
Maribor derailment thread


Turbo Monkey
Jan 19, 2005
North Carolina
As usual TLD is releasing a limited run of some of their '09 stuff at the beginning of June. Is it me or does it look like they are going for a "super hero costume party at Elton john's house" kind of theme?

actually, the white/gold would be cool minus the gold. Sam Hill's been wearing it though so I guess that makes it off limits right?
Rasta power ranger kit for the WIN! :monkeydance:


Artisanal Tweet Curator
fact of the matter is, you can't get dressed in decent dh gear these days without looking like someone in the world cup top 20 so get over it.
Just stop it.

That's not a 'fact' at all.

If you honestly can't ride your bike in clothes not marketed for riding bikes in, you're a wierdo.

I wear a lot of low key moto stuff that's exactly the same material as some of the more gaudy DH marketed stuff. It's cheaper too. Some capilene or at least wicking shirts from the sale rack at sierra trading post, some burly carpenter's shorts from target.......it all works just fine for riding a dh bike. Trust me it's harder to put together the frog suit than not. You know you coordinate your outfit. Just look at your bromont clip in free delivery. What would you have done if you realized you'd forgotten the jersey to match the pants once you'd gotten up there? Could you have still shot the segment? You knew those two pieces of clothing had to be packed together. Just admit it. You like to look pretty.

Pretty stoked to see you actually admit the super hero outfit at elton's house motif though. That stuff is comedy to anyone outside our sport and to many of those in it. My 8 year old shazam fascination may force my hand on that one. I'm hitting it if I can get a matching cape:D

I'd like to put in all in perspective though. Fashion queen bike riders look no worse than any generation of moto competition garb. Living in a ski town, I'm subject to winter park riding fashion. Bikes got nothing on that shlt :rofl:

All of this is about as significant as what your last fart smelled like. But it's funny to see how riled up people get about it. It's not like it's something REALLY important like 5mm crank length increments.

Banshee Rider

Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2003
yeah....actually.....this is why america is sucking at downhill.....

instead of spending money on trips to ride, gas money to ride, or parts and tires to replace parts and tires that are worn out, they are spending all of their money trying to look all factory......people from other countries would rather take their shabby bike and gear and spend the money riding elsewhere to gain experience and spend their time riding....the don't hunt down all the companies that sponsor the top guy and blow them all day hoping to get "sponsored" and get gay clothes for half off......

americans suck because they worry about this crap, not riding.....
What's your reaction to those who ride five days a week and finish in front of you on the results sheet?

Get over it.


Jun 7, 2006
Hong Kong
Out of respect for all that is holy- ie World Cups. I have moved my post from the Maribor thread to here.

Sorry about the further derailment. I could really give a sh*t about this, however I am compelled by curiousity by the comments about unindividualisim.

I've been sponsored by IronHorse Bicycles since 2005,
I have been sponsored by Troy Lee Designs since 2007,
I have been sponsored by Five Ten shoes since 2007,
I happened to be sponsored by Scott Optics last year,
This year I am sponsored by Maxxis tires.

Now does having relationships with said companies (who also happen to support Sam) and using these products make me a biter? Should I call off my sponsorship support because I use, and wear a lot of similar product as he does? I'd be better off sitting around looking at pictures of pro's racing on the internet, and organizing my kit so I don't look un-individual?
Sorry, I rather be out there doing work son.
I support the companies who support me, and who have the most superior product (in my opinion-not yours apparently).
I am a professional. So it's ok as long as I'm pulling top fives right?
If I have a poor result I should check my bike and gear in- until I pull off another "top five"?

Why should it be different ok for pro's but not amateurs?
These folks who are out there buying "replica" kits are the ones keeping the sport alive. By buying retail. By having Pro heroes.
This is how it works. If you call these unindividualists lame and cause them to go away, we have no one supporting the shops which in turn support manufacturers, who support races, who support Professionals. It's like a mini-economy duh.

Go ride your damn bike. This is why America has been sucking at Downhill!!!!

Rant over

Hi Lars,

I know you since you come to HK and I know from my friend (Ben) than you are also is a great rider.

