
Man this is so frickn interesting


took the red pill
I'd be glad to listen to them. I've been using yousendit.com lately with success with large files, however don't worry about it. What I am after right now is reverse engineering my thought process. The key to this is not just to rid yourself of any bad thoughts, memories, ideaologies, etc, but to replace them with new thoughts that serve you better. My ideas and core beliefs were a real detrement to me. My fear of failure prevented me for a long time to progress spiritually. My dad tried to instill what he thought was good, as a PhD professor, by ramming fear of failure with constant barragements of "success, success, success" for 18 years of my life as well as mental abuse, rage and mental violence and yelling"

Nobody who meets my father could ever picture him banging his head off the corner of a his dresser with blood pouring out of his forehead. They can't imagine it. This is what I lived with for 18 years. Not a sob story by any means. His father was like this and his grandfather and so on. So the higher purpose of my being in this life is to break the cycle of rage and fear and instill good values and ideas in my own child. It's been a struggle for me, and still is a struggle. However I've partially awakened to reality and accepted Gods presence within me and have come to the self-realization that God is not seperate from us and is not to be feared. He is inside of all of us. I do not envision God as a single being with white beard and staff, but a sort of higher power and energy that encompasses all of us.

This is where the law of Karma comes into play. Whether one believes or wants to accept it or not, we are all one on a higher level. When I hurt you, I hurt myself. This is so true and I have lived it. Causing difficulty to others, never physical violence, but small stuff such as property destruction, psychic violence and hatred. What happened? It all came back in my face, 33 years of it. The major part of my progress, spiritually was to come to the realization that instead of fighting what I can not control, I must learn to accept what I can not control and accept the will of God and place my trust in a higher power. This sort of rids the fear and anxiety within one, and place trust in a higher power, and allow yourself to feel it's love and realize that there really is nothing to fear.

This is an extremely difficult process. Especially with all that goes on in the world. The world is not a very happy place. However this is also a perception that is created in your own reality. Fact is that if we lived during the Roman Empire times, we would realize that the world is no more evil and violent now than it was then. It's just the way we perceive events and the flow of information is ever so forceful now. We can do our best to escape it, but the fact is that we are bombarded daily with negative information. Thoughts are energy, and thought directly control the way we perceive our own reality. We can choose to internalize the negativity and let it sneak down inside our subconscious to form core beliefs or we can be conscious or awake and realize what a detrement it is to us. First thing I would do to progress in this manner is not expose yourself to the sheit. News, tv, for starters. Energy is one thing that people fail to realize that really can influence our lives. Rid yourself of negativity. It is energy. Energy is unseen so often not thought about. The perfect analogy would be "birds of a feather flock together"

There is a lot to this and this is very deep and most people are not ready to hear this stuff or accept it. However it is my opinion to rather deal with it now than later when I'm 80 years old dying and asking myself if I led a good life and helped people. People are suffering, everywhere. Will you lend a hand, or will you be like the masses and just pass on by without thought?
