
lost goods found at 495...


May 6, 2003
and will be given up/back if you can answer a few questions correctly:

what did you lose?

what trash did you pick up and carry out and dispose of properly when you were there?

what jumps did you improve? backsides, frontsides or both?

what tools did you leave there, to further improve the current jump infrastructure?

and since you parked in the WRONG spot, where will you park from here on-out?


Apr 20, 2004
and will be given up/back if you can answer a few questions correctly:

what did you lose?

Some skin and almost my keys.

what trash did you pick up and carry out and dispose of properly when you were there?

I took out what I took in.

what jumps did you improve? backsides, frontsides or both?

I spent three hours digging on what is becoming my own line....all by myself.

what tools did you leave there, to further improve the current jump infrastructure?

I will tell whoever I trust, but plenty, trust me.

and since you parked in the WRONG spot, where will you park from here on-out?

I parked in the RIGHT spot up top on the right out of site of any house. Had there been no parking there I would have parked out on the main strip along the grass in the middle or across the street at the baseball field and walked under the bridge, but will be happy to park on the head of anybody that parks in the wrong spot more than once.