
Marijuana and other drugs. Do they have a place in sports?


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
way to point out making assumptions and then have someone else go and make one about me....classy.

I'm not saying that weed has long term effects, although I personally believe that continued use does, but rather that short term effects are present and do occur. Even my roomate who smokes once a day says that when he quits he feels sharper and more mentally aware.

This thread is retarded, it's like arguing with a brick wall. I don't get why people who smoke pot fail to see the positives and negatives. They only see the positives. So go smoke your pot. Race high, Drive high. Legalize it, smoke it, kill your lungs, support your local drug dealer. I have my opinion, and I've stated it for whoever posted this thread. I feel that weed slows your reaction time. If you think this isn't true, than I have no means of proving you wrong, as human testing is impossible. This argument will go nowhere. It's all bullshi.t opinion being spewed back and forth.

I'm done with this smoked out thread. :stosh: hippies.


Oct 23, 2001
Calgary, Canada eh?
Holy Crap you guys take pot seriously..

Seriously, its less work where i live to get weed then it is booze. To get booze, you have to drive to the place. To get weed you call a number and its delevered;)

Mountain Biking was pretty much started by stoners. Rumor has it, you follow the smell and find Gary Fisher at events. hahaha.


May 2, 2002
Originally posted by GiantDHRider
way to use your brain cells there...dolt
Thanks. . ."dolt".

Name calling makes you look even more intelligent than your idiotic statement about marijuana. It certainly doesn't harm the lungs if you're not inhaling smoke. Perhaps you should think before you make such broad claims.

My statement, unlike yours, was accurate. New Jersey has some of the most polluted air in the U.S. because they don't actively enforce the clean air act, and primarily because of auto pollution. Right now you're living in a state shooting for first place for levels of benzene and formaldehyde. Those are cancer-causing carcinogens BTW.

"Automobiles are responsible for over 80 percent of the airborne carcinogens in New Jersey. As a result, the EPA estimates that the average New Jersey resident breathes air that violates safety guidelines by 1,600 times."


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Originally posted by Sandwich
I have my opinion, and I've stated it for whoever posted this thread. ....... This argument will go nowhere. It's all bullshi.t opinion being spewed back and forth.

I'm done with this smoked out thread. :stosh: hippies.
I posted this thread, and I thank you for posting your opinion. It was not supposed to be an argument, it was supposed to be a discussion about drugs in SPORTS. Not if pot should be legalized. That discussion has gone on many times around here. I was asking about peoples opinions on Drugs in Sports because that is what my paper is on. I wanted opinions, pro and con, on drugs in sports so that I could have some good quotes from "interviews" in my paper

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by BigMike
I posted this thread, and I thank you for posting your opinion. It was not supposed to be an argument, it was supposed to be a discussion about drugs in SPORTS. Not if pot should be legalized. That discussion has gone on many times around here. I was asking about peoples opinions on Drugs in Sports because that is what my paper is on. I wanted opinions, pro and con, on drugs in sports so that I could have some good quotes from "interviews" in my paper
Did you seriously hold out some feeble hope that this thread wouldn't turn into an argument about the legalization and/or the pros and cons of pot?

You bring a bunch of people together from all walks of life, where there are no consequences of speaking your mind as harshly/bluntly as you want, throw a topic like pot smoking out there, and expect everyone to play nice, stay on topic and don't argue? :rolleyes:

But such is the way of messageboard discussions. Those who take offense and walk out in a huff with a comment like " :stosh: hippies" are taking these forums way too seriously and should probably not participate in the first place.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
Originally posted by binary visions
Did you seriously hold out some feeble hope that this thread wouldn't turn into an argument about the legalization and/or the pros and cons of pot?

yeah, the issues are pretty much intertewinded (sp?), since the only reason dubes are on the sports banned list is because its a controlled substance. Otherwise we'd be debating the merits of cough syrup...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
You mention "0 Tollerence" laws. My view on them is that in any arena, they are only an excuse not to think.

As far as weed goes, I have no problem with it. It has never killed anyone and it makes you slower. Whats the big deal? In weed-friendly sports like mtb, all weed testing does is put the sport in a bad light. I know that people will say that it is illegal and therefore should be subject to testing, but I don't see it that way. EPO, amphetemines and other drugs make you go faster and can kill you. Those are the drugs that should be tested for.