
lost four pounds this week

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MBC put together a 2400 calorie diet for me, with a 40/40/20 protein/carbs/fat ratio. After just one week, I dropped four pounds (and I don't have a lot to lose). I'd like to get down to 170lbs (started the week at 182).

Of course, going to the gym three times and riding twice already this week helps too. I've been working out and riding, but it's amazing how much faster you see results when you get your diet in check.



Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
For some reason I have been designated the office nutritionist and dietician. People keep asking me how to lose weight. In reality, I have no idea, I've never tried. I babble to them about regular exercise and not eating such big meals.. Blah, blah, blah. I should really just tell them to eat more sausage.:p


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
Originally posted by Heidi
For some reason I have been designated the office nutritionist and dietician. People keep asking me how to lose weight. In reality, I have no idea, I've never tried. I babble to them about regular exercise and not eating such big meals.. Blah, blah, blah. I should really just tell them to eat more sausage.:p
Yeah, it's funny how clueless people are about weight loss. They always want to hop on whatever diet comes along. When for most people it is really simple. To loose weight they have to bring in less calories than they put out. If they feel really hungry when they reduce the caories, it's probably because they are consuming too many "empty" calories or too much fat or sugar. I tell people that ask that if they can commit to something like the Atkins diet, that they should be able to commit to counting calories for a month. I also tell them that if they can't get the info regarding the nutrition that they should not eat it (this keeps them out of restaraunts) After a month or so they start to get a feel for what is in the foods they eat.

Most people are amazed when they find out that they have exceeded their total daily caloric need after they have something from the Starbucks pastry case for breakfast and lunch at Red Robin.

Our office manager followed this rather simple bit of advice and started working out twice a week and has lost 25 pounds since early May. It was cool to see how excited she was when she had to go out a buy a new swimsuit for her vacation she just left on.


Originally posted by Husar
Who/What is MBC and what is the Atkins diet.


MBC = MtnBikerChk, who is I Are Baboon's wife.

The Atkins diet is a low carb, high protein diet. It works great to drop weight fast, but not the healthiest thing to do. Stick with a good balance of nutritious food instead. Slow and steady is the best way.


Jul 6, 2002
Woodland Hills
It's more likely you lost 1 or 2lbs and not 4lbs. I weight myself every day in the morning and before I go to sleep and my weight fluctuates by as much as 4-5lbs.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Topaz
It's more likely you lost 1 or 2lbs and not 4lbs. I weight myself every day in the morning and before I go to sleep and my weight fluctuates by as much as 4-5lbs.
Well, I weighed myself Sunday evening. 182lbs. I weighed myself this morning. 178lbs. Looks like four lbs to me. (feels like it too.)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Just a warning that is actually not a good amount to loose. Your body starts to canabalize itself once you get past around 1.5 to 2 pnds. You don't want your body munching on muscle you want to burn fat. You should promptly increase your calories by 7000 a week if you intend to maintain your current schedule. Just a friendly warning.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Losing four pounds in the first week is not uncommon for someone starting a diet. I'm still eating 2400 calories and 200+g protein every day. Weight loss slows significantly as the weeks progress, Given my size (5'11", 180lbs), I'll be lucky to lose one or two lbs next week. I am hoping to lose ten pounds total in the next 4 to 6 weeks.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Ahh sorry I didn't realize you were starting. Mostly water then.

And I do realize the nuances of weight loss. I have been upwards of 300 pnds before I started bodybuilding. My weight also fluxuates greatly between seasons.

Best of luck. :D
Originally posted by maelstrom
Just a warning that is actually not a good amount to loose. Your body starts to canabalize itself once you get past around 1.5 to 2 pnds. You don't want your body munching on muscle you want to burn fat. You should promptly increase your calories by 7000 a week if you intend to maintain your current schedule. Just a friendly warning.
edit: I think he thought IAB was consistently losing 4lbs a week.

If I'm wrong, Tell me why you think so..... and also tell me what you know about IAB, his goals and his stats to make this recommendation.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
I did think that. 4 pnds a week over a long period isn't very healthy and that was my concern. Within the first few weeks that kind of weight loss isn't harmful.

Actually 7000 calories a week is 2 pnds. If you consistantly loose 4 pounds a week your body is at a huge calorie rdeficit. If you are loosing 4 pounds a week and want to go down to 2 pounds a week you need to find a way to remove this deficit to 2 pounds. Either eat more or do less cardio or a combination. Since this isn't the case it is irrelevant but definately not a typo :)


Jul 6, 2002
Woodland Hills
I weighed myself on Friday night at 174.0. I weighed myself again on Saturday morning at 170.5. I know that's a 3.5lb difference but its not what I'd call weight loss.


Swift, Silent, Deadly!
Aug 16, 2001
Y'all can't see me...

Originally posted by I Are Baboon
MBC put together a 2400 calorie diet for me, with a 40/40/20 protein/carbs/fat ratio
Good to hear that you are making more progress!

My smart-ass comment is this - that kind of nutrition CANNOT tase good! Seriously, is food something you enjoy or is it merely fuel - no worries if it tastes like nothing. This is my greatest problem re: weight loss. I can't get around that I enjoy delicious food - having an apple and some muesli for dinner is akin to chewing on a handful of dirt. And small portions leave me snacking for hours afterward to fill the hole.

Advice? :help:


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by Ranger

..... And small portions leave me snacking for hours afterward to fill the hole.

Advice? :help:
Stop eating 2-3 meals a day. Eat like 8 small ones. Studies show it's better for your body to eat a lot of small meals instead of gourging 2 or 3 times a day. It also helps keep your metabolism up. Don't eat the fat and/ or sugars. Drink loads of water. It helps digestion and leaves you with a full stomach. Ride yer bike.:)


Jul 6, 2002
Woodland Hills
The rule of thumb is to not go longer than 2-3hrs without eating. Doing that for 2-3 weeks will also cause your max meal size to decrease so you can't do as much damage in a single setting. That breaks down to breakfast, 2 meals, and 2-4 snacks.

Then it comes down to lunch and dinner. Eat light during one of those meals and you're doing pretty good. Eat light at both and you're doing great. I also found that it's almost impossible for me to eat light by eating out. You just get to much good food.