
Lunchtime Road Rash


Aug 10, 2001
C-Me Valley, CA
Lunchtime ride today ... My first fall on the Road Bike, going about 25mph, wasn't concentrating, didn't notice the small curb that the front tire got stuck in. Down I went. :mad:
At least on smooth concrete, was with a riding buddy & he saw the end as I was finishing peeling some skin. Not a lot of damage, mostly the right forearm;a 4x2 inch burn. My right hip too, but since the shorts covered bare skin, that area's not so bad. A little quarter burn on the right shoulder too.
Bike came out of it pretty good; right pedal scratched, right side of the bar, hood & brake lever small scratches, a little scratch on the right/rear of the seat. Can't believe how much my jersey is all torn up, ripped to shreds! :eek:
Right glove also, they both must of saved a lot of my skin. The shorts didn't do too badly, but it's a bummer 'cause they’re my favorite pair.
my hip starting to throb… Think I’ll take the afternoon off work huh? Maybe so, it’s a good excuse.

Ya, I know - this thread's no good w/o pics.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Glad you walked away. Now keep it clean and heal up quick. I have yet to go down on the road, knock on wood.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
SkaredShtles said:

No better time to drink.

Unless it's the evening.

Or the morning.

Or the middle of the night.

Ah, hell - they're all good. :thumb:
Yea, I should talk. Got pretty tipsy the other night, went out for a night urban jib boom boom huck ride and came home with a cracked rib and a thigh that still hurts like hell.