
Maribor derailment thread


Jan 11, 2005
Out of respect for all that is holy- ie World Cups. I have moved my post from the Maribor thread to here.

Sorry about the further derailment. I could really give a sh*t about this, however I am compelled by curiousity by the comments about unindividualisim.

I've been sponsored by IronHorse Bicycles since 2005,
I have been sponsored by Troy Lee Designs since 2007,
I have been sponsored by Five Ten shoes since 2007,
I happened to be sponsored by Scott Optics last year,
This year I am sponsored by Maxxis tires.

Now does having relationships with said companies (who also happen to support Sam) and using these products make me a biter? Should I call off my sponsorship support because I use, and wear a lot of similar product as he does? I'd be better off sitting around looking at pictures of pro's racing on the internet, and organizing my kit so I don't look un-individual?
Sorry, I rather be out there doing work son.
I support the companies who support me, and who have the most superior product (in my opinion-not yours apparently).
I am a professional. So it's ok as long as I'm pulling top fives right?
If I have a poor result I should check my bike and gear in- until I pull off another "top five"?

Why should it be different ok for pro's but not amateurs?
These folks who are out there buying "replica" kits are the ones keeping the sport alive. By buying retail. By having Pro heroes.
This is how it works. If you call these unindividualists lame and cause them to go away, we have no one supporting the shops which in turn support manufacturers, who support races, who support Professionals. It's like a mini-economy duh.

Go ride your damn bike. This is why America has been sucking at Downhill!!!!

Rant over


Ian Collins

Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Pacific Beach, San Diego, CA
This is why America has been sucking at Downhill!!!!

Rant over

yeah....actually.....this is why america is sucking at downhill.....

instead of spending money on trips to ride, gas money to ride, or parts and tires to replace parts and tires that are worn out, they are spending all of their money trying to look all factory......people from other countries would rather take their shabby bike and gear and spend the money riding elsewhere to gain experience and spend their time riding....the don't hunt down all the companies that sponsor the top guy and blow them all day hoping to get "sponsored" and get gay clothes for half off......

americans suck because they worry about this crap, not riding.....
Out of respect for all that is holy- ie World Cups. I have moved my post from the Maribor thread to here.

Sorry about the further derailment. I could really give a sh*t about this, however I am compelled by curiousity by the comments about unindividualisim.

I've been sponsored by IronHorse Bicycles since 2005,
I have been sponsored by Troy Lee Designs since 2007,
I have been sponsored by Five Ten shoes since 2007,
I happened to be sponsored by Scott Optics last year,
This year I am sponsored by Maxxis tires.

Now does having relationships with said companies (who also happen to support Sam) and using these products make me a biter? Should I call off my sponsorship support because I use, and wear a lot of similar product as he does? I'd be better off sitting around looking at pictures of pro's racing on the internet, and organizing my kit so I don't look un-individual?
Sorry, I rather be out there doing work son.
I support the companies who support me, and who have the most superior product (in my opinion-not yours apparently).
I am a professional. So it's ok as long as I'm pulling top fives right?
If I have a poor result I should check my bike and gear in- until I pull off another "top five"?

Why should it be different ok for pro's but not amateurs?
These folks who are out there buying "replica" kits are the ones keeping the sport alive. By buying retail. By having Pro heroes.
This is how it works. If you call these unindividualists lame and cause them to go away, we have no one supporting the shops which in turn support manufacturers, who support races, who support Professionals. It's like a mini-economy duh.

Go ride your damn bike. This is why America has been sucking at Downhill!!!!

Rant over

Word! Like stated in the other thread there is no Sam Hill kit. Troy lee makes downhill gear so dont buy it? How is riding in Dickies or jeans helping the sport? Anything that has outlets stores and is in every BLOODY Wal-Mart how is that different? If you dont like riding gear great dont buy it or at least give the rest of us a approved color combo chart. F*@king MUTANTS!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
Out of respect for all that is holy- ie World Cups. I have moved my post from the Maribor thread to here.

Sorry about the further derailment. I could really give a sh*t about this, however I am compelled by curiousity by the comments about unindividualisim.

