
Man tells women to stop being a btch


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
DC Bachelor wants us to know how to get a man....
(this would be all well and good, if getting a man was our main priority...)

What's Wrong with you..

By Sally (edit.... I thought this was by a guy)
A primer for the ladies.

I can tell you why you are not meeting men and why you will eventually spend approximately 5% of your entire life span btching about how you can’t seem to meet men and asking where to meet them.

Somewhere along the line, women got retarded. It’s like a college education and more opportunities in the workplace made us all stupider in the natural laws of attraction. What I’m going to tell you is solid gold, and if you disagree, then you’re an idiot, and will probably die alone.

1. First of all, why are you turning down social invitations? I hear this all the time from women. “I’m too tired” or “I have to go let my dog out” or “I really have to wash clothes” … really? All of these things are more important than potentially meeting an attractive, eligible man? If you get invited to do something, even if it sounds lame, GO. You’re not going to meet men sitting on your couch in your PJs watching a “Project Runway” marathon. If you live out of town, find friends who live in the District who will let you crash on their couch if you go out at night… and learn the art of walk-of-shame shopping. As a codicil, if you are double- or triple-booked, try to go to everything, if even for only 10 minutes.

2. Always be prepared. You never know when you’ll go to the coffee shop and meet your future husband waiting on your tall mocha. That’s why you can’t afford to be cavalier about your appearance or the number of business cards in your wallet (or having a pen and paper handy).

3. When did “being comfortable” become more important than “being pretty”? Guess what: it’s a cold hard truth, but men think your flat, orthopedic-looking shoes are UGLY. You don’t have to dress like a model every day, and you don’t have to have a lot of money to look good. But you can think about what a man might like to see on a woman. It’s not a plain top, flip-flops, and jeans that make your butt look chubby. Learn how to walk in high heels, and make some friends who won’t lie to you about your clothing. Additionally, buy a push-up bra or two. You know that saying, “men are visual creatures”? It’s a saying because it’s true. A little flash, a little pizzazz are your best weapons. Just don’t lay the make-up on with a trowel.

4. Stop being a bitch. You know why no guys are hitting on you at the restaurant/bar? Because you’re sitting there with a frown on your face, trying to look cool. If you are lucky enough to be approached by a man who would probably love nothing more than to buy you a drink, be polite. And, make lots of eye contact.

4a. Quit trying to act like you are the hottest **** on the planet, because you’re not. It’s all well and good to tell yourself that a couple of times a day as a pick-me-up (I’m certainly guilty), but don’t take that attitude outside of your head. Some women affect boredom because they think it makes them seem sophisticated, but it just makes them look borING. Why not look like you are having fun?

5. Think about where the kind of men you would like to meet would be present. Every dating advice columnist out there tells you to go to cooking classes and that kind of bullheimer, but there’s no guarantees there. Suggestions:

-alumni groups for your college (you’ll have at least one thing in common)
-briefings, panel discussions, etc. on the Hill (men who are reasonably intelligent, have decent jobs, and will totally hit on you if you look hot)
-book readings and concerts (if you go by yourself, it’s less intimidating to men than approaching a tight cluster of girls)

6. Develop yourself. Read a book or two, go to a museum, go to a movie, take a trip. You know how you reject men because they don’t have anything interesting to say? I know it’s hard to believe, but men will reject you for the same reason.

7. It might be in female nature to take everything personally and to look for hidden meanings in what people say, but try avoid this. Example: if a man you’ve met exactly once before says, “you look different” upon meeting you the second time, don’t immediately assume that because you weren’t wearing makeup the first time, you looked ugly and that because you are wearing makeup now, that you look pretty, and that this man actually thinks you are ugly, and now you hate him, and he’s not that good-looking anyway, and who does he think he is, and why does he think he’s so superior, and he’s probably lying about all that tail he’s pulling anyway. Do you know why men say that women are psycho btches? Because women think like that. And then they say it out loud. And believe it.

