
Looking for a smooshed apple recipe


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
So while in Ireland I had some pork tenderloin which was very yummy. Well it came with this mashed apple thing that I had never seen. It was NOT apple sauce. It looked like and had the consistency of mashed potatoes. In fact it fooled me... I thought I was having a bit of mashed potatoes when low and behold it turned out to be apples.

Anyone ever seen this, or know how to make it?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Yossarian said:
I would think that you could take any standard scalloped apple or apple sauce recipe and modify it nicely to attain the texture that you want.
Not sure what to modify it with. The thing is that the apples were light and fluffy, like mashed potatoes. Very unlike apple sauce.