When I first came to the monkey a few years back after the MTBR schism there wasn't a PD forum and the threads you see here were played out in the lounge. So RM created this neck of the woods and we've had endless hours of fun and despite our differences a lot of monkeys of differing political persuasions have managed to duke it out and have a bit of fun. One of the things I like about this forum is the relative lack of moderation used or needed here. We seem to sort it out amongst ourselves for the most part.
We are here because we like to argue points endlessly and we're full of the proverbial for the most part. However I accept that a lot of monkeys aren't like that and enjoy a site where they can talk about bikes and inconsequential crap to their hearts content. Ocassionally though PD worthy threads slip into the lounge and invariably end up here. Now I accept that, as I said before, that a lot of monkeys aren't into that, so I'd hope that when an obviously political thread slips into the lounge we'd refrain from turning it into a sh*tfight. We know what it is and isn't suitable for the lounge. Of course there are lounge moderators but I feel we political monkeys should perhaps take a deep breath before we post something political in the lounge and either suggest the thread gets taken here or start a new thread on that topic here.
I guess it's about respecting the site (and I admit I haven't always been the first to do that) and respecting the users that don't want to be part of our BS.
We are here because we like to argue points endlessly and we're full of the proverbial for the most part. However I accept that a lot of monkeys aren't like that and enjoy a site where they can talk about bikes and inconsequential crap to their hearts content. Ocassionally though PD worthy threads slip into the lounge and invariably end up here. Now I accept that, as I said before, that a lot of monkeys aren't into that, so I'd hope that when an obviously political thread slips into the lounge we'd refrain from turning it into a sh*tfight. We know what it is and isn't suitable for the lounge. Of course there are lounge moderators but I feel we political monkeys should perhaps take a deep breath before we post something political in the lounge and either suggest the thread gets taken here or start a new thread on that topic here.
I guess it's about respecting the site (and I admit I haven't always been the first to do that) and respecting the users that don't want to be part of our BS.