don't mean crap, the work will get done anyway. And they make it very tempting for you. The money is real good.

Second concern is that there's all kinds of yahoos out there in the world that would love to figure out how to build nukes and take us all out for who knows what motive. If you don't do it maybe they just will?

Those reasons / temptations aside I still decided not to participate.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
jdschall said:
Whew! I just started looking for a faculty position somewhere for fall '06.
In my field if you want a faculty position at a reasonable place (read: research career, not a teaching career), you need funding or a record of funding. I know the med school I'm at now wouldn't have given me my appointment without my NIH grant.

Same deal in your field? if so, are you funded?


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Mackie said:
In my field if you want a faculty position at a reasonable place (read: research career, not a teaching career), you need funding or a record of funding. I know the med school I'm at now wouldn't have given me my appointment without my NIH grant.

Same deal in your field? if so, are you funded?

It probably can't hurt. I asked several people in my field if it was required to secure funding before applying for a faculty position and I was told that generally it wasn't necessary as most new faculty hires are given a starting package. I'm sure that having existing funding would put you higher on the list though.

I'm a postdoc now, funded by the Airforce but I'm not the PI on the grant. I'm not self-supported. As a grad student, I wrote several successful proposals for travel and summer research grants (all NSF funded). That's all in my CV but perhaps I should stress that record more in my cover letters.


Mar 1, 2005
jdschall said:
Just to give you all an idea, my degree is in Materials Science and Engineering. I just sent packages to Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, UNC-CH, U. of Pittsburg, and Virginia Tech. I'd be teaching undergrads and grads and starting my own research program.

If you sent a resume to U of Pittsburgh, also consider Carnegie
Mellon University. We have a pretty decent Materials Science Dept.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
N8 said:
How about my old alama mater, La Tech?


Their research looks pretty good actually. Location - not so much. I'd be much happier in the ass crack of pretty much anywhere else besides the ass crack of Louisiana.

Shreveport's actually pretty a fun place though, if you're into drinkin' and gamblin'.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
jdschall said:
Their research looks pretty good actually. Location - not so much. I'd be much happier in the ass crack of pretty much anywhere else besides the ass crack of Louisiana.

Shreveport's actually pretty a fun place though, if you're into drinkin' and gamblin'.

Meh... There is one of the best MTB trails in the southern US located at Ruston. Check out the Lincoln Parish Park. Ruston is an inexpensive place to live too.

...and you are short drive up to Arkansas for all the MTB action you can possibly stand.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I just got word that I am in the top 4 interviewees for the job at ORNL. Not sure what that means. The could have only interviewed 4 people for all I know. Still no time table either. Ugggg! I hate the waiting. The interview was really tough but the job sounded really cool. I'm a little suprised based on how I thought the interview went that I am still in the running but who knows???

Still no other interviews.

Just sent a CV to Duke's Mech E / Materials department.

My Boss interviewed my potential replacement yesterday. That was weird.


Cool - good luck. I am about to look around some more, since the shop gig won't happen before January. I heard some disappointing things that happened to some people here before and I got a bad feeling.