
Lopes wins his first MegaAvalanche of 08'


Danced with A, attacked by C, fired by D.
Sep 27, 2005
Vancouver, BC
So if Lopes is doing the longer races, is he aiming to not get overtaken at the Crankwork Garbanzo race this year?!



Feb 10, 2006
Rotorua, New Zealand
Yeah, but was one of the world's biggest names in mtb there in attendance?
Remy Absalon is one of the best Avalanche racers in the world, and Tomi Misser always does well in them, being a former top world cup downhill racer too I think he'd be on the same level as Lopes.

I'm glad to see him do well, he's got the ability to take out the rest of the avalanche rounds too


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Yeah, I have heard of Megaavalanche. And that is the kind of bikes that Lopes rides, 4x-allmountain machines.

Wow, people have some weird issues with a 38 year old ex-world champion who is moving on to a different kind of racing.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2006
Yeah, I have heard of Megaavalanche. And that is the kind of bikes that Lopes rides, 4x-allmountain machines.

Wow, people have some weird issues with a 38 year old ex-world champion who is moving on to a different kind of racing.
he's reigning world champ (at least until saturday)


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
I certainly have no problems with him moving on.

Hell, Nico did the exact same move...

So we'll be seeing more of Brian over here in France?


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Sorry Stik, I'm not trying to take the piss here, but it is kinda like Lopes turning up at my highschool race and winning...
Don't be sorry to me....I could care less your opinion.

I do think its rad a 37yr old mountain biker is still traveling around the world, riding his bike and making more coin than all the guys racing world cup DH.

So :cheers: heres to more highschool race wins for lopes. ;)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
Don't be sorry to me....I could care less your opinion.

I do think its rad a 37yr old mountain biker is still traveling around the world, riding his bike and making more coin than all the guys racing world cup DH.

So :cheers: heres to more highschool race wins for lopes. ;)
Fanboy? :busted:

Did you hold his hand or sit in his lap after he returned while he regaled you with stories of how he makes so much money riding his bike? Because...OBVIOUSLY, that's what we are alllll in this for, am I correct?

Stuff a sock in it Sticky, I've only read three threads so far today and they have all been soured by your pessimistic jive-turkey nonsense. How are you going to take shots at Transcend for doing a walking inspection of the world champs course with Sam Hill, and then expect no one to say anything when you so clearly come to praise Lopez at any and every chance like he is some shiny, golden god? /rant over.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
Brian Lopes once saved Stikman from a forest fire by clamping him in his teeth, and running at a sustained 40mph for 3 days to safety.

Brian lopes also cured gingivitis, but brought it back so that people would be too self consious to become close-talkers, which is a well known pet peeve of Brian Lopes.

Brian Lopes also refers to Brian Lopes in the 3rd person, and always with a hint of subtle admiration, and love lost, in his voice.

Brian Lopes can kick a puppy through a brick wall. This is assuming that this is a locally made puppy, and not a cheap overseas knock off puppy.

Considering all that, how could you not be a fan?
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge

At a Norba National way back in 1995, I rode up the lift truck with Brian and as a stary eyed racer to be tried to talk to him and he just blew me off. I still remember his 'professional' attitude to this day.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
Brian Lopes once saved Stikman from a forest fire by clamping him in his teeth, and running at a sustained 40mph for 3 days to safety.

Brian lopes also cured gingivitis, but brought it back so that people would be too self consious to become close-talkers, which is a well known pet peeve of Brian Lopes.

Brian Lopes also refers to Brian Lopes in the 3rd person, and always with a hint of subtle admiration, and love lost, in his voice.

Brian Lopes can kick a puppy through a brick wall. This is assuming that this is a locally made puppy, and not a cheap overseas knock off puppy.

Considering all that, how could you not be a fan?
haha good lord. let me clean up this iced tea that i just spit all over the counter...

that first one had me in tears before i could even finish! lovin' the close-talker Seinfield reference.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
Grand Haven, MI

I used to think Lopes was arrogant too. He kind of blew me off back in 2001 or so at Mount Snow. He was warming up and I wanted a picture with him and Peat. That shaped what I thought for a long time. I didn't think of it like that he was at work and I was interupting his prep for a meeting with the boss.

After meeting him at a Jeep race a few years ago, he completely changed my mind. I think more than anything that he is a bit introverted around people he doesn't know. Obviously, he is super focused just before a race. Anyway, he was very social after the race. He spent a bunch of time with one of our junior racers.

Anyway, all you guys would be happy if you could get paid to race your bikes. I would even bet that half of you would have no problem with lining up with the 5 year olds at the BMX track if you could collect a check.


Sep 19, 2001
Sorry Stik, I'm not trying to take the piss here, but it is kinda like Lopes turning up at my highschool race and winning...
you either
a) have no idea what you're are talking about
b) have no idea what you're are talking about

Remy Absalon, Frank Parolin, Misser etc are all amazing elite level athletes, they have been dominating and beating other WC DH'rs for the past several years at enduro DH and megaavalanche races

please do some research next time

Lopes winning this is huge and shows that just like when he beat all the worlds best at Crankworx Garbanzo, he can do it here as well, i'm not a fan of his but examine the world class field at these races, his win is huge and very impressive


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
Anyway, all you guys would be happy if you could get paid to race your bikes. I would even bet that half of you would have no problem with lining up with the 5 year olds at the BMX track if you could collect a check.
i have no argument there; getting paid to ride/race my bike is my idea of a perfect life, and i'm sure i speak for many others as well on that topic.

i am not a huge fan of Mr. Lopes, but he is an amazingly talented rider and that is to be respected. anyone at this level of competiton is going to have times when they are intensely focused and wish to not be disturbed or bothered for a photo/autograph, but we can't automatically assume that this represents their entire attitude. everyone is going to take public relations differently, some people are extroverts, some introverts, and some in between or neither.

all i'm trying to say is that i have no complaint about Lopes, i just felt the urge to share some choice words with a certain someone who is just toooo cool for school.

sorry for the thread derailment!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Tell you what, I think Lopes is racing the Downieville Classic.

