
mac monkeys- a question

i'm runninng windows XP home on my computer now. it's a Pentium 4 i got two septembers ago, 2.26ghz. can i run OS X on this? im sick of windows, and i can't afford the powerbook i want yet, so i was thinking about switching OSs. will a mac OS run on anything other than a mac? if it will how do i go about doing this?


Sep 8, 2004
there is a project called open darwin that is the unix core for osx, to which you could probably find a shell that would adequately mimic aqua, but this would be no better than any other linux/unix that is already out now, except that it is newer so it would have less hardware support.
ultimately, the only way you will get the solid, fluid, seemless operating environment of the mac OS is to have a nice little chunk of mac hardware sitting on your desk.

i bought a powerbook several years ago when they weren't nearly as affordable as they are now. save what you can, and savor the day when you can walk into the apple store and throw down on the sexiest piece of silicon ever.