I’m not claiming to be an expert. But, I do meet a lot of men - the kind of men that most women would like to date. And, I feel like that makes me at least somewhat qualified to assess what you’re doing wrong. So buck up. Because you think you’re ready to meet the man of your dreams… but how hard are you trying?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sorry to interupt into the MudHunnie forum but this article has forced me to ask the question. Why do women wear high heels? They complain about it, it certainly looks uncomfortable. The only men who seem to find it attractive seems to be the odd screwball with a fetish. Samething with long fingernails, I don't get it?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BTW, after spending the weekend at Sea Otter, the last customers of the day at my shop were a couple who were looking at a mtn bike for her, but nothing "too good" because she wasn't serious enough. He did all the talking and she just listened.

I will say this, I have much respect and I find really attractive all the women riders and racers at Sea Otter. I could care less they were sweaty, dirty, or muddy. They were riding and going for it, and that's what I am looking for.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Hmm... I, too, typically stay out of the Mud Hunnies forum but this topic on the recently posted list caught my eye.

I think high heels can be very attractive. Not super tall, and I'm not really into the whole pointed-shoe thing, but heels can be very sexy.

Long fingernails, too. Not long fingernails, but nice nails often make a woman's hands look nice.

Of course, I wouldn't refuse to date someone because they didn't have long nails or because they were wearing sneakers, just commenting that you may be confused about it, but you're in the minority. Take a poll of a hundred guys on the street and I almost guarantee that 80 of them will say that heels and nice nails are attractive.

Maybe I'm just an odd screwball with a fetish :D


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
binary visions said:
Take a poll of a hundred guys on the street and I almost guarantee that 80 of them will say that heels and nice nails are attractive.
i'm glad that i have found someone not in that 80 percentile. He digs me even thought I ... have the shortest fingernails, do not wear high heels, or anything along those lines.


Mar 19, 2006
Well, I guess I could learn how to wear high heels, but I'm too busy learning how to do manuals in my Vans. Silly article. One person can't speak for what other people like. And if that dude likes pushup bras and long fingernails on women, I guess he wouldn't be into me. But that's cool. I'm not into guys who like long nails and high heels on women.


Oct 17, 2002
women wear shoes?

Seriously tho, I know men and women who can't meet someone, but don't actually try. WTF is that all about?

I'm going to marry my g/f and she told me that she didn't want to bother with our first date. She (obviously) went anyway and now she's madly in-love with me.


PS: I'm not a fan of heels or long nails.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
zoey said:
Well, I guess I could learn how to wear high heels, but I'm too busy learning how to do manuals in my Vans. Silly article. One person can't speak for what other people like. And if that dude likes pushup bras and long fingernails on women, I guess he wouldn't be into me. But that's cool. I'm not into guys who like long nails and high heels on women.

You don't need heels and nails...
See point #5 Want to meet some nice guys that are in good shape? Go to almost ANY trailhead.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
binary visions said:
Take a poll of a hundred guys on the street and I almost guarantee that 80 of them will say that heels and nice nails are attractive.
I don't think my man has ever once looked at my nails, only when I have ripped them off while crashing on my DH bike (the one nails that are of any importance are toenails in the summer time) Nor have I ever worn heels since we've been together. I do know how dress up, but heels aren't comfortable so I don't wear them.

Special K

Feb 12, 2004
CT by way of Beantown
As my bf says, I have the ability to get dirty and muddy while riding and be a girl -- you can be both if you want, and if you don't that is fine too.
When I do have to wear heels (i.e. bridesmaid, etc.), I pay no more than 20 dollars for the shoes, as they will probably be only worn once.


Jan 31, 2006
bay area, Cali
MudGrrl said:
7. It might be in female nature to take everything personally and to look for hidden meanings in what people say, but try avoid this. Example: if a man you’ve met exactly once before says, “you look different” upon meeting you the second time, don’t immediately assume that because you weren’t wearing makeup the first time, you looked ugly and that because you are wearing makeup now, that you look pretty, and that this man actually thinks you are ugly, and now you hate him, and he’s not that good-looking anyway, and who does he think he is, and why does he think he’s so superior, and he’s probably lying about all that tail he’s pulling anyway. Do you know why men say that women are psycho btches? Because women think like that. And then they say it out loud. And believe it.
about this point... i personally KNOW of guys that have said one thing to my face, and said what they REALLY felt to the guys, and the other guys told me what the real deal was. so i dont need some dude from BC to tell me how to think and interpret what a guy is saying...:nonono:

and since when did the girls start chasing guys?? maybe i'm old fashioned about not being the one to make the first move, but i believe that as long as i'm living my life to the fullest and funnest, then i'll meet someone along the way. believe it or not, my priority in life is not to find some guy.

and another thing... i must REALLY be wierd because it seems that i'm the only chick in this forum that actually likes wearing heels when the occasion calls.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
thePINKster said:
and another thing... i must REALLY be wierd because it seems that i'm the only chick in this forum that actually likes wearing heels when the occasion calls.
No, it doesn't make you weird at all, it makes you you:) I think it's cool that we are able to ride bikes, keep up with the guys, get all dirty and sweaty, then clean up and be a lady. We have the best of both worlds.


