
looking for Kate Riedell


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Sorry, this seemed like the most effecient way to find you...

Congrats Kate, on winning the NORBA National Championship Super D Title!

I raced with you a Plattekill and at Snowshoe. Hearing your named called at Durango, I picked up your award. Awards are not mailed to recipients - you have to be present. So I have your plaque, and I can mail it to you.

I have no idea what your contact info is, but figured someone would.

You can contact me here via pm, at MTBR (sunnyracegirl)or through nobrakesracing.com

Ride hard. Live strong.
-sunny (laura drexler)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
auntesther said:
try pm'ing Repack...I think that might be his GF
That would be correct. Thank you so much!!! Thats wicked cool! I know that she was spyched to hear that she had won the title.