I will ask for his autograph on the shuttle up to the top, at Packer Saddle, on the big climb to Third Divide, and after he finishes the race.

I will report his attitude each time I ask so you can judge how nice of guy he is.


Short One Marshmallow
Sep 7, 2006
French Alps
Right everyone, chill a bit.

I certainly didn't intend to take anything away from Lopes, or the Avalanche series and competitors.

Jeezus fvcken christ.

You are quite right sirbikealot. I don't know a hell of a lot about this race series. These names you are rattling off don't mean a lot to me. For all I know this could be the epicentre of mountainbiking and Lopes deserved the win. Good for him.

I have never met Brian and therefor cannot say what he is like as a person. But I do regard him (along with probably everyone) as one of the greatest mountainbikers of all time. He did come across as pretty cool doing the interviews at the previous WC for freecaster.

Good on you Stik for sticking up for him as a mate.

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
If EC had won the race people would be siked. There's no question he puts his heart and soul into the sport to make it better not only for himself but for OTHER people as well....


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
RM yet again proves what it is.

You guys can go on carrying the hate or love flags. I just posted this news because I did not see it mentioned-it was DH related-BL used to race DH-he is embarking on a new focus in his cycling-I thought it was kind of cool....not earth shattering news, but worthy enough to be posted.

Guess I am just really strange that I consider myself lucky to have him as one of my best friends.

Carry on dudes-


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
If EC had won the race people would be siked. There's no question he puts his heart and soul into the sport to make it better not only for himself but for OTHER people as well....

Lopes does stuff for others-you just don't read about it on RM.

I am out on this thread, its gonna get endless...so have fun.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
vancouver eastside
I am out on this thread, its gonna get endles...so have fun.
to be fair, the group hug has already transpired, so all is is well in rm world.

i have to admit, it's an impressive result for a short track specialist. it would have been interesting to see how he'd have done if he'd focussed on the dh circuit.

sounds like megaavalanche is gathering steam as a viable format. i love the concept; great test of a well-rounded mountain biker.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
Guess I am just really strange that I consider myself lucky to have him as one of my best friends.
You're still a Fanboy :poster_oops:

:wait:...what's the difference between Transcend being friends enough with SH to do the course inspection, and you getting a *gasp!* firsthand text from your good friend BL about his race results?

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
Blah blah RM sucks blah blah Lopes is hung like a horse blah blah I'm taking my toys and going home . . .
So all this time all we had to do was make some slightly critical comments about Lopes and you'd bail on a thread??!???!! Jesus, I wish someone would've thought of that sooner!



Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
You're still a Fanboy :poster_oops:

:wait:...what's the difference between Transcend being friends enough with SH to do the course inspection, and you getting a *gasp!* firsthand text from your good friend BL about his race results?
because stik and fraser (transcend) are good buddies and therefor stik was making an obvious sarcastic joke... in fact i jumped in the joke as well since fraser and i are good friends, and i could not resist the opportunity to give him some ****... i think you might be the only one on RM who took that thread seriously.

not sure what made me laugh harder... stik picking on frser, or you flipping out about it. i call it a tie:cheers:


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
This will be submitted as evidence that RM is going to hell at the moment. I thought stupidity and lack of humor was only a problem in the off season.


Sep 19, 2001
Right everyone, chill a bit.

I certainly didn't intend to take anything away from Lopes, or the Avalanche series and competitors.

Jeezus fvcken christ.

You are quite right sirbikealot. I don't know a hell of a lot about this race series. These names you are rattling off don't mean a lot to me. For all I know this could be the epicentre of mountainbiking and Lopes deserved the win. Good for him.

I have never met Brian and therefor cannot say what he is like as a person. But I do regard him (along with probably everyone) as one of the greatest mountainbikers of all time. He did come across as pretty cool doing the interviews at the previous WC for freecaster.

Good on you Stik for sticking up for him as a mate.
I just found it funny that someone who has "french alps" and "morzine" in his signature wouldn't know about megaavalanche or any of the other marathon DH racing going on in europe, an average one of these races is about 4-10 times the size of a regular DH race and every major mountain bike company in europe is putting the best foot forward creating teams and bikes to compete,

yes Commencal is one of the companies at the forefront so perhaps (Remy Absalon is also the European DH Marathon champ) I have a bit more insight than average, that said, it puts Super D to shame and I wish we could have something like this here, as a promoter I've looked at it, but its a HUGE undertaking. imagine building a DH course that is 20-55min long AND can accomodate mass starts of up to 1500 people!!!

This is the course I rode in 2006, absolutely mind blowing, there were 5 or 6 qualifiers with this many people!!



Jan 29, 2002
Fanboy? :busted:

Did you hold his hand or sit in his lap after he returned while he regaled you with stories of how he makes so much money riding his bike? Because...OBVIOUSLY, that's what we are alllll in this for, am I correct?

Stuff a sock in it Sticky, I've only read three threads so far today and they have all been soured by your pessimistic jive-turkey nonsense. How are you going to take shots at Transcend for doing a walking inspection of the world champs course with Sam Hill, and then expect no one to say anything when you so clearly come to praise Lopez at any and every chance like he is some shiny, golden god? /rant over.
I can't stop laughing on how you guys are railing on Studio Stik!!!!