
Mandatory school sports


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
At the private high school 2 mi awy (Dunn High School) a school sport is required each day until like 5:30. It is a really good school, but team sports are rquired. Are other schools like this?

The spots year is divided into thirds. They have baseball, basketball, lacrosse, golf, climbing&kyacking ( is kinda fun, but I don't enjoy white water paddling very much although it was kind of fun.) SOme sports are only at certain 3rds of the year.

It pisses me off that sports is required. That doesn't leave much time for riding by the time I do homework, dinner, shower.

I wrote a .5 page proposal so I can ride for the last 3rd ( which I did this year). It sucks that I have to play a school sport. If it was volunteer, their teems would be better because those people want to play. I personally, hate team sports.

I like skateboarding, riding, snowboarding, surfing,...

I think school spirit events and other school stuff is bs. School should just be to learn. There is enough stuff I want to do that I can't do.

Is anyones school like this?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
There's a lot of private schools that are like that.

Suck it up. They could be requiring a lot worse things than fitness. It's good to learn how to play a sport - your skateboarding, riding, snowboarding and surfing is fine, but there's a lot more to high school sports than an individual achievement.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I think public schools should adopt this policy too. With Americans getting fatter and fatter (kids included) forcing them into some athletics might actually do them some good. Make them put down the damn Playstation controller and pick up a ball for cripe's sake.


Carbon Fetish

May 6, 2002
Irvine, CA
I Are Baboon said:
I think public schools should adopt this policy too. With Americans getting fatter and fatter (kids included) forcing them into some athletics might actually do them some good. Make them put down the damn Playstation controller and pick up a ball for cripe's sake.


It wasn't an issue for me because I ran track and cross country all four years of high school.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
That seems a little excessive. Being an adult, or so I think, I wouldn't want to change anything that I got to experience growing up. This includes all the stupid stuff I did after school.

Let kids be kids, already.

I agree that kids need to put down the PS2 controller, but c'mon, forcing them into sports at school seems a little much. Shouldn't this be a decision that can be made by the kids and their parents? I, for one, would object vehemently if a school told me / my kid that he or she was going to be REQUIRED to participate in a team sport each semester. What if I had brought my kid up as a cyclist and he or she were a member of a youth development team unaffiliated with the school. Hell if I'm going to take them out of that so that they can play basketball.

I'm all for team sports, and think that they build camaraderie and a sense of belonging, not to mention the ability to work and play well with others, but this should really be a decision that can be made at home. I guess parents these days don't have time to deal with their children's lives. It's easier to keep them at school all day and then plop them down in front of the TV with video games at night.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Erm, isn't that what PE class is for? I can understand if there's no gym class; in that case I would agree to required sports. If there is PE, then why bother? Only an hour of physical activity each day is really necessary, and most of what you can get from a after school sport you can get in gym class. Some kids just aren't cut out for competitive play, and those are better suited to an organized, everybody equal gym class.

That being said, I think team sports are excellent for younger kids. They teach teamwork, putting up with other people's bull****, and being competitive. If you really want to succeed in life, you're going to need these things.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Sandwich said:
Erm, isn't that what PE class is for?
So at my school, there are 3 semesters of this required. I'm finishing 10th grade and have not done one. I simply do not like PE. There is this thing we can do here, if we are on a school team, a community team, or whatever with adult supervision. If you do 90 hours of that activity and get this thing documenting all the hours signed, that counts as a semester of PE.
So, I guess my point here is that many days after school, and weekends for sure I go riding or do trail work. But since that is not an organized sport I cannot get anything for it that I know of. Yet at the same time, my mom argues, I am WAY more active that half the kids in the school. Yet they get credit for the class that all they do is go and WALK.



What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
dwaugh said:
I'm finishing 10th grade and have not done one. I simply do not like PE.

Here is another shocker. You will do lots of stuff "you do not like" in your life. Or things you think you arent going to like and end up liking.

Team or organized sports should be pushed. They teach invaluable lessons along with getting kids away from Playstation/TV/Internet whatever.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Here is a sport you are missing out on...

10-year-old forced to lick teacher's toes
WorldNetDaily.com | June 2, 2005 | WorldNetDaily

A 10-year-old Atlanta-area boy was forced to kiss and lick his teacher's toes.

And though the teacher, Jody Kilpatrick of Temple Elementary School in Carroll County, has apologized for the incident, a preliminary investigation found no criminal intent since she apparently received no sexual gratification from the physical contact.

The child told investigators his classmates physically restrained him and forced him to kiss his teacher’s feet – and the teacher went along with the abuse.

"Ms. Kilpatrick asked [my son], did he want to see her toes, and he was, like, okay, I'll look at your toes," explained Denise Strozier, the boy's mother. "So, a student that was his friend and another student took his hands and put them down, behind his back, and she stood there and allowed these children to push my son to the ground, and he licked her toes. And she gave him candy."

Later, the teacher, as well as one of the students, signed the child's yearbook, with messages openly joking about what happened that day.

