
Mandatory school sports


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
I was in the band, and a requirement for that was to take part in Marching Band. Had to show up at 6:00am every morning and didn't leave until 6pm and during the time I wasn't playing a tuba or sousaphone, I was playing as a defenseman in intramural floor hockey games. I still hold the record for penalty minutes there.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
the Inbred said:
enforced dodgeball would be badass. i looooove football off-season 'cause we got to play dodgeball.
Dodgeball rocks! Some guys at my college ran a league this past winter. It was insane (as in really painful but fun) as well as a crazy workout.

Anyway, I'm not really sure how I feel about enforced sports. I lift weights, ride (of course) and play some intramural sports but still have to take PE classes for college. It kind of annoys me just because I get exercise and I know what I like to do. In high school I played football all 4 years. If had been forced to do something like play baseball or something, that would have pissed me off royally. An after-school intramural thing (show up, play a game, leave) wouldn't have been so bad. Also, if kids who's hearts weren't in it played football on the team I was on, it would have been ugly.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
The only time to work is in the summer. It is impossible to get a job , getting out at 5:30 with homework. On the weekends I try to ride as much as I can while doing homework or studying for a test. I think it is dumb to run around and chase ball or throw a ball and run or something-how is that fun?

At my school walking & fitness is offered(they walk a mile into town and get a drink at the store and walk back. What a waste of time. Drama is also considered a sport-WTF. I would never do drama (hate dancing,acting..).School is taking over my life.
My friend does home school in Morro Bay. He does school stuff for 3 hours, then rides fo like 8 hours on his ranch or in town. My Mom said if I do good my sophmore year, I can do homeschool.

I just can't take being at school till 5;30. Then I go home, eat dinner, do home work. Then I go to school the next morning again.

F__k their sports, I just want to ride my bike. :angry:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
How old are you?? Dont do what I did, just go to school and finish it. Get it over, dont look at school as a bad thing, belive me. I had to learn the hard way.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
Im 15 and will be a sophmore next year. I don't think school is a bad thing. I just would much rather have time to ride or get a job than do extra things after learning.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
I understand what you are sayin. In my junior year I started skippin school and doin "things that I hould not have been" and payed the price for it. Once you get out of school you will have lots of time to do the things that you want. And please dont think that I am some adult tryin to lecture you, I am 18 years old and " stop going to school for certain reasons." Long story short I had to transfer to another school and the school that I was supposed to go to did not accept my credits. So I dropped out and got my GED. I am going to a community college right now. The ironic thing is that I want to be a teacher now.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
Well at least today is the last school day. I just have a concepptual physics final. I would never skip school, my parents would hang me.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
Yep, if more schools had policies like this, kids wouldn't grow up into the dumbass adults they do.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
I H8 team sports but love skating and biking.
It made me sad when I realized I could have bought many skateboards for the price of a DH bike.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
The Kadvang said:
And PE is the biggest waste of time ever.

PE is what you make of it. When everyone else is going for a "walk" I ask the teacher if I can go run, If they lift weights, I go run. People look at me weird when I say I want to do ten extra laps when it's run day. :monkey:


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
You guys are a bunch of whiny babies. Stop being pussies and actually participate int he sport instead of standing in the corner, you might enjoy it.

I cannot BELIEVE you are whining about having to play a sport, dear god. Is your XBOX calling your name that loudly?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
No, my bike is calling my name, or maybe its my board. I don't have an Xbox
I have tried those sports and their is nothing fun about them.
I dind;t very good on that final or french. I think I did really well on the english, math, history (history I studied the whole weekend and started studing at 6 in the morning before school)

Today is the first day of summer!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Transcend said:
You guys are a bunch of whiny babies. Stop being pussies and actually participate int he sport instead of standing in the corner, you might enjoy it.

I cannot BELIEVE you are whining about having to play a sport, dear god. Is your XBOX calling your name that loudly?
:stupid: I hated PE but I loved the sports (in the end). Being forced to play sports I didn't like sucked but at the same time gave me a great foundation to discover sports I do love. We didn't have the after school special but for one semester, every week, was an 'alternative' sport. No football, basketball, baseball. Really gave me an appreciation of some otherwise visually crappy sports. Here is the short list

Lawn Bowling (seriously 30 teenagers being dragged to a big green lawn bowling field)
Lacrosse (national sport but no one was playing it back then)
Field hockey (usually for chicks only, the school did this to put the football team in their place)

It sucked to start (curling and lawn bowling aren't exactly stimulating) but it did teach me what aspects I did like. I started out hating sports (I was the, grow to fast weird shaped smart kid) and ended up on the basketball team and football team. I don't do the team sport thing anymore, nothing really left after school but softball ( :dead: :blah: )


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
caputo1989 said:
I think Kent Denver is like that.
no its not, i went to east and playing a sport in high school is awesome. i played lax amd ran cross country to get in shape for the race season. do xc even though it blows horribly you will get in the best shape of your life. eh wait till college you half to do an activity of sorts. first semester i took fly fishing (only kid in the class that had an idea of what he was doing to start with) and snowboarding second semester.