I've been sponsored by IronHorse Bicycles since 2005,
I have been sponsored by Troy Lee Designs since 2007,
I have been sponsored by Five Ten shoes since 2007,
I happened to be sponsored by Scott Optics last year,
This year I am sponsored by Maxxis tires.

Now does having relationships with said companies (who also happen to support Sam) and using these products make me a biter? Should I call off my sponsorship support because I use, and wear a lot of similar product as he does? I'd be better off sitting around looking at pictures of pro's racing on the internet, and organizing my kit so I don't look un-individual?
Sorry, I rather be out there doing work son.
I support the companies who support me, and who have the most superior product (in my opinion-not yours apparently).
I am a professional. So it's ok as long as I'm pulling top fives right?
If I have a poor result I should check my bike and gear in- until I pull off another "top five"?

Why should it be different ok for pro's but not amateurs?
These folks who are out there buying "replica" kits are the ones keeping the sport alive. By buying retail. By having Pro heroes.
This is how it works. If you call these unindividualists lame and cause them to go away, we have no one supporting the shops which in turn support manufacturers, who support races, who support Professionals. It's like a mini-economy duh.

Go ride your damn bike. This is why America has been sucking at Downhill!!!!

Rant over

right on...

i am getting sick and tired of all the people hating on people who ride sundays, hating on people who ride tld gear, and lumping them into a catagory of "sam hill fanboys", etc... it is idiotic anyone should be bothered by what other people ride and chose to wear.

people get inspired in different ways, and people choose to express themselves in different ways... i prefer racing/riding in a good looking setup, that's just how i choose to roll... and you won't see me making fun of the guy in jeans and slayer shirt, hockey pads, and helmet visor over the eyes even though i would never go out and ride my bike like that.

personally i think it i rad to see kids decked out in flashy new gear... why? because it means they are PUMPED on the sport and represent the next generation of riders (just as the kids in jeans do)

as far as the narrow minded folks who say these "fanboys" lack individualism... have you stopped to think that they are riding bikes? and DH bikes at that? it is an individual sport, and not at all mainstream.... hundreds of people were at Bromont on opening day on shinny new bikes and nice riding gear, it was awesome to see. and there were hundreds of hockey jerseys, cutoff tee shirts and jeans that were equally as awesome... everyone had a blast, and no one gave anyone attitude about individualism, or jumped to concusions based on what someone else was wearing

i find it quite ironic that a handfull of people say these kids have no sense of individualism and/or style... yet these same people are making fun of these kids and telling them what they need to do... so much for letting them be individuals.

like i said before, the haters need to get over themselves and be glad that there are more and more enthusiastic people coming into this sport everyday, pumping money into it and adding to the future welfare of the bike industry.

and John P... when you were affiliated with certain successfull component company, i bet you were pumped when kids bought the parts that you guys were giving the pro's to ride... hopefully new people to the sport figure out that it is fun and 90% of the people involved are fun to be around... hopefully the 14 year old pumped on racing hoping someday to be in the world cup doesn't meet you first and get turned off to the who thing

edit:this is for the haters.... flame away on the sunday, 30" bars, white gear, and matching helmet... i still have just as much fun on my bike as you do

and its just as much fun without all the flashy race stuff... so why do you all really care what people are riding in and on?

Ian Collins

Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Pacific Beach, San Diego, CA
and John P... when you were affiliated with certain successfull component company, i bet you were pumped when kids bought the parts that you guys were giving the pro's to ride... hopefully new people to the sport figure out that it is fun and 90% of the people involved are fun to be around... hopefully the 14 year old pumped on racing hoping someday to be in the world cup doesn't meet you first and get turned off to the who thing
there's nothing wrong with mimicking someone's chainguide dude.....there is however something extremely gay about playing dress up to try and emulate someone......that's a pretty faggy analogy

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
I don't care how people dress when they ride (unless its girl pants - fellas, lets leave that to the ladies). haha

It all comes down to having fun. Rock on. And go ride. =]


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
Frankly I don't give a flying f*ck what the pros wear/ride. I wear what I like and ride what I personally think is the best. I don't ride something just because Sam Hill does it, but because I like how it feels or performs.