Chief Deputy Brad Robinson told a local TV news crew that investigators have concluded, preliminarily, that the teacher's intent was not criminal because there is no evidence she sought to derive any sexual gratification, which he said is key to prosecutors seeking to prove wrongdoing in cases involving physical contact between teachers and children.

But Strozier wants the teacher fired.

"Outrage doesn’t begin to describe how I feel right now," she said. "It’s like a game to her. It’s a joke to her."

Robinson believes Strozier's complaint is an issue for the school board to address rather than the sheriff's office.

The Carroll County school superintendent’s office is investigating, and declined to comment.

The Georgia Professional Standards Commission's code of ethics for teachers states "An educator should demonstrate conduct that follows generally recognized professional standards." Unethical conduct includes "committing any act of child abuse" and "encouraging an inappropriate physical relationship."

"I don't know what to say. I'm just literally dumb-founded that this has happened in my son's school," Strozier said.

The Carroll County district attorney’s office will make the final decision on whether to indict the teacher later this month. The school board will decide whether to discipline her.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
I'm with IRB, team sports should be required in school, they teach vaulable lessons for getting along in the real world.

The private school I attened in high school required them, but it also required a bible class and chapel every morning :rolleyes:

I think a big problem with kids these days is they are too soft. If they don't 'feel' like doing something the school or parents don't push it. Whatever, you are kids...deal with it!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
Here is another shocker. You will do lots of stuff "you do not like" in your life.

Like I said, frickin' suck it up. You guys are whining that your school is pushing an extremely healthy, life improving activity.

I can't believe that people are complaining that they get school credit to run around and get sweaty for an hour every day - Christ, I'd take a pay cut if I had an hour of company sponsered exercise every day.

I can see how life is pretty rough for you guys, though :rolleyes:


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
Here is another shocker. You will do lots of stuff "you do not like" in your life. Or things you think you arent going to like and end up liking.

Team or organized sports should be pushed. They teach invaluable lessons along with getting kids away from Playstation/TV/Internet whatever.
I totally agree. The world is too wishy washy and nice these days. People need to quit being candy asses and toughen up.


Mar 17, 2002
PE is good, but for the most part useless in my opinion. Looking back at my PE classes, I can remember what it was like every day for all those years. A group of girls standing in one corner trying to look as good as they could in the PE uniforms. A bunch of jock dudes playing whatever sport that was the highlight of the month, excluding everyone that wasn't either part of their clique or wasn't the most coordinated.

Which left all the exluded guys to stand around in a corner, or to try to find a basketball to shoot around with.

There was no real "physical activity" going on during the 50 minute class, unless it was a designated "running day" or whatever.

Either way, I like PE, I mean any excuse to have class outside to run around was fine in my book.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
I just see PE as a waste of my time. I am very active after school, and I see school as a place to learn. I dont want to spend 255 minutes a week playing a sport that I dont even like and probably never will.
I am going to try and get trail work to count as PE time, becasue I do enough. Within 2 years I should have 270 hours of trail work done, and most is done with adult supervision of an organized group. Plus, it gives way more exercise than the walking for fitness PE class. During finals week last time, I heard they walked to McDonalds to get food.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Bullitrider said:
Be careful Snacks. We wouldn't want to cause any emotional harm to the children. :rolleyes:
Ya, they might come back in 20 years saying how they were traumatized by having to take PE or participate in sports as a child, and sue :rolleyes:


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
dwaugh said:
I just see PE as a waste of my time. I am very active after school, and I see school as a place to learn.
Well here is the lesson in the post just above yours

Craw said:
Looking back at my PE classes, I can remember what it was like every day for all those years. A group of girls standing in one corner trying to look as good as they could in the PE uniforms. A bunch of jock dudes playing whatever sport that was the highlight of the month, excluding everyone that wasn't either part of their clique or wasn't the most coordinated.

Which left all the exluded guys to stand around in a corner, or to try to find a basketball to shoot around with.
Sounds pretty much like a great life lesson right freakin there. If you can learn to deal with (and or make the most of) those situations and get some excercise YOU ARE LEARNING. Trust me you are, probably more so then learning how to do division without a calculator. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
All private schools make you do a sport. Yeah, they really suck, i know. I got out of them for 2 of the 3 terms. In the fall i did mountain biking because they offered it and for the winter i said that i had to ski race and in the spring my parents just said that i couldnt commit to that. Ball sports suck, well, balls.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
You guys are a bunch of pussies. Geez, I've never heard so much crying over something as great as getting out of real classes for an hour to get some exercise.

Life is tough, sometimes we have to do things we don't like. As far as things we don't like goes, ball sports aren't all that bad.

:rolleyes: :stosh:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
binary visions said:
You guys are a bunch of pussies. Geez, I've never heard so much crying over something as great as getting out of real classes for an hour to get some exercise.<snip>

Team sports are valuable - they are very good at revealing that most of the people in the world are marginally intelligent Tools. :p



Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
binary visions said:
You guys are a bunch of pussies. Geez, I've never heard so much crying over something as great as getting out of real classes for an hour to get some exercise.


At my school any sport meant...

