
Making an Avatar small enough..


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Don't know if this is the right place for this but thought that I would ask.....I have a problem making avatar pics small enough for the RideMonkey's 5kb limit. I have tried resizing and cutting the quality down to nothing....

I noticed that some people on here even have animated avatars that still seem to meet the limits. What am I doing wrong? What area of the image do I need to address?

Here is a nearly "full" version of what I would like to use. What would a guy need to do to make this work? I have PS Elements, so PS specific directions would be great. If you wanted to mess with this pic and let me know what worked I would be appreciative, but would still like to know what you did.....



binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
jeb4 said:
I have PS Elements, so PS specific directions would be great. If you wanted to mess with this pic and let me know what worked I would be appreciative, but would still like to know what you did.....
Resize it so that both dimensions are within the limits imposed by Ridemonkey (i.e. 70 pixels).

Then, click File, and Save For Web. Select JPG instead of GIF (which is usually the default). Then you can adjust the quality and it'll actually report to you what file size you're getting.

FYI, because the image will be so small, you can cut back really significantly on the quality.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
jeb4 said:
Thanks for the tip BV.....that makes all the difference in the world! :thumb:
Save For Web is a great tool, but just FYI, you could have gotten the same results through trial-and-error of saving and resaving different JPG qualities. The Save For Web function just makes it streamlined and gives you real-time results instead of having to save & check file sizes.

Glad you got it sorted though :thumb: