
Man I can't wait till tomorrow night!!!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
caboverpete said:
I have read hundreds of stosh's useless posts but I have to say being excited about the Voodoo Glow Skulls is a new all time low.
Funny that you keep reading them though. I'm like a magazine at the checkout counter.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
caboverpete said:
I work for local government... even your useless posts are more exciting than staring at the wall waiting for someone to complain about their neighbor parking in the alleyway.
I don't know sometimes that stuff has got to be a hoot!!!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
SkaredShtles said:
You'll notice he prefers the pig's *left* ear and the 'tard's *right* ear...... I wonder if that's significant. :think:

I notice he's moving faster, I gues he's not getting as much pleasure from you so it wants it to be over quick.

dh girlie

caboverpete said:
I work for local government... even your useless posts are more exciting than staring at the wall waiting for someone to complain about their neighbor parking in the alleyway.
Amen, bruthuh! I'm in the same boat...I just wait for people to call to complain about trees and sidewalks, instead of cars being wrongfully parked. But sometimes even Stosh's useless posts aren't even as exciting as that...:D

dh girlie

stosh said:
I don't know sometimes that stuff has got to be a hoot!!!

Sometimes it is...once someone called to tell me that a branch was hanging so low over the sidewalk that a blind person could get their eye poked out by it. I really, really, REALLY wanted to say...they don't need it anyway so what difference does it make...but I do need to work for another 20 or so years...so I didn't...

dh girlie

caboverpete said:
Funny thing is I work in the Engineering Dept... but 8 out of 10 people through the door are bitchin about a damn alleyway.

Man, have you ever heard someone say anything about CHILDREN and ELDERLY...f**k that bugs the crap outta me...

Everytime someone calls to bitch about a raised sidewalk or a big tree they have to say...CHILDREN PLAY THERE AND ELDERLY WALK THERE!!! As if we would not fix it if only people in their 20's walked there...:rolleyes: If they happen to catch me on a day I'm feeling rather pissy, I will say we don't want ANYONE to get hurt regardless of how old they are, so please give me the address.

Oh...another one that's great is, they call to report something...give you their address...and then tack on the city, state and zip code...it's like SHUT THE HELL UP...I KNOW YOU ARE IN CITY X or you wouldn't be CALLING ME!

Friggin drama queens in this city... :eviltongu