2-3 hour practive every day afterschool.
Wednesday's were game days and wouldnt get home till like 5-9 depending on how far away the school was.

Weekends are gone, you either had a game on saturday or sunday and it was an all day ordeal.

If you had one on Sunday you still had to go to the 2 hour church service if it was in the afternoon. (really no joke, 2 hours every sunday.)

So now tell me that that isnt stupid. Im sure its not so bad for him though, because this was at boarding school


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
mack said:
2-3 hour practive every day afterschool.
Wednesday's were game days and wouldnt get home till like 5-9 depending on how far away the school was.

Weekends are gone, you either had a game on saturday or sunday and it was an all day ordeal.

If you had one on Sunday you still had to go to the 2 hour church service if it was in the afternoon. (really no joke, 2 hours every sunday.)

So now tell me that that isnt stupid. Im sure its not so bad for him though, because this was at boarding school
Mack, for *you* the above sounds like it might actually be quite constructive. :think:


The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
Team sports were one of the best things that has happened to me in high school. That being said... it still fricken sucks... I have 3 hours of practice per day, tournaments like every weekend... no time to do anything. So worth it though.

I don't think people should be forced to play sports though. And PE is the biggest waste of time ever.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 24, 2003
Mammoth Lakes, Ca
WOW! That would suck if they made you play a sport till that late, then you would officialy have no life out of school. Private schools are stupid in my opinion!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 21, 2004
Falls Church, VA
The Kadvang said:
And PE is the biggest waste of time ever.
Back in the day, our PE class had a squaredancing segment. Squaredancing! How redneck is that? Especially being the first filipino kid in a school full of freaking rednecks.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
For me the idea of being forced into choosing a sport is disturbing. I have always hated team sports due to the fact that if the team loses do to someone not doing there part the whole team is punished. I like individual sports because if I lose its my fault and I cannot blame someone else, it forces me to get better. With team sports the loss is blamed on the team as a whole not the person of person who was to blame.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
yonton228 said:
For me the idea of being forced into choosing a sport is disturbing. I have always hated team sports due to the fact that if the team loses do to someone not doing there part the whole team is punished. I like individual sports because if I lose its my fault and I cannot blame someone else, it forces me to get better. With team sports the loss is blamed on the team as a whole not the person of person who was to blame.

And the fact that hitting/kicking/throwing balls with a bunch of stupid jocks is possibly the most dull thing ever.


Jun 10, 2002
i'm not a big fan of being forced to do anything, and as such, i think being forced into a team sport is stupid. it's amusing that the school considers golf a team sport. i can guarantee the 5 kids on the team are more concerned with their personal ranking than with the team's.

and till 5:30 everyday? seriously? damn. that sucks...not much time to work and make money.

"With team sports the loss is blamed on the team as a whole not the person of person who was to blame."

or it's blamed on a single kid who has 0 athletic ability, who will get **** for it for the rest of the tri-mester. bye bye self-esteem.

binary visions said:
there's a lot more to high school sports than an individual achievement.
like what, banging the cheerleaders?

I Are Baboon said:
should probably start in the cafeteria.

dwaugh said:
So at my school...
you should argue that with the school board. i am pretty positive one of the schools here allows kids to do an outside activity, as long as there is proof of some sort.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
To me, martial arts, wrestleing, biking, are much more appealing than team sports. Whenever I lost a match when I wresteled it was my fault, I had nobody to blame but myself. When I did martial arts, if I lost a match or a round it was my fault, I learned how to better myself in order not to lose again. In a team sport you can be ranked #1 in your division/state/country and your team can still lose, when I lose I want it to be my fault. So thats why I like individual sports better.


Mar 1, 2005
Coto De Caza, Ca
Im not a fan of being forced to do sports at all. Yeah, sports are good because you get exercise, but being able to choose what you want is what makes America so great. Thats why we ditched Europe in the first place (no offense.)


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
the Inbred said:
i'm not a big fan of being forced to do anything, and as such, i think being forced into a team sport is stupid. it's amusing that the school considers golf a team sport. i can guarantee the 5 kids on the team are more concerned with their personal ranking than with the team's.

and till 5:30 everyday? seriously? damn. that sucks...not much time to work and make money.

"With team sports the loss is blamed on the team as a whole not the person of person who was to blame."

or it's blamed on a single kid who has 0 athletic ability, who will get **** for it for the rest of the tri-mester. bye bye self-esteem.

like what, banging the cheerleaders?

should probably start in the cafeteria.

you should argue that with the school board. i am pretty positive one of the schools here allows kids to do an outside activity, as long as there is proof of some sort.
Maybe they're forcing the team thing so that self esteem isn't lost and if you lose, you lose "together as a team" that way despite all the kids knowing who messed up the whole thing, there's that false sense of security that things have levelled out right by eliminating the individualness in it.

At my school, we don't have to do team sports. All we have to do is get 3P.E. credits throughout our entire 4 years of high school. A credit being 1 semester. :p And if you "can't" fit a pe class into your schedule you can do an independent study and do some other activity outside of school. :D