However, I do agree though that more Americans do need to stop worrying about how they look when riding and pay more attention to improving skills and racing. When I first started racing I wore a t-shirt and dickies during practice and on race day. This was because all my money was spent on traveling to the races and competing.

Now that it's much cheaper for me to race, I wear actual gear.

To all the kids out there (like myself):
GET OUT AND RACE!!! Don't worry about looking like someone but get out there, be yourself and ride what you think is best.

I want to see America on top and so far that's not happening...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
there's nothing wrong with mimicking someone's chainguide dude.....there is however something extremely gay about playing dress up to try and emulate someone......that's a pretty faggy analogy
it is extremely self righteous of all of you to assume that anyone who rides in certain gear is "playing dress up to try and emulate someone"

you guys need to get over it and move on and let people have their fun... you ruin the sport for a lot of people by acting this way.

i was able to sell (and gave away) tons of white TLD gear, as well as a green sunday world cup in south america this winter in a day without even advertising... why? because people liked the stuff, and were pumped on the sport, and saw it in magazines, etc.

it's a good thing you were not there to ruin their fun and rain on their parade :huh:


Jan 22, 2008
Obetz, OH
Sam Hill is my hero. that kid is crazy fast. I'm 28 and just got into DH. i rock an old specialized big hit and wear TLD stuff, so f*cking what? just like when i was in school EVERYONE including myself wore Jordan's. people tend to follow trends, it happens. everyone does it, just some more popular(trends) than others. i say as long as your riding a bike to have fun who cares, go out and rip it up.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
jsut a small point here that people might want to consider.

Its the people that buy gear/ shirts/ gloves/ tires/ frame/ forks/ underwear based on thier favorite rider/ company that keep the sport alive. It ain't the "I came 4th in sport so I deserve a deal" racer that never pays full retail. Think about that next time you're out riding, making fun of a guy in an IH jersey cause he loves sam hill.

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
A few random thoughts here:

1. Lars - Thanks for moving this thread. No one ever said that wearing or using the same brands as Sam Hill or any other pro made you a fan boy. But when you have options and choose to run the EXACT same models/colors/styles, then yes, you are ghey.
2. Ronan - I nominate you to wear that awesome neon get-up that Steve Smith is using. You'll definitely get win races/ride faster/get chicks/make money.
3. Tiago79 - the fact that you know that no Sam Hill kit exists makes you a defacto fanboy. And jeans are just as dumb. What's wrong with some shorts and a jersey that aren't all NASCAR'ed out?
4. Ian - Thank god there is at least one dude left in the world who hasn't lost his mind.
5. Did anyone else notice that although Troy Lee pants have been around for 10+ years, they were widely considered to be totally gay until Hill started wearing them last year? Now every other dude at the races is wearing them. I'm sure that's just total coincidence.
6. Lee/Dave (I never have been able to tell you two identical mofos apart) - I was psyched that people bought our guides because pros used them, but I never understood it because it's a notion that's completely foreign to me. Ask Weagle or Tobler - I never thought that pro sponsorship would make a dent in our bottom line (because I'd personally never buy something just because my favorite pro was running it), and I was totally wrong. I'm not saying I'm in the majority on any of my opinions, I'm just stating an observation. Hooray for free speech. BTW, nice matching stickers/shirt/goggles . . . eyes?? You should get some shoelaces to complete the look.
7. Obama is a long-legged mack daddy.


i was able to sell (and gave away) tons of white TLD gear, as well as a green sunday world cup in south america this winter in a day without even advertising... why? because people liked the stuff, and were pumped on the sport, and saw it in magazines, etc.

it's a good thing you were not there to ruin their fun and rain on their parade :huh:
Yeah all my friends in Brazil are so stoked right now because I am going to be there in a week and I will be bringing new TLD kits. They love them,its hard to get there,and when you do get them they are 3 time retail price here. Outside of a new bike you cant beat a new kit. If you want to wear a chicken suit be my guest I just have never understood why wearing rad kits it such a big deal to "some downhillers"(I will be nice).


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
funny, I can go into any sports shop and buy replica gear for any pro sports team and be considered a fan, but do it in this industry (downhilling, anyway) and you're "unoriginal and losing your identity..."

maybe that's why there's no money in this sport.


