Emergency trail maintenance day at Lynn on Saturday to close the new trail. Here is the announcement that is being sent out to various email lists:
Mountain bikers' privilege to use the trails in Lynn Woods Reservation is in jeopardy due to an illegally constructed trail. An emergency trail work day to close the trail and restore the affected area is a necessary step that may avert a total closure of the reservation to bicycles. Park management has made it clear that if this trail is not removed ASAP and all similar activity is stopped, then a closure for an indefinite period of time is certain. It is critical that mountain bikers come together and act now before it's too late.
Saturday, April 24th
Ballfield Entrance to Lynn Woods
Bring: long pants, work gloves and boots, eye protection, bug spray, and hydration packs
wow, that is a big pile of suck. i saw a similar post over the winter on mtbr with the huge stumps from the stunt constructions. what a bunch of tools, who do they think they are kidding? id like to meet up with one of the punks
seriously. if it does get closed down, id bet these outlaws would still ride back there. farkfaces
Who's the f*ing retard?????????
Is it possible that wjoever built the trail was doing it to make bikers look bad? I don't know a single rider who is not aware of what is at stake w/ land access. I know of a lot of secret trails in a lot of different areas, but to put up signs and paint arrows???
Anyone know what Stob means? I googled it and it means a stick of wood and also seems to be the name of a mountain in Scotland popular with hikers.
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