Mar 19, 2006
-BB- said:
You don't need heels and nails...
See point #5 Want to meet some nice guys that are in good shape? Go to almost ANY trailhead.
Nah, I don't like guys who look better in lycra than me. :) Just kidding. My hubby is a total non bike guy, in fact I change all his bike flats for him, and we get along just fine.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
it's one thing to be against the whole "girly girl" thing (heels, manicure, etc.), but i can attest that i know some girls who basically don't seem like girls at all. and that's not attractive.


and no, they're not lesbian or butch. just something is missing, they're totally gender neutral, don't walk/talk/smell female :D


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
thePINKster said:
and another thing... i must REALLY be wierd because it seems that i'm the only chick in this forum that actually likes wearing heels when the occasion calls.

I have heels.

I know they're bad for me (what with the achilles tendon and stuff), but I don't wear them every day.

I like to 'dress like a girl' every once in a while, but especially in the summer.... I figured out last year that skirts are an office appropriate version of shorts....and more comfortable

(except for that whole sitting like a 'lady' thing, I'm still working on that)

but.... I definitely don't dress up to go snare me a husband.



Aug 25, 2004
nor cal
I have heels...I love wearing them...only problem is, I can't justify wearing them enough...I'm usually too busy doing an outdoor activity...I will say I live in a college town with a great shoe store...it has any type of shoe you could possibly want...and most of the heels are $20-25...hence the reason I have a heel collection...but I have a shoe fetish in general...

I love growing my nails out, but once they reach a certain length (just past my fingertips a few cm and they've got to go)...

I also love wearing make up and trying to look pretty...but I'm not gonna do it every day...

and I've been married for 8 1/2 years...so I'm not really looking for a man anyways...but I was the same back when I met him...I just didn't have heels...and I still bit my fingernails...


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
goodtobeIrie said:
I love growing my nails out, but once they reach a certain length (just past my fingertips a few cm and they've got to go)...

I am absolutely convinced that chicks with long nails don't have an active life....

except for Jackie Joyner


You can't ride with long nails
You sure as hll can't climb with them
Sht, I find it amusing when certain women type, they have to type differently with their long friggin fake nails....


Mar 19, 2006
I would actually like to have longer nails, but since I started to learn to play the guitar my instructor told me to cut them. It's easier to play that way. When I complained he said "sometimes one must suffer for their art." :) That amuses me. So yeah, I'd like to wear high heels and have long nails, but gosh-I'm suffering for my art. :p


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Special K said:
As my bf says, I have the ability to get dirty and muddy while riding and be a girl -- you can be both if you want, and if you don't that is fine too.
When I do have to wear heels (i.e. bridesmaid, etc.), I pay no more than 20 dollars for the shoes, as they will probably be only worn once.
LOL! I'm with you there...no Jimmy Chu's for me (is that even how you spell his name?) I have heels and I wear them for concerts and special occassions. I am a teacher and on my feet all day so there's very little chance of seeing me in heels on a daily basis ;) I also don't have my nails done...I clip and file them down pretty short because I am playing piano and fixing instruments on a daily basis (in addition to the mud factor when riding ;) ) I've been married almost 8 years and together with my husband for 11 years so I guess he doesn't mind.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Wow, this June Cleaver needs to have a high heel inserted into her mouth. If women are expected to leave the house looking perfectly groomed then men should do the same.

I wasted too much time trying to be the "right" person for guys. I finally put my jeans and t-shirt back on, played my electric guitar and rode my mountain bike and ended up meeting a wonderful guy in the process who likes me for who I am.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
bluebug32 said:
I wasted too much time trying to be the "right" person for guys. I finally put my jeans and t-shirt back on, played my electric guitar and rode my mountain bike and ended up meeting a wonderful guy in the process who likes me for who I am.




Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
bluebug32 said:
I wasted too much time trying to be the "right" person for guys. I finally put my jeans and t-shirt back on, played my electric guitar and rode my mountain bike and ended up meeting a wonderful guy in the process who likes me for who I am.

Here Here. If you've got to change who you are to find a man, your looking for the wrong kinds of men.


Aug 27, 2002
Snacks said:
No, it doesn't make you weird at all, it makes you you:) I think it's cool that we are able to ride bikes, keep up with the guys, get all dirty and sweaty, then clean up and be a lady. We have the best of both worlds.
I'm the same way. I used to be all tomboy, and in the past 6 years or so I've decided I like wearing heels and getting my nails done, and highlights in my long hair. Which oddly coincides with the time I've been mountain biking and racing DH. Hell, I like having a manicure and pedicure because the nailpolish covers up all the dirt and grease under my nails from riding and working on my bike.

And last time I needed stitches on my ankle, we went out to dinner/movie/etc. and I wore stiletto heels and a cute skirt with my 25 stitches on the back of my leg. My husband and I both thought it was hilarious and I had a blast.

Regarding the article: we all know the best place to meet guys is out doing sports. I'd say on the trail, but I met my husband skiing. ;)


May 14, 2005
Ha! I have a girlfriend that tried to give me similar advise when she found out I was going out to visit a "friend", and asked me what I was planning on taking to wear "out" (keep in mind I was going to a smallish mountain town - where exactly does one go "out"??). She was convinced that my NOT planning on taking a pair of heels and a tight little hoochie top would be my demise... well it turns out me and the guy are better as friends, but heels and hoochie top or not it wouldn't have mattered - friends or more, we think each other is hot for who we are not what we wear.

As for the meeting more men, I ride and frequent many a trailhead (not to meet men, obviously:D), and my experience is that most of the time people are out riding and don't tend to initiate contact other than a "Hey" as you pass each other on the trail. At what point do people actually stop in their tracks and "pick up"? I've never seen that, nor experienced it:rolleyes: Does that really happen? Maybe I should unplug the headphones? Whatta ya think? He he ;)


Aug 27, 2002
mtnluvn said:
As for the meeting more men, I ride and frequent many a trailhead (not to meet men, obviously:D), and my experience is that most of the time people are out riding and don't tend to initiate contact other than a "Hey" as you pass each other on the trail. At what point do people actually stop in their tracks and "pick up"? I've never seen that, nor experienced it:rolleyes: Does that really happen? Maybe I should unplug the headphones? Whatta ya think? He he ;)
Heh - I've met plenty of people (male and female) out riding or skiing. Yeah, you're not exactly going to stop someone in their tracks, but people are stopped and usually easy to strike up a conversation with at trailheads or at the top of a big climb to catch their breath, etc. And you have a million possible topics of conversation... discussing the trail, weather, asking how they like their bike/fork/helmet/camelback/whatever catches your eye. (And yes, it would require unplugging the headphones, for at least a minute...)


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
Nearly every girl I see on the trails, whether running or biking, wears headphones. I think it's to ward off the guy that's going to try to pick them up for being a fit girl in lycra. While I totally understand not wanting to be bothered, I find it hard to believe that every one of these girls I've seen is totally closed off to meeting someone on the mountain. So, if you are open to that, just don't ride with them at all. That way you can hear when your bike is breaking, or how your tires sound going hard into a berm, or what your rear hub sounds like when you're floating through midair. You can listen to music on the way back home (though even after rides, I prefer simply the sound of wind and my Boxer engine.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Heels are hot. Mud hunnies have nice legs from riding, hiking, climbing, skiing, boarding, and all the other friggin awesome outdoor things we love. Rock the right shoes for the right occasion and don't be afraid to show off those hot bodies when you want to watch the men squirm!

I like to throw 'em on when I feel like reminding my fiance that under the mud, I can be one sexy mamma! ;)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

Lazarus thread.

I do enjoy how my first comment in this thread was apparently taken as assuming any guy who finds certain traits attractive must be immediately pigeon-holed into a category, and cannot possibly find women without those traits attractive. As if wearing heels in appropriate settings precludes doing other fun activities the rest of the time.