May 16, 2005
Bend, OR
yeah....actually.....this is why america is sucking at downhill.....

instead of spending money on trips to ride, gas money to ride, or parts and tires to replace parts and tires that are worn out, they are spending all of their money trying to look all factory......people from other countries would rather take their shabby bike and gear and spend the money riding elsewhere to gain experience and spend their time riding....the don't hunt down all the companies that sponsor the top guy and blow them all day hoping to get "sponsored" and get gay clothes for half off......

americans suck because they worry about this crap, not riding.....
Word! Well said my friend. :clapping:

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
funny, I can go into any sports shop and buy replica gear for any pro sports team and be considered a fan, but do it in this industry (downhilling, anyway) and you're "unoriginal and losing your identity..."

maybe that's why there's no money in this sport.
Go pick up a replica Derek Jeter uniform/hat/cleats/mit/batting glove, then go play in your local softball league. Let me know what everyone says. The only way you WON'T get laughed off the field is if you also show up with a Derek Jeter replica girlfriend.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
As Ian Collins mentioned...This self inflicted hate is one of the reasons why I think DH is slow to catch on in the US. "We" don't make it easy on newcomers to the sport in the first place, let alone the ones who actually buy stuff so they "look the part".

To qoute Family Guy, "You know what really grinds my gears? You America!!"


Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
Nice pass on the stanchion, hucker.
oh don't even get me started on the bromont pass thing this year... they would not let me on the lift until i zip tied it to my bike. they shut the lift off when i told them i would be keeping it safe in my pocket... quebec :banghead:


Artisanal Tweet Curator
funny, I can go into any sports shop and buy replica gear for any pro sports team and be considered a fan, but do it in this industry (downhilling, anyway) and you're "unoriginal and losing your identity..."

There's actually no difference.

Those people in full tom brady regalia are dorks too.

What.......the face paint and beer funneling didn't give it away? :rofl:

oh don't even get me started on the bromont pass thing this year... they would not let me on the lift until i zip tied it to my bike. they shut the lift off when i told them i would be keeping it safe in my pocket... quebec :banghead:
why did that upset you so much?

Teeem hooterz needs to happen btw


Turbo Monkey
Jul 29, 2003
There's actually no difference.

Those people in full tom brady regalia are dorks too.

What.......the face paint and beer funneling didn't give it away? :rofl:

why did that upset you so much?

Teeem hooterz needs to happen btw
about the pass... what you can not see is the vinyl backing attached to the pass that if folleded up behind the pass (and we were told we could not remove)... they want it on everyone's bikes, but the way it is made it it slides around falls all over etc...

not really opposed to having it on my bike if it was just the plasic card... but at the smae time what is wrong with wearing in around my neck or in my pocket so it does not get trashed in a crash, covered in mud.. or even stolen off the bike?

the liftie kids were getting a bit carried away by the whole thing but by the end of sunday they relaxed a bit

edit: about the hooters thing... i still have the team uniform around here somewhere so it may make an appearence (maybe US Open Qualies)


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Now does having relationships with said companies (who also happen to support Sam) and using these products make me a biter?

Does the fact that it bothers you so much that you need to make a thread about it seem a little wierd? Yeah kind of........:D

davetrump said:
edit: about the hooters thing... i still have the team uniform around here somewhere so it may make an appearence (maybe US Open Qualies)

That says finals to me. WINNING finals........ Sickest podium shot evah!!!


Jan 11, 2005
I guess one has to have read some of the stuff sprayed about this topic in the original Maribor thread to see where this came from.

And I wasn't really referring to myself directly, (like I said I could give a rats a*s what people think of me). Just using myself as an example more or less, to address the topic I obviously ended up confounding the first place.

This started with a reply to some jackhole comments in the other thread, and as an afterthought I started a new one. So I guess by itself it does sound a little bit weird.
Oh well life goes on... Off the the bmx track to practice a bit before leaving for Andorra where I will look like a wannabe.:banghead:


Does the fact that it bothers you so much that you need to make a thread about it seem a little wierd? Yeah kind of........:D


That says finals to me. WINNING finals........ Sickest podium shot evah!!!

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
maybe if all the factory teams went back to having custom gear like they used to instead of putting iron-on logos on the same off the shelf gear every other rider has to use then no one would have to worry about getting flamed by a bunch of over zealous nitwits.

some of you seem to forget that not too long ago the tld getup was the uniform of the privateers or grass roots team, not the factory riders. fact of the matter is, you can't get dressed in decent dh gear these days without looking like someone in the world cup top 20 so get over it.

it really is amusing that the folks who call out all the 'fanboys' for dressing exactly like Hill don't even realize his gear is actually custom. If you are going to be an a$$hole, at least pay better attention.

i think you're being pretty shallow if it bothers you what another rider is wearing.
Sep 12, 2004
Go pick up a replica Derek Jeter uniform/hat/cleats/mit/batting glove, then go play in your local softball league. Let me know what everyone says. The only way you WON'T get laughed off the field is if you also show up with a Derek Jeter replica girlfriend.
everyone needs to get over themselves in this thread b/c this happens every where and in every realm on cycling and not just DH. i dont know how many club rides ive been on a few years back where a guy shows up on a trek madone postal bike, with a full postal kit - im talking full bib, jersey, shocks, giro atmos helmet...everyone just sits back and laughs at the guy.

it just happens and the softball/baseball example is another perfect one. its just like the person is try WAY WAY to hard to show that they like the sport or a particular athelete. look everyone knows sam hill is fast and people like him. buy a jersey, buy some tld pants, buy a similar helmet but when you start looking like the guy on the club ride decked from head to toe in "lance" gear then it just starts becoming really really dumb, over the top, and unnecessary.

Honestly, this is just how it goes. As a note – I usually wear riding shorts and a no name colored (blue, black, red, or tan one) polypro shirt to ride.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Go pick up a replica Derek Jeter uniform/hat/cleats/mit/batting glove, then go play in your local softball league. Let me know what everyone says. The only way you WON'T get laughed off the field is if you also show up with a Derek Jeter replica girlfriend.
last I checked you needed a uniform to play in a league... :twitch:

If I show up with jersey/shorts from a pro team to a local pickup hockey game, nobody cares. Maybe the people I play with are a bit more laid back and focus more on playing and having fun instead.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Please, please, please, leave Sam Hill alone. Hasn't he been through enough! He's just a guy. A person like you and I. (only much, much faster and possibly inhuman:)

Sorry, that's all I could add to this thread. Give me some time, some blond hair dye and I'll make a youtube video to show you like brit's fan. There is a lot of silliness and seriousness entangled here. Doesn't matter, the guy's actions speak very loud and are good for the sport. If only he didn't eat kittens for nutrition:)

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
If I show up with jersey/shorts from a pro team to a local pickup hockey game, nobody cares. Maybe the people I play with are a bit more laid back and focus more on playing and having fun instead.
This from the same guy who was defending Sean Avery's first round stick-waving douche-baggery in another thread. Sounds like a super fun league! I can just see you all waving sticks in front of the goalie's face like a bunch of fruits.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
As usual TLD is releasing a limited run of some of their '09 stuff at the beginning of June. Is it me or does it look like they are going for a "super hero costume party at Elton john's house" kind of theme?

actually, the white/gold would be cool minus the gold. Sam Hill's been wearing it though so I guess that makes it off limits right?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
John P. said:
This from the same guy who was defending Sean Avery's first round stick-waving douche-baggery in another thread. Sounds like a super fun league! I can just see you all waving sticks in front of the goalie's face like a bunch of fruits.

at least you still think you look good, and that's what's really important. :plthumbsdown:


Sep 20, 2005
For those of you who think you are so pure and unique, you are just a poser unless you make your own bike and sew your own kit. Otherwise, you're mimicking someone in some way.

The argument that there is a pure way to be about Down Hilling and that that is the better way is useless. I learn the way I ride, I wear what I wear, I ride what I ride, because someone has shown me they dig it. I then learn to dig it. In many ways, it's this mimicking that is important to the economy of our sport and without some element of it, our sport will disappear.