
M°nday n° wingdings gmt


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
My f'ing kids. Baby has been driving us crazy this last week with not sleeping at night. Keeps waking up almost on the hour every hour. So much for thinking I would have a week off and get some sleep. On the plus side, picked up a new DH frame today to replace my 2011.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

The drive into work was a bit challenging. So many lights, so much glare. I might as well have been crying the entire time it was just a tear fest. Now I sit here in my cube wearing sunglasses. 8-)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
oldest kid is sick now. :bonk:he woke up 4x before midnight. Gave him motrin on first waking, and tylenol on fourth... then we didn't hear from him till 7 this morning. and no more fever. I went to sleep thinking I'd have to take half the day off work, but nope, we gave him more advil and shipped him off on the school bus!

If he plays his cards right, he might get to spend the day with his grandmother who's visiting from France tomorrow.

In bike related news, I suspect that one of the things that's preventing me from enjoying my fatbike is the cockpit. It's got a 90mm stem and 690 bars. I ordered a new cockpit for my "real" bike last week, so when that comes in, the old 60mm stem and 780 bars will be going on the fattie. I think that will make a real difference.

Also, I managed to ride in to work this morning. No snow or rain, and 32°. perfect. Tomorrow will be a different story, they're calling for freezing rain/sleet all day. it's going to be a shit show in all respects.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Also, copious amounts of eye drops + inability to expose my eyes to any sort of cleaning means I look like Bob Costas at the 2014 Olympics.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
2016 Banshee Legend. I'm on a 2011 right now. I was planning on taking my frame apart and getting it coated and doing bearings, but scored the frame for $800. I was contemplating buying a Darkside, , but this will work. Although, I have to say, even after 5 years, my current Legend has had zero issues.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

The drive into work was a bit challenging. So many lights, so much glare. I might as well have been crying the entire time it was just a tear fest. Now I sit here in my cube wearing sunglasses. 8-)
So have your eyes totally crusted over yet, Homer Simpson-style?

Any local monkeys want to ride a short White Ranch loop with me Saturday morning? Could be exciting if it snows a bit on Friday as forecast. :D


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Well I am awake now, what a night last night. Little more info, people's behavior at work made me lose a lot of the very little bit of faith in humanity I had left. Just the stupid shit people try and pull. Not talking about co workers, everyone I currently work with is pretty awesome in fact last night proved we absolutely have each other's back.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

The epic winter road trip is complete. 12 hours each way, ugh. My wife being the amazing woman she is booked us a house that was supposed to be somewhat close to moms. Ended up being 20 minutes outside of town that is 20 minutes from mom. Still not bad, just a bit more driving than was expected.

On that note, though. What an "interesting" place we stayed in. Billed as a "luxurious home on the golf course" ended up being a McMansion in the near vicinity of a golf course. Wedged in with others, all packed into every square inch of property, the parking was a nightmare and getting in and out of the "gated community" was a bit of a pain. It was a lovely house that is obviously someones residence (not just a rental) and that still feels a little weird to me. But based on the location, I am guessing it doesn't book out very often, so the owner is there 90% of the time. Air bnb, you saved me about $200 on this trip, so I won't bitch too much.

California housing construction will always be fascinating to me. Focus on interior square footage and to hell with any yard.

While it was a great visit, I did not get to play golf or ride bikes this trip. I will make a point to do it next trip. There were a pair of Diamondback mountain bikes (guessing early 90's?) in the garage for visitor use, I really wanted to rock one of them.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
California housing construction will always be fascinating to me. Focus on interior square footage and to hell with any yard.
Same thing here. The eaves troughs on some houses here are less than a foot apart. Given the opportunity, you could probably shake hands with your neighbor through the side windows.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Morning Monkeys.

The epic winter road trip is complete. 12 hours each way, ugh. My wife being the amazing woman she is booked us a house that was supposed to be somewhat close to moms. Ended up being 20 minutes outside of town that is 20 minutes from mom. Still not bad, just a bit more driving than was expected.
Google Maps not something she's familiar with? :D


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Same thing here. The eaves troughs on some houses here are less than a foot apart. Given the opportunity, you could probably shake hands with your neighbor through the side windows.
I think it is 4' from the side of the house to the property line. The issue is how they position them on the block. Here is a pic from the hood we rented in:

Here is a pic from my hood:

Same size houses (roughly 2500 sqft), not the same size lots. :rofl:

Granted, I live in the sticks, so you do get a lot more dirt than a usual subirbia, but if you look at how the houses are clustered on Google Maps, there is a TON of open space. The housing market shat the bed and they quit building.

Last edited:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Well I am awake now, what a night last night. Little more info, people's behavior at work made me lose a lot of the very little bit of faith in humanity I had left. Just the stupid shit people try and pull. Not talking about co workers, everyone I currently work with is pretty awesome in fact last night proved we absolutely have each other's back.
are you like, a prison CO or something? dealing with the bottom of the barrel sorta comes with the territory, no?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
are you like, a prison CO or something? dealing with the bottom of the barrel sorta comes with the territory, no?
Detention Officer at the County Jail. I would never be a prison guard, for one they get paid crap wages ie half what I make, and the standing joke is "What's the difference between a guard and an Officer?" An Officer knows what they are doing, a guard acts like they know what they are doing.

But yes, the behavior level of the people there is part of the job, but last night was bad, even when knowing you are dealing with the bottom of the barrel.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Serious question: What's the difference?
A prison guard is employed either by state or federal, underpaid, substantially lower qualifications needed, given directives from a person that is hired into power, working with people found guilty.
County Jail, better pay, better training, better benefits, higher qualifications needed, work under the authority of the County Sherri, our office is an elected office chosen by the people, the majority of people we work with have yet to be found guilty, we run programs to substantially help people returning to the community, we live in the community that we work in, odds of having off duty encounters with prior inmates/detainees is amazingly higher, probability of these bottom of the bartel types kids sitting in school with my kids is high, we work directly with street Officers with detainees that are drunk, high on drugs suicidal, explosively violent, we carry the "duty to report" when we see something criminal when off duty, we are considered first responders with the public,..... there is more but the difference is pretty big actually.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
To be clear, I hope no one gets the impression I hold myself at a higher level than prison guards, they too are far underpaid and hold a very high risk line of work. It's just that the two are quite substantially different unlike most of the world thinks


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
To be clear, I hope no one gets the impression I hold myself at a higher level than prison guards, they too are far underpaid and hold a very high risk line of work. It's just that the two are quite substantially different unlike most of the world thinks
I had no idea. Thanks/TIL something. :D