
Lubing Cables?


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
What is the best technique and substance to use to lube shifter cables and housing? Grease? Oil? I see that some Shimano systems come with grease already in there. In the shop I used to work at, we used Ronson Multilube on cables. Sounds ghetto maybe but it was slick as anything. I have not seen any Ronson up here. What do you guys recommend?


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
i just drip tri-flow into my cables..
put it up in the stand, and turn the bike to put the cable pointing up...so the oil drips down with gravity...
works well for me at least...


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Originally posted by Dirty
i just drip tri-flow into my cables..
same here, gotta make sure you keep the cables clean and lubed though, especially in the dust and mud, as soon as you put anything on them watch them or they will really collect crap


Jan 3, 2004
Ontario, Canada
Where I ride and wrench is a part of ontario that see's tortue of 2 types on bikes. Extreme dust and Mud Bogs...

Im used to changing my cables before every race these days (DAM DH BIKES!)

I would recomend squirting a shot of the older M-Prep (greeish in color) into each section of houseing and sliding it in and out a few times to push it through. This works good for keeping muck and water out.

The other treatment I use is dripping PH2 Stuff's Lube Gube onto the cable and running it through. Their BMX chain lube also works really well if its super dry.


Oct 19, 2003
over the rear tire
Tried those Shimano XTR ferrules with the rubber boots on them for derailleur cables, seems to help by mostly keeping water out when washing the bike.

I've got that green Phil Wood waterproof grease in my cables for the winter. Seems to last longer than any of the thinner lubes like T-9, Tri-Flow, etc. Gotta lube the cable and pull it through the housing a couple times to get it in there.

One of the LBSs uses motor oil with a little STP - I'm not fond of it because it's a crud-catcher.

If I use anything, I use one of the real light oils like 3-in-one or Marvel Mystery Oil.

I pop the housings out of the ferrules, apply a little to the core, then work the housings back and forth to distribute it. After getting everything back in place, I wipe down the exposed core to get rid of any excess.


Feb 6, 2004
go hit up your local motorcycle shop and see if they have a "cable luber" They are the best! I can remember the brand name, but I remember them coming in anodized blue or black. They look like a small alloy bracket with a rubber setup in the center and a set/clamp screw. The shop I worked at sold them as a package deal with the aerosol lube. Any who.. you slide the end of your cable and housing into the rubber part with the inside cable sticking out past the opposite end and clamp her down and stick the aerosol tube into its hole and start spraying. the high pressure forces all the crap out and it is rather clean and easy to use, the lube is specifically engineered for cables and doesnt collect crud. Should set you back under $20.


Jul 17, 2002
Vancouver, WA
Do you guys notice things working that much better with lube? Maybe it's because I'm in the Northwest but most people I talk to say not to use anything so I've never lubed my cables and they seem to work just fine.


Dec 16, 2001
If you ride in wet muddy conitions all the lube tends to do is gunk up the cables.
It's best just to run them without lube and when they stop working replace them as once you clean/lube them you generally only get a few rides berfore they need cleaning/lubeing again.