
Looks like Scott Peterson is on his way to San Quentin...



Whether they deserve it or not, it always gives me chills to hear someone is sentenced to death.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
TreeSaw said:
:stupid: I just don't understand how someone can be so cruel!
his wife was so much hotter than that chick he was humping too. He's such a tool.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
loco said:
Whether they deserve it or not, it always gives me chills to hear someone is sentenced to death.
Do you even care about Lacy and her unborn child or do you care more about the scumbag that killed them because they would ruin his plans?


Hello Kitty said:
Do you even care about Lacy and her unborn child or do you care more about the scumbag that killed them because they would ruin his plans?
No - Like I said, "whether he deserved it", which I think he did. Just not a fan of death. I hate that the bastard killed them. It's better to know he can burn in hell.


Jun 10, 2002
there's some big anti-death penalty stuff going on at UT this week, i believe. i never really paid attention to the arguments against the death penalty. someone care to summarize them?


Dec 23, 2004
And OJ is playing golf. No physical evidence whatsoever and OJ's blood was found at the crime scene, go figure...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
dh girlie said:
He won't fry...when they finally get to him in a while, (if the other death row inmates don't get to him ala Jeffery Dahmer style) then they will put him to sleep like a dog.

Too bad... they should use ol' Sparky for such an occation...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
the Inbred said:
there's some big anti-death penalty stuff going on at UT this week, i believe. i never really paid attention to the arguments against the death penalty. someone care to summarize them?
There is the whole moral issue about killing someone. Then there is the whole logical beurocratic reason, it costs more money to put someone to death than it does to just let them rot away.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Westy said:
There is the whole moral issue about killing someone. Then there is the whole logical beurocratic reason, it costs more money to put someone to death than it does to just let them rot away.

Yeah, but it's not nearly as satisfying....


Aug 20, 2003
Rivermont, Va
Westy said:
Then there is the whole logical beurocratic reason, it costs more money to put someone to death than it does to just let them rot away.
It probably wouldn't cost more if they put them to death quickly instead of waiting 8 years or so. I know they get to use the appeal process, but doubt Peterson wins an appeal. Not saying that I am for the death penalty, but if they are sentenced to death, then do it. Believe it or not, it is that simple.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
loco said:
Whether they deserve it or not, it always gives me chills to hear someone is sentenced to death.
Yeah, me too. Death is never an easy thing.

He should have just divorced her.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Westy said:
it costs more money to put someone to death than it does to just let them rot away.

Hrm I always thought it was less expensive to fry, or inject someone, than let them sit on deathrow for 20 yrs, leaching off the system...

I am in favor of continuing the death penalty.


Sep 29, 2004
SC mtns
The anti death penalty folks like to trot out the cost as an argument against it, ignoring that the reason it is so expensive is 20 years of court and lawyer costs. Say it costs $30K a year to incarcerate someone. How long does it take a team of lawyers to mow through that $30K?

Too bad the guy won't fry. If he gets the needle, he gets lots of time to get ready, probably gets counseling, then just slips away. The guess is he smothered his wife. Imagine her terror and last moments. Imagine it was your sister/daughter. Better if they could haul him out in the SF bay with a rock around his neck and toss him over the side about where he dumped the bodies. That would be about right.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
dhtahoe said:
I think he will get bumped off in jail personally. GOOD!!!!!!!!! Hey you guys what happened to Mr. Peterson??? Ummmmmmmm........... he fell.

I say he will kill himself after all the anal raping he will recieve


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
yeah dude, he is a pretty white boy (nothing against that im one too hahahha) and neither him nor i would last long in there...damn dude just makes you wonder why he did that, you know :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
stosh said:
his wife was so much hotter than that chick he was humping too. He's such a tool.

Ha! yeah that pretty much sum's it up! What a ****ing tool!

He's pretty much a guranteed to become sombody's bitch in S.Q.

Just think, Scott's gonna be gettin bent over by another man within the next couple of days

That's the worst sentence ever IMO!

He deserves worst though!

What a dumb****!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
One of the guys that works for me did a few years in Soledad. He's predicting that Scott will Kill himself. He claims he's seen guys like Scott before, and they don't last long on the inside!


once again what a tool!