America did not have a great result due to many reason behind but due to the competition is very harsh.

Go ride and enjoy the bike!!


Jan 22, 2008
Obetz, OH
As usual TLD is releasing a limited run of some of their '09 stuff at the beginning of June. Is it me or does it look like they are going for a "super hero costume party at Elton john's house" kind of theme?

actually, the white/gold would be cool minus the gold. Sam Hill's been wearing it though so I guess that makes it off limits right?
have to admit, the only thing i wanna do when i see this is
dum dada dum da dum da dum.(thinking superman here)
is kinda gay though

Huck Banzai

Turbo Monkey
May 8, 2005
I want a Lars Tribus replica kit.

I like people who spend money on w/e in this sport. Whether its people 'hating' on clothing/kit, or bagging on people for being noob's with high end bikes, it's all pretty lame. Thats what funds the sport - most people are casual to intermediate riders - riding for fun - and spending money!! When I wanted a new bike in 02, 4500 opened the door to a DH capable bike -- now I can get something for under 2000 thats decent -- not pimp, but decent. Resorts opening up, trails opening in NYC, more parts, cheaper parts.......

Nothing but good comes out of it!

Do I giggle occasionally at a fully decked out rider? I'd be a liar if I said no --- my own kit amounts to whatever I feel like wearing that doesnt matter if it gets wrecked -- now there's fashion!!!!

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
Just stop it.

That's not a 'fact' at all.

If you honestly can't ride your bike in clothes not marketed for riding bikes in, you're a wierdo.

You know you coordinate your outfit. Just look at your bromont clip in free delivery. What would you have done if you realized you'd forgotten the jersey to match the pants once you'd gotten up there? Could you have still shot the segment? You knew those two pieces of clothing had to be packed together. :rofl:
If you must know, i usually just ride in moto shorts and a t-shirt if i'm not racing or riding the lift at bromont.

I know it really made you uncomfortable to see two men wearing coordinated outfits, but that's your hangup not mine. hate to break it to you, but matching is actually the norm for any sport you can think of. Heck, it's the norm for getting dressed in the morning.

Maybe the answer didn't sink in the first time you brought up the FD clip so I'll give it to you again: I rode for a team sponsored by TLD so i rode in some of their '08 gear since that's when the video would be out. had i forgotten any of it i could have dug into my gear bag and pulled out any number of other combinations as well. in fact, had i known you took issue with it i might have changed my clothes for every shot. if you're amazed that i managed to get 2 pieces of clothing packed for a ride then i'm sorry to hear that sort of thing gives you trouble; do you regularly forget your pants when you leave home or does mommy still pick out you clothes and pack your bags for you?:stosh:

but seriously, your man crush makes me blush. it takes a real fanboi to get all worked up over the clothing choice of a couple east coast privateers whom you'll never meet.

Some of you are just pathetic. if what people choose to wear while riding bikes bothers you so much maybe you need to pick another sport where your own insecurities won't be so obvious. I'd suggest lawn bowling; everyone wears white.

*edit. Seems you do a fair bit of coordinating yourself kidwoo. helmet/jersey/bike/fork, it's all pretty tastefully done. I can't be sure but it look like you replaced the stock visor with a matching chrome red one; well done indeed! though i'll never figure out how you can ride with it pulled down so low.



Artisanal Tweet Curator
If you must know, i usually just ride in moto shorts and a t-shirt if i'm not racing or riding the lift at bromont.

I know it really made you uncomfortable to see two men wearing coordinated outfits, but that's your hangup not mine. hate to break it to you, but matching is actually the norm for any sport you can think of. Heck, it's the norm for getting dressed in the morning.

