
Marijuana and other drugs. Do they have a place in sports?


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
So, My english 200 paper is on drugs in sports. It was promted because the whole Gary Houseman thing came up when I had to pick my topic.

I am now looking for opinions of people who are acutally a part of racing. I've done plenty of research and read articles by "experts" But I want to hear from and incorporate real people.

If you dont mind sharing your thoughts on drugs in sports, more specifiacally, hould drugs be banned and have a "zero tolerance" type policy for athletes?

My paper started out to be on just MTB, but now it has expanded into sports in general. Any thoughts pro or con would be GREATLY appreciated. If I really like what somone says, I'll PM you to see if it is ok if I quote you in my paper. Thanks a lot!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
hey man i know you wanted input from people who actually race, and i don't but i ride with alot of people who do race. i can tell you that all the best riders i run into usually aren't partyer's. But unfortunately alot of good riders are, and perhaps that's what holds them back from being great.....
just an observation......

jon cross

Jan 27, 2004
Banner Elk, NC
with regard to racers using drugs-
recreational drugs/alcohol: it happens, but not to the guys who are serious racers and are doing well. Lots of guys are cool with winding down at the end of the season and partying like a rockstar between mountain bike and road bike season.
performance enhancing drugs: abso****inglutely NOT- there are guys that use them, sure, but most of the guys I ride and race with would castrate dopers if given the chance.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Marijuana doesn't really have any performance enhancing properties, so I don't see any reason to ban it. It works for the contrary, makes you slower, kills motor skills, etc. Its not difficult to beat a pothead in an XC race unless something catastrophic happens.


Apr 22, 2003
Don't call it a come back
Originally posted by BigMike
what does that have to do with anything?

Why ban a drug that is going to make you slower? They will be beat into submision in no time.

If you wanted to catch the dopers test the bottom 50% of finishers.

How about testing for enhancing drugs? Nah that would be stupid.

Carbon Fetish

May 6, 2002
Irvine, CA
I think you could write a much better paper on doping in cycling (I wrote a 10 page paper on the topic) or the death of Marco Pantani who died February 15, 2004 of a cocaine related heart attack.



Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Originally posted by Carbon Fetish
I think you could write a much better paper on doping in cycling (I wrote a 10 page paper on the topic) or the death of Marco Pantani who died February 15, 2004 of a cocaine related heart attack.

I basically just re wr ote my paper over the weekend, and its now on performance enhancing drugs in sports. Not just riding, but all sports.

Thanks for the input guys, I'm sill gonna use some of this......