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
This is probably because I've been grown up pretty liberal and probably ought to live in the People's Republic of Boulder, but for some reason I've had the feeling that they didn't really have much evidence against him. I'm not saying that he didn't do it, just that with the publicity of the case and reactions of the city around him it seems like it'd be pretty easy for there to be a large bias against him from the beginning. If he did it then he got what was coming to him, but yeah...


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
well, i'm glad he's gettin put to death, bein the conservative that I am...but, it's not gonna be for another 15 years until they stick the needle in..why can't we just throw the switch, save some money..


Looks like he made it to SQ. They searched the booty, according to the news. He gets to choose gas or injection, once his appeals are exhausted. I hope I am done hearing about this on the news.


May 1, 2003
Bellingham, WA
dh girlie said:
He won't fry...when they finally get to him in a while, (if the other death row inmates don't get to him ala Jeffery Dahmer style) then they will put him to sleep like a dog.
I am not against the death penalty, but I think it is worse to be in general population in prison. I think they should sentence people to death, but still keep them in g-pop or I think life in the pen is worse.

In Death row, they get private cells and hardly any contact with other prisoners which means less likely of a chance of being beat, raped or murdered. In g-pop, he would get beat, become somebodys bitch because he is a pretty boy and ultimately probably be killed faster than Death Row will.

Jeffrey Dahmer was not on Death Row. He was sentenced to more than 1000 years in prison. This is why he was with other prisoners when one beat him to death. In Death Row this would not have happened.

So, in my eyes, Death Row is an easier sentence than life and Scott got off easy.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
the Inbred said:
there's some big anti-death penalty stuff going on at UT this week, i believe. i never really paid attention to the arguments against the death penalty. someone care to summarize them?
Umm..."An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."*-Mahatma Gandhi


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
I live not too far(When not in College) where Jeffery Dahmer killed his parents and to be honest Dahmer was a frikken tool, he deserved what he got. I predict suicide as well.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
i'm glad we don't mess around here in Texas we clean out the death row inmates on a regular basis. Do i feel sorry for these people that are going to die? nope we have "free will" and they chose to take a life now they have to pay for it. My sister and her husband are big time liberals and are against the death penalty and their one and only argument is the cost basis of having a prisoner on death row costs more than if they were given a life sentence


Hello Kitty said:
i'm glad we don't mess around here in Texas we clean out the death row inmates on a regular basis.
We don't really. They still sit for 10 or so years, if it ever even happens. I don't dislike the death penalty, I am just humbled by the thought of death.


Mar 17, 2002
What annoyed me so much during the trial were all the people that stood around the courthouse. I mean don't you have better things to do than to devote your whole day to standing outside a courthouse?

I mean, regardless of whatever evidence or whatever image people had of Scott Peterson during the trial, all these people outside the courthouse were already shouting for his head. I mean, what the f do all those people know? They weren't there during the crime. Do they somehow know that he's guilty just by looking at him?

Yeargh, it's like this for every high profile case. I can't stand it. It's so annoying. Get a life morons.

Especially when the verdict was reached, and all these people outside started cheering. It's retarded, cheering about some dude that's gonna be executed. I'm all for punishment, death penalty or otherwise, but come on...cheering? Go home and take care of your kids people, instead of standing around cheering about some dude that's gonna be executed.


Craw said:
What annoyed me so much during the trial were all the people that stood around the courthouse. I mean don't you have better things to do than to devote your whole day to standing outside a courthouse?

I mean, regardless of whatever evidence or whatever image people had of Scott Peterson during the trial, all these people outside the courthouse were already shouting for his head. I mean, what the f do all those people know? They weren't there during the crime. Do they somehow know that he's guilty just by looking at him?

Yeargh, it's like this for every high profile case. I can't stand it. It's so annoying. Get a life morons.

Especially when the verdict was reached, and all these people outside started cheering. It's retarded, cheering about some dude that's gonna be executed. I'm all for punishment, death penalty or otherwise, but come on...cheering? Go home and take care of your kids people, instead of standing around cheering about some dude that's gonna be executed.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
I Are Baboon said:

You've got your facts wrong there, Opeth. :p
No doubt. I am glad he was not on a jury. :blah:
I saw Dahmer's parents on TV not too long ago.
They were looking fairly alive to me.
A little hurt that their son ate people and layed down beside roadkill as a child, but alive none the less.