Maybe the answer didn't sink in the first time you brought up the FD clip so I'll give it to you again: I rode for a team sponsored by TLD so i rode in some of their '08 gear since that's when the video would be out. had i forgotten any of it i could have dug into my gear bag and pulled out any number of other combinations as well. in fact, had i known you took issue with it i might have changed my clothes for every shot. if you're amazed that i managed to get 2 pieces of clothing packed for a ride then i'm sorry to hear that sort of thing gives you trouble; do you regularly forget your pants when you leave home or does mommy still pick out you clothes and pack your bags for you?:stosh:

but seriously, your man crush makes me blush. it takes a real fanboi to get all worked up over the clothing choice of a couple east coast privateers whom you've never met.

you really are pathetic. if what people choose to wear while riding bikes bothers you so much maybe you need to pick another sport. I'd suggest lawn bowling; everyone wears white.
This is why it's so funny.

Because you get defensive and start attacking me over it :rofl:

So now you're not only a pretty man, but you're a pretty man with no sense of humor.
Your defense was that you had no choice but to look like an electric frog if you were to wear anything suitable for dh riding. Here's your quote again since you want to get distracted with my man crush on you.

you can't get dressed in decent dh gear these days without looking like someone in the world cup top 20
That's what I quoted and that's what I was responding to.

Just say after me. "My name is Lee and I like to look pretty when I ride my bicycle".

You don't even need to say it with a lisp. Just don't go acting like you have no choice in the matter because anything else you wear would blow up if you tried to go ride your bike in it. Come on, just say it.

"My name is Lee and I like to look pretty when I ride my bicycle".

I don't think poorly of you because you like to look pretty. I think poorly of you because you're full of shlt.

I think it's perfectly fine that you're sponsored by TLD. They make good product. It's just a shame you're too stupid to leave it at that and have to act like you're some kind of victim because that's all that's out there. :rofl:

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO

at least you still think you look good, and that's what's really important. :plthumbsdown:
Actually, I think I look like a total dork (you should have seen my walmart special escaped convict rain suit last week at Massanutten) . . . but at least I don't look exactly like some other total dork.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
the way i figure it, the folks who get so uptight with riders wearing full moto gear simply don't feel 'fast' enough to ride in it themselves or are afraid they'll be made fun of by their buddies.

Solution: make fun of everyone else until they feel better, faster, attractive, or more generously endowed. lame :crazy:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
See what happens when cyclists stop wearing spandex- loose gear causes too much testosterone in the testis. ;)

you guys all look ugly compared to the pro tour riders.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
*edit. Seems you do a fair bit of coordinating yourself kidwoo. helmet/jersey/bike/fork, it's all pretty tastefully done. I can't be sure but it look like you replaced the stock visor with a matching chrome red one; well done indeed! though i'll never figure out how you can ride with it pulled down so low.
Now there ya go!!

That's the spirit!!!

I've got a 22 year old buddy who always tells me to 'use the force' since I can't see anything with my visor that low. Makes sense to me since we ride in the desert a lot but it makes for some good ribbing!!

Helmet on sale: happened to be red

specialized frame : only available in that color as a frame

Jersey: happened to grab it

But you're right. I look like a color coordinated dwid!

See? I don't need to attack your sexuality when you point something out.

I've got mechanic's gloves on too. See what you can do with that.

Let's keep going though. I'm hoping through this that you might one day learn to quit taking yourself so seriously.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
Let's keep going though. I'm hoping through this that you might one day learn to quit taking yourself so seriously.

if it helps i stopped taking you seriously about 3 years ago. You're strictly of entertainment value at this point.

But more to the point, when you can wear a helmet without the visor covering your eyes you can tell me what gear to wear.

Now if you'll excuse me i have gear to coordinate before this weekend's race.


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Let's see here,

Red 06 Specialized Deviant Carbon Helmet
Blue Orange and Grey Fox Racing Jersey from 7 years ago.
Black Pearl Izumi Baggies
Blue and White Fox Racing Dirt Paws from 7 years ago or Black Dirt Paws from last year or 661 Gracia's from 2005.

So I'm not up to date, don't match and don't care.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
if it helps i stopped taking you seriously about 3 years ago. You're strictly of entertainment value at this point.

But more to the point, when you can wear a helmet without the visor covering your eyes you can tell me what gear to wear.

Come on be honest.

It was that thread that I started about the flavor of loctite wasn't it?

