
Looking for a San Jose trail advice


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Just got back to school after being abroad and I'm itching to ride more. Last year most of my miles were on the rode as I was recovering from knee surgery. This year I want to see more singletrack, but all the trails seem far away and I have no car. Anyone have suggestions or looking for a ride partner?

Mostly looking for people who ride XCish trails. I've got a rigid bike and while I'm fairly smooth and all I'm hoping for more pedalling and something fairly tough to ride, something to get me back in shape. And if you are up for a road ride I'm always looking for people to join me.

Let me know if you are down to ride, I've got a flexible schedule, or know of some good trails to ride.

Oh, I know Calabasas got closed down, are there any dirt jumps within 10 miles or so of Santa Clara Uni? I'm hoping to get some airmiles on my bmx.

The Ito
Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
Yea theres a BMX Dirt jumping spot in Union city called red devil Its on san andreas drive, across the street from san andreas park, Its a place That you cant miss it woul dbe on your left driving in on san andreas drive. check it out on yahoo maps, or map quest. PM me if you have questions.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
DownhillnDunkey said:
Yea theres a BMX Dirt jumping spot in Union city called red devil Its on san andreas drive, across the street from san andreas park, Its a place That you cant miss it woul dbe on your left driving in on san andreas drive. check it out on yahoo maps, or map quest. PM me if you have questions.
Do you help dig at Red? Then why are you posting directions to it on the internet? This is exactly how riding spots get shut down. Send a PM or something, don't post. I'm going to refrain from calling you any names, just don't post directions to jumps on the internet. Especially if you don't help maintain them.
Dec 6, 2004
Santa cruz Mountains
I've lived there and cops and everybody know about, people get busted for smokin pot there everyday, Red's been in the news paper there.... trust me its not a big deal, if it was secret i wouldnt post it on the net.

And yes i used to build and dig there almost everyday when i lived there.