
Looks like Scott Peterson is on his way to San Quentin...



Jeremy R said:
<snip>A little hurt that their son ate people and layed down beside roadkill as a child, but alive none the less.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Craw said:
What annoyed me so much during the trial were all the people that stood around the courthouse. I mean don't you have better things to do than to devote your whole day to standing outside a courthouse?

I mean, regardless of whatever evidence or whatever image people had of Scott Peterson during the trial, all these people outside the courthouse were already shouting for his head. I mean, what the f do all those people know? They weren't there during the crime. Do they somehow know that he's guilty just by looking at him?

Yeargh, it's like this for every high profile case. I can't stand it. It's so annoying. Get a life morons.

Especially when the verdict was reached, and all these people outside started cheering. It's retarded, cheering about some dude that's gonna be executed. I'm all for punishment, death penalty or otherwise, but come on...cheering? Go home and take care of your kids people, instead of standing around cheering about some dude that's gonna be executed.
Welcome to Rome, part deux.


Village Idiot
Dec 10, 2001
Fairbanks, Alaska
valve bouncer said:
So how many of you think this should be done to him? :(
so true. i mean hearing that someone is being executed/impriosoned just doesnt do it. seeing what happens has a much bigger effect. call me cynical but i believe stewie said it best "Nothing says obey me like a bloody head on a fence post."