I knew my credibility was in danger.

dh gangster

Jul 31, 2006
P en Doubleyou
5. Did anyone else notice that although Troy Lee pants have been around for 10+ years, they were widely considered to be totally gay until Hill started wearing them last year? Now every other dude at the races is wearing them. I'm sure that's just total coincidence.
Actually I started wearing pants this year because I read an article in Dirt magazine that stated "Wearing pants over shorts isn't a matter of if it will be faster, it is by how much."
So I made a concious decision to buy pants, and frankly my thor mx pants feel better than any shorts I've ever worn. (They're like sweats! Or those silk night pants!)

Plus, I got the most obnoxious color scheme i could pick out, and I like it. My brother, friend Harry, and I all got the same color gear, and like it.
Here's a picture for your enjoyment

We've been called smurfs, blueberries, angry dolphins, all of which I find hilarious, but we think we look cool so we wear it. Most people actually like the kit :lighten: We got something flashy that not many other people had. Hopefully we met all of your kit haters standards!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Sea to Sky BC
this thread is so much gold! this place was so uptight and stale! John P and Ian C pretty much kill it! I too like being a dork on my bike, moto kits make me laugh.....but then again I wear hawaiian frequently.........


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
always keeping an eye for race kits on ebay.
yeah!!! that's what i'm talking about. spandex w/wings!!! Forget trying to double stuff, you can feakin' triple sh1t!! ELBOWS OUT! (world colors would look better though)

Check it out, looks like the photo chick wants him.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Out of respect for all that is holy- ie World Cups. I have moved my post from the Maribor thread to here.

Sorry about the further derailment. I could really give a sh*t about this, however I am compelled by curiousity by the comments about unindividualisim.

I've been sponsored by IronHorse Bicycles since 2005,
I have been sponsored by Troy Lee Designs since 2007,
I have been sponsored by Five Ten shoes since 2007,
I happened to be sponsored by Scott Optics last year,
This year I am sponsored by Maxxis tires.

Now does having relationships with said companies (who also happen to support Sam) and using these products make me a biter? Should I call off my sponsorship support because I use, and wear a lot of similar product as he does? I'd be better off sitting around looking at pictures of pro's racing on the internet, and organizing my kit so I don't look un-individual?
Sorry, I rather be out there doing work son.
I support the companies who support me, and who have the most superior product (in my opinion-not yours apparently).
I am a professional. So it's ok as long as I'm pulling top fives right?
If I have a poor result I should check my bike and gear in- until I pull off another "top five"?

Why should it be different ok for pro's but not amateurs?
These folks who are out there buying "replica" kits are the ones keeping the sport alive. By buying retail. By having Pro heroes.
This is how it works. If you call these unindividualists lame and cause them to go away, we have no one supporting the shops which in turn support manufacturers, who support races, who support Professionals. It's like a mini-economy duh.

Go ride your damn bike. This is why America has been sucking at Downhill!!!!

Rant over

I have no feelings about Sam Hill except to acknowledge his domination in downhill racing.

However, I can understand why many people react in a resentful or jealous fashion towards Hill. This reminds me of the fans hatred of Jeff Gordon, partly because he was not "real NASCAR" but ultimately he was too successful too soon.

The same could be said for Hill, who at age 22, has totally destroyed the WC circuit, and is probably going to continuing winning for a long long time.

It might sound like sour grapes, and frankly it is. However, success and popularity do not necessarily go hand in hand. If fans want to mock the Sam Hill cult, or even imagine there is a Sam Hill cult, you have to let them.

Why? Because they are fans of the sport. Piss them off, and then we are racing in your backyard, not on championship-caliber courses.

P.S. I hate it when people say "stop talking and ride your bike more". I am going to ride every day this month, and I think I am going to average about 1.5 hours a day. What do you think I am going to do with the other 22.5? My name is not John Stamsted.


Jun 17, 2006
medford, or
I usually roll in black attire. That way I look like a ninja.

I dont mind the full kits... I certaintly cant afford that ****. But what does really get to me is when some 14 year old is sitting next to me in a full kit on a yeti 303 and is bitching at his dad about how his tires arnt allowing him to "feel" the course. Then he looks at me in my cracked mase helmet and beat up big hit and makes some sarcastic comment about my bike. Of course it didnt matter to him that I smoked his ass or that after he crashed, I helped his ass up.

