Ya, I have a massive $1400 trinitron CRT for color proofing photos. I need to get rid of the other 2 monitors on my desk, so looking to switch my everyday monitor to an LCD. i cannot stand reading on a CRT anymore, it gives me a headache.syadasti said:I think there was some noise about that for some of the early batches, but my 2005FPW does not have it. The larger LCD panels due seem more vulnerable to conformity issues. Gateway has a slightly better/newer 21" 1680x1050 panel for about $100 more.
My bad, the Cinema 20/Dell 2005 is the same panel, not the Cinema 23/Dell 2405.
Most anal PQ focused imaging pro's don't like the Cinema or Dell panel (the two photo pros I know don't use the Dell or Cinema for professional work). Spincrazy on RM is one of them and his finding seem to match this review - he thought the Eizo was one of the few LCD comparable to CRT...
The eizos are incredible - so is their price.
edit: kick ass link.