
Man fired for drinking a Bud...

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus

Miller Brewing forklift driver fired after photographed sipping a Bud
AP | Mon Feb 14

RACINE, Wis. (AP) - Just sipping a brewski gave Isac Aguero a career hangover.

Aguero, 24, said he was fired from his job with a Miller Brewing distributor, the same day a picture appeared in the Journal Times of Racine of him drinking a Bud Light, which is brewed by rival Anheuser-Busch Co.

The photo, taken Feb. 5, was part of the newspaper's weekly "On the Town" feature, which depicts the city's night life.

Aguero, who had been a forklift operator at CJW Inc. for four years, told the newspaper he was informed by co-workers when he arrived at work last week that he was in trouble because of the picture.

He said he was called into the general manager's office and told he was fired. Aguero said he was not given a reason and claimed he never had problems with his bosses.

"It was a Saturday and I wasn't at work," he told The Journal Times. "They can't tell me what beverages I can drink. Bud Light's my beer of choice, I always drink that. Just because I work there, do I have to change what I drink?"

Thomas Bey, a CJW sales manager, read a statement to the Associated Press on Friday and would not answer any questions. He said the company does not publicly discuss past or present employees.

"We consistently remind our employees that drinking alcohol is entirely a personal decision," Bey said. "The image and reputation of any company is determined in large part by the way its employees are seen to behave. Our employees can and should be our best ambassadors."

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
dh girlie said:
I dunno...Miller is WAY worse than Bud...Miller gives me rot gut...I'll pass on a beer if its a Miller product...and THAT is saying a lot right there...

Bud is SO bad... that I'd take a Miller over one anytime...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i think miller tastes way too sweet, and i hate it even more than bud, if that's possible. and miller lite might be the nastiest beverage on the planet. at least coors light (not that i'd ever willingly drink that) is innocuous.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
So far, every beer mentioned in this thread sucks.

in that case (ha @ case in beer thread) this is what I drank this weekend.



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
There ya go. :)

Unfortunately, I had a beer-free weekend. :(

EDIT: Oops. I forgot about the 23oz Bass I had at Foxwoods Saturday night.
Foxwoods? WTF you went there?

I also had this............

it's my 15minutes of fame beer at the moment.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
SkaredShtles said:
Here ya go!

Now *that* beer has flavor..........


Hey could you get a smaller pic next time that way I won't even know it's an IPA.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
I drank a newcastle this weekend...blech...why does darker beer taste like it has coffee in it?
Sacrilege! Heathen! Off with 'er head! :nope:

Budweiser line? SUCKS!
Miller line? SUCKS!
Busch line? SUCKS!

Newcastle? mmmmmm-MMMMMM-Good!

The "coffee" taste could either be the hops(bitter) or malts(sweet) depending upon whether you drink coffee(black) or swiss piss hot cocoa coffee(with sugar, flavored creamers, etc.)

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
Sacrilege! Heathen! Off with 'er head! :nope:

Budweiser line? SUCKS!
Miller line? SUCKS!
Busch line? SUCKS!

Newcastle? mmmmmm-MMMMMM-Good!

The "coffee" taste could either be the hops(bitter) or malts(sweet) depending upon whether you drink coffee(black) or swiss piss hot cocoa coffee(with sugar, flavored creamers, etc.)
I take my coffee straight up...alone...not with any creams, sugars, mocha, beer...straight up black.

Newcastle...blech...coffee flavored beer is just nasty. but if thats all there is, then I'll drink it.

Aren't budweiser and busch the same line?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
SkaredShtles said:
Barleywine-style does not equal beer in my book....... <blech>

Yeah I tasted it at a bar once, I thought it was a shot of Whiskey.....


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
RhinofromWA said:
I visited the brewery when I was in PA last month. Got to walk thru the caves underneath. :thumb:

Have a orange camo Yuengling baseball hat too. :D
Wait they opened the caves again?

I used to live in next town over been on the brewery tour 3 times!! Don't ya love the bar after? I love that big tap head they have....


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
stosh said:
Wait they opened the caves again?

I used to live in next town over been on the brewery tour 3 times!! Don't ya love the bar after? I love that big tap head they have....
Yeah the caves are open....something about an anniversary or something.

The bar was pretty cool I have a picture of me behind it. :D