I wish here in the states downhilling would catch on and go mainstream. But it never will with little ****s that are over hyped and over sponsered. Give the money to the guys that work hard and have that passion, and Ill buy their kit.

And kidwoo, you are the man.


Turbo Monkey
Actually I started wearing pants this year because I read an article in Dirt magazine that stated "Wearing pants over shorts isn't a matter of if it will be faster, it is by how much."
So I made a concious decision to buy pants, and frankly my thor mx pants feel better than any shorts I've ever worn. (They're like sweats! Or those silk night pants!)

Plus, I got the most obnoxious color scheme i could pick out, and I like it. My brother, friend Harry, and I all got the same color gear, and like it.
Here's a picture for your enjoyment

We've been called smurfs, blueberries, angry dolphins, all of which I find hilarious, but we think we look cool so we wear it. Most people actually like the kit :lighten: We got something flashy that not many other people had. Hopefully we met all of your kit haters standards!
Your new kits are so wrong that they are spot-on! I swear I haven't seen those kits on ANY other riders. IFO could never rock it and get away with it, but you guys do it well.

Mark (Seapig) hit the nail on the head as far as you're not original unless you build your own bike and tailor your own kit. Those '09 TLD ones are sooooo Flash Gordon all I can hear is the theme song by Queen. Whatever. As long as you're wearing something that you're confident in and feel good in, tear if up. I'm with Lars (btw - good luck in Andorra!!!) in the "I could care less what people think about what I'm wearing, riding, etc. Then again, who am I to judge? After all, I just raced twice in the last month on a bike with a bottle cage.

Personally, I'm saving my coin for the Bart McDaniel replica kit.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
The same could be said for Hill, who at age 22, has totally destroyed the WC circuit, and is probably going to continuing winning for a long long time.
Nico dominated from the age of 19, but I don't recall people hating on him. And people thought it was cool if you had a Sunn bike, you weren't a "fanboy". Sign of the times I guess, people want to call others, outside of their friends, posers


Jun 17, 2006
americans suck
I've held off long enough, I don't know you personally, but it is you that sucks Ian Collins. For stupid ass comments like that. Why don't you move somewhere else then. Maybe Australia, and come up with a post telling us why YOU SUCK.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Nico dominated from the age of 19, but I don't recall people hating on him. And people thought it was cool if you had a Sunn bike, you weren't a "fanboy". Sign of the times I guess, people want to call others, outside of their friends, posers
Age 16 actually.

Can I just jump in a bring Lars up to speed on RM? You're just mistaking a lot of attempted wit and sarcasm in that other thread for true hate b/c you don't post much here.

John P, Kidwoo, General Lee, etc know each other on these forums from several years back and know how to pick with each other. There are alot of inside jokes and pranksters taking shots at one another that you don't realize bro. It's supposed to all be in fun to make jokes about matching kits, replica this and fanboy that. Nobody seriously is hating.

But from a casual readers view, and without boatloads of smilies and "just kidding" comments, it comes off to someone like yourself as if we could really care about that stuff.

The root of it all is that we are all just bored at work, killing time and talking trash...only there's no beer and no hugs to hand out if somebody cries.:busted::imstupid:

Gotta admit though...it's humorous to see the guy who showed up at the US Open sporting an exact matching kit and bike (Monster helmet to boot) of Hill from the season before, so much so that he looked his a stunt double.

Or am I the only one who chuckles when I see the Yellow leaders jersey headed up a climb on the Parkway??


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I've held off long enough, I don't know you personally, but it is you that sucks Ian Collins. For stupid ass comments like that. Why don't you move somewhere else then. Maybe Australia, and come up with a post telling us why YOU SUCK.
You have got to be one of the most uptight people I've seen on here.:huh:

Oh...and I am fanboy #2 for Lars Tribus, even though we are the same age, because we both picked our favorite track ever together on the lift at Snowshoe...'Mt Snow '99". It was a moment.... (just kidding) :thumb: