
Man....fat boy strikes again!!!


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
You know how little guys (short guys) sometimes have short man or (lil man) syndrome? Like they always need to act bigger and better than you? Well some Fat people have the same problem. FPS (fat people syndrome) is what it's called. Some overweight people can not stop themselves from eating/taking candy/whatever. It sucks more within an office enviorment. Given his attitude I'd say he has FPS.

FPS is a joke.......not all fat people are like that, but the little man syndrome is real! :)

As far as giving him a raise.......I wouldn't. My girlfriends job had a guy similar to your deal. Came in acting like he knew it all, had collage degree's and such and after a month of him working there everyone was like "what an idiot". He wanted a 3 month review for more $$$. He got his review and since the boss at her work is a tard she gave him more money after the fact that employee's said he wasn't doing his job. If I was his boss I'd have told him tuff cookies, work harder.

As long as you don't tell him he's a fatbody and that's why he gets no review or raise you got the legal stuff covered. Just base everything off performance and keep the stuff that bugs you out of mind a lil bit so it doesn't bias your decesion. You never know though........my brothers fat and eats/acts like this guy you described and I know it's just not because he's fat but he's got other issues he's dealing with that I'll never know about. Being fat probably ain't easy in today's world but that doesn't give the person the right to make his/her own rules.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Jr_Bullit said:
Because we haven't found anyone better yet :(.
Hey, one of my sisters will be moving up to Seattle in June. Any chance you could hook up an RMr's sister with an interview for fat guy's job? She'll be a college grad and has held a management-type position on campus. Plus, I know for a fact she won't eat all the snacks and stuff. Hmm???


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
reflux said:
Hey, one of my sisters will be moving up to Seattle in June. Any chance you could hook up an RMr's sister with an interview for fat guy's job? She'll be a college grad and has held a management-type position on campus. Plus, I know for a fact she won't eat all the snacks and stuff. Hmm???
Jr_Bullit's line of work is kinda specialized...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
riderx said:
It sounds like there are plenty of other things you should be busting his balls about. It sounds like you plan on keeping him. From what you said I'd be giving him the 90 day boot out the door before it becomes harder down the road...
The reasons for the keepage are many....

I also admitted today though, to the lady who is one of my mentors at the office, that I'm finding it very very hard to deal with someone who gives a 75% effort to a job that I did for years on top of other responsibilities and took pride in my ability to do the job better than anyone and know that the way I did my job made me irreplaceable.

Now I'm training someone so they can take that responsibility away from me so I can move upwards and onwards, and boy is it hard to see my pride and joy brought down to things that I would find, as a customer, to be incomplete and inefficient.


I'm having tons of issues with my folks and their old supervisor. No one eats too much, but they are complacent as hell.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Jr_Bullit said:
I also admitted today though, to the lady who is one of my mentors at the office, that I'm finding it very very hard to deal with someone who gives a 75% effort to a job that I did for years on top of other responsibilities and took pride in my ability to do the job better than anyone and know that the way I did my job made me irreplaceable.

Now I'm training someone so they can take that responsibility away from me so I can move upwards and onwards, and boy is it hard to see my pride and joy brought down to things that I would find, as a customer, to be incomplete and inefficient.

Being able to motivate your employees is a big part of being a manager. Most "employees" think that being a manager is cake, therefore motivating them to do a good job, while still assesing and addressing their short comings is a difficult task. I dont have a full grasp of exactly what you do in particular, but in the past couple of years you can find all kinds of hot topics books on managing "techies" that cover this kind of thing. Basically tech folks that were EXTREMELY proficient in doing their day to day jobs have been promoted and are not adjusting nicely to being responsible for people who, are now doing their old day to day job, they believe are inadequate.

I am not very good at it myself, and my frustration often comes across as negative/condesending. (I am trying to work on that).

Good luck


Mtb_Rob_FL said:
Being able to motivate your employees is a big part of being a manager. Most "employees" think that being a manager is cake, therefore motivating them to do a good job, while still assesing and addressing their short comings is a difficult task.
I hate it so far, and I am having a real struggle with the same guy that led to the demise of the woman I replaced. I did tell her that it won't be in vain. If I have to kill myself, I am going to fix that departments problems. Then I have to listen to them bitch about no bonuses. We LOST $3 million in EBIDTA this year. Imagine why we don't get a bonus. :think:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
Being able to motivate your employees is a big part of being a manager. Most "employees" think that being a manager is cake, therefore motivating them to do a good job, while still assesing and addressing their short comings is a difficult task. I dont have a full grasp of exactly what you do in particular, but in the past couple of years you can find all kinds of hot topics books on managing "techies" that cover this kind of thing. Basically tech folks that were EXTREMELY proficient in doing their day to day jobs have been promoted and are not adjusting nicely to being responsible for people who, are now doing their old day to day job, they believe are inadequate.

I am not very good at it myself, and my frustration often comes across as negative/condesending. (I am trying to work on that).

Good luck
I try hard not to be, and I'm finding that because I'm young, small, and not mean looking, I either get tagged as a 1st class beotch, or someone to be mowed over.
I earned my authority with our director of development when he was told by the owner of the company that if it came down to me or him, he'd pick me, because I make us money and then assure we keep it....
That doesn't change the fact I'm a year younger than fat boy, and he has a wife and kid and other responsibilities that I don't have to deal with yet in life.
I'm trying hard to not be the nasty female manager that I've heard other men complain about, but then I feel like I'm being too soft and he doesn't take me seriously for more than 24 hours.

I suspect if I start going after his chocolate/eating habits as hard as I go after his professionalism, quality of work and follow-through, then I'll fall right smack into the area I didn't want to - the mean bishy girl manager who isn't earning his respect...

Could be I've got my own insecurities about leading/managing "men" that are also older than me and have responsibilities that demand they bring home a reasonable income...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
loco said:
I'm having tons of issues with my folks and their old supervisor. No one eats too much, but they are complacent as hell.
Sucks when people get complacent in their job. My boss avoids that by doing a re-org about once every 15 months and shaking his spear at the sky and doing the huma huma dance.


Jr_Bullit said:
Sucks when people get complacent in their job. My boss avoids that by doing a re-org about once every 15 months and shaking his spear at the sky and doing the huma huma dance.
Yeah - we just got a new president and we have upset the apple cart, both internally and externally, but we are going to be profitable and we are going to make our customers like us again. I'll remember the dance though. There is one to shake a spear around tomorrow I believe.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
reflux said:
Hey, one of my sisters will be moving up to Seattle in June. Any chance you could hook up an RMr's sister with an interview for fat guy's job? She'll be a college grad and has held a management-type position on campus. Plus, I know for a fact she won't eat all the snacks and stuff. Hmm???
All I can say is maybe maybe. :)

We interviewed a ton of fresh out of college grads who didn't have a lot of real world experience and they all felt they were ready to hop into management positions within a few months.

My response was, to all of them, that's great, but I need someone who can do "this" job for now. Climbing the ladder, as I have done, isn't gonna happen in a few months, but in a few years. None were willing to deal with that reality that I needed them to work for the company and be committed for a few years before they got to move up.

To be quite frank, we're gonna probably keep this guy and make him fit the role he's "designed for", but we're about the release yet another major product which will probably double the business the company is currently bringing in...meaning, I'm going to be out of the office 50% of the time, and not even able to support, manage, guide the fat boy and we'll be in dire need of another customer representative.

If you're serious, and you think she will be serious, then shoot me a PM and I'll send her the JD and represent her well.

However, if things were to work out and she got hired, I'd suddenly have to be a good girl and stop bishing about work here ;).


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
loco said:
Yeah - we just got a new president and we have upset the apple cart, both internally and externally, but we are going to be profitable and we are going to make our customers like us again. I'll remember the dance though. There is one to shake a spear around tomorrow I believe.
Making customers like you is the part of my job I love. I guess that's why I'm good at it...it would kill me to think something I or my team did led any customer to feel neglected or upset by the way their interactions with my company went. I'm hoping, after doing this management stuff for awhile and getting better with it, I can move into a bigger company and turn a big customer service dept around.

I think it'd be exciting to actually give customers the kind of care they deserve.

Okay...teary sniff sniff moment for me, y'all can roll your eyes if you want :p

My other desire is to own my own sandwich/soup deli where I can make pastries and delicious foodums for people all day long and get to know the regulars and their personal stories. :thumb:


Jr_Bullit said:
Making customers like you is the part of my job I love. I guess that's why I'm good at it...it would kill me to think something I or my team did led any customer to feel neglected or upset by the way their interactions with my company went. I'm hoping, after doing this management stuff for awhile and getting better with it, I can move into a bigger company and turn a big customer service dept around.
Well - a $65 million company is not huge, but it will take some work. I was mortified when the guy I was talking to said he thought we were trying to sever ties. I can't imagine. Sure he is whiny, but I was at wit's end trying to get the sales director to call this guy for 3 days. He had been waiting for months. I often say, I can't believe we have jobs, but there are a few of us proud enough to try to fix it. Add in material costs skyrocketing and price increases from us, all we can offer is quality and service. I pray we get back to that.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
I love being a manager! Love it, I dig managing people. Yes, at times it totally sucks, like having 3 of the 7 girls I manage pregnant at the same time :mumble:

At first I was intimated because I was the oldest and the only white chick in the department, let alone their boss. I find the more straight forward I am the better. I used to beat around the bush when correcting people, or I was worried that they wouldn't like me. Now I just tell them what I expect from them, and pretty much let them do their job. I have too much on my plate to stand over their shoulder. If they screw up I tell them, and have them fix it themselves. The more trust I have in them the better they feel about their ability to concur new tasks.

Also, I have developed the, ‘If you don’t like talk to HR’ attitude, I’m not here to make any friends, just to get the job done best as possible.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
loco said:
Well - a $65 million company is not huge, but it will take some work. I was mortified when the guy I was talking to said he thought we were trying to sever ties. I can't imagine. Sure he is whiny, but I was at wit's end trying to get the sales director to call this guy for 3 days. He had been waiting for months. I often say, I can't believe we have jobs, but there are a few of us proud enough to try to fix it. Add in material costs skyrocketing and price increases from us, all we can offer is quality and service. I pray we get back to that.
So...why did you not call him back directly and deal with it if someone else in your company could not take ownership over their direct responsibility?

That's exactly how I climbed the company ladder here, and it wasn't intentional, it was that same feeling of- why the hell can't you make this call? Well then fine, I'll do your damned job for you and make sure this customer understands that there are people at this company who care.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
I love being a manager! Love it, I dig managing people. Yes, at times it totally sucks, like having 3 of the 7 girls I manage pregnant at the same time :mumble:

At first I was intimated because I was the oldest and the only white chick in the department, let alone their boss. I find the more straight forward I am the better. I used to beat around the bush when correcting people, or I was worried that they wouldn't like me. Now I just tell them what I expect from them, and pretty much let them do their job. I have too much on my plate to stand over their shoulder. If they screw up I tell them, and have them fix it themselves. The more trust I have in them the better they feel about their ability to concur new tasks.

Also, I have developed the, ‘If you don’t like talk to HR’ attitude, I’m not here to make any friends, just to get the job done best as possible.

nice :)..how long did it take you to get to that point? At this point, I'm starting to wonder if half the office gossip of the "non-management" employees is about me...it's a small company, and I know that as the youngest employee and being handed this responsibility by itself is not earning me any "friends" and is forcing me to change the way I interact with my coworkers.
There is no more girlish talk in the kitchn about each others' personal lives...1) I have no time for bs, and 2) I'm finding it becomes a conflict of interest to know too much about my coworkers and their personal stuff...


Jr_Bullit said:
So...why did you not call him back directly and deal with it if someone else in your company could not take ownership over their direct responsibility?

That's exactly how I climbed the company ladder here, and it wasn't intentional, it was that same feeling of- why the hell can't you make this call? Well then fine, I'll do your damned job for you and make sure this customer understands that there are people at this company who care.
I've not been in the position to make the deals that are required by him. I also needed him to identify the pricing arrangements. The customer rolled this time, just to be civil. Most instances, our sales guy says, "oh yeah", and we issue a huge credit. It's sad that I should have to help the second most important role in our company. I am trying to change that.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Jr_Bullit said:
nice :)..how long did it take you to get to that point? At this point, I'm starting to wonder if half the office gossip of the "non-management" employees is about me...it's a small company, and I know that as the youngest employee and being handed this responsibility by itself is not earning me any "friends" and is forcing me to change the way I interact with my coworkers.
There is no more girlish talk in the kitchn about each others' personal lives...1) I have no time for bs, and 2) I'm finding it becomes a conflict of interest to know too much about my coworkers and their personal stuff...

Sounds like you are getting a handle on it already. You aren't there to make friends or be nice, you are there to do your job and make sure your employees do the same. It is a never ending balancing act, I would be surprised if you are perfect at it. You will make some mistakes, something will come back to bite you in the ass, you will deal with it and learn.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Jr_Bullit said:
nice :)..how long did it take you to get to that point? At this point, I'm starting to wonder if half the office gossip of the "non-management" employees is about me...it's a small company, and I know that as the youngest employee and being handed this responsibility by itself is not earning me any "friends" and is forcing me to change the way I interact with my coworkers.
There is no more girlish talk in the kitchn about each others' personal lives...1) I have no time for bs, and 2) I'm finding it becomes a conflict of interest to know too much about my coworkers and their personal stuff...
It took some time...I was friends with everyone I became in charge of so I had to find new 'work' friends. Now I just hang out with people I'm not in charge of. There was one chick that got hired a month before me that I ending up being in charge of and she had a huge problem with it, so I transferred her to nights :devil:

Honestly I don't care if they talk about me. I hope they have the courage to say it to my face if they have a problem with me professionally, but personally I don't give a chit.