
marilyn manson...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
on Monday in Croatia in my city in amphitheater will be big concert...

If some one will came let me know so i can treat you with beer/juice etc and show you some bike tracks...

here is the place where it all we be "playing"


ps. church, allmost every organization is against that concert- they say he promotes evil, satan, hell and stupid stuff like that.

i will go i will get some pictures if they let me bring the camera..



Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Dude - how old is that place? Probably something like 2000 years? :thumb:

its 4 th biggest amphitheater in the world
my city is over 3000 years old and amphitheater is about 2500 years old

last year we was in guinnes world record book for biggest tye
before 3 weeks Anastacia was singing, yesterday was Joe Cocker, before 3 month Jarimoquai and between that was film festival and concerts, was russian ballet, then Hungary oprchestry and etc. etc.....
and after Marylin will be Liza Mannelli....

its not 100 % shure that concert will go on because everyone is against it , you know he is satan in live, when some one hear his music everyone will kill their family and stupid things like that so , just little people is for him so we dont know,..

if you wanna see more pictures here si tha link


these was last year on some concert i dont know


**STINKYBOY---when you saw him he was like on your picture you put or like regular guy??

he will rock my city he he :P

here is tha place


ps. in that arena before 2500 or 2000 years ago gladiators was fighting with animals and each other so when Marylin will be there it will be the same thing i mean public will be crazy :P


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Downhiller said:
ps. church, allmost every organization is against that concert- they say he promotes evil, satan, hell and stupid stuff like that.
Now that is ironic in a place like the Balkans, where religious differences have resulted in genocidal killing sprees. Somehow I don't see Manson performing much ethnic cleansing :rolleyes:

Have fun at the show :blah:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
no its big fence cca. 2,5m with spokes and after that its big wood wall so no one can see and guards/police about 2 m from one to another...

that protection is only when something is going on in arena...


that is assult for Croatian people (few think that we are but we aint)

we are in Europe but not in Europe union if that is matters...


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Downhiller said:
**STINKYBOY---when you saw him he was like on your picture you put or like regular guy??
He was dressed Goth, but not as extreme as today, as were a bunch of the kids at the show (which was rare back then) I had a week in Minneapolis for work, and went to the famous First Avenue to see whoever was playing. I was impressed, but I'm sure his shows now are amazing. Smuggle your camera in and post pix!

Riff Raff

Sep 27, 2001
Back in Boulder ready ta ride
Downhiller said:
its not 100 % shure that concert will go on because everyone is against it , you know he is satan in live, when some one hear his music everyone will kill their family and stupid things like that so , just little people is for him so we dont know,..

**STINKYBOY---when you saw him he was like on your picture you put or like regular guy??
Good Stuff, Manson loves the press.

In concert you'll see the show version... :evil:

But I must say he's strange looking out of make-up as well (I.E. no eye brows, black fingernails etc etc.) However strange and evil he may seem he's a nice guy. I like his art more then his music, He gave me this and I like it a lot. Just a little creepy to have hanging in the house with my 5 yr. old.

And make no mistake "Manson" is a business he's serious about...


PS Maybe he'll have has girlfrend dita von tease on stage



Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Marylin's a nice guy and all but his band are a bunch of childish assholes and his live show is weak.

That was my experience with them anyway.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
stinkyboy said:
Did he give you some art too?
Me? No.

He tried to give his bass player a blowjob in Pantera's dressing room. I'm remembering that they were not totally down for that kinda thing...



Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
H8R said:
Me? No.

He tried to give his bass player a blowjob in Pantera's dressing room. I'm remembering that they were not totally down for that kinda thing...

Well, if it's posted on the intarweb, it's gotta be true...


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
just now before 5 minutes i came back from concert..

it was so fcking awsome...

about 25 euros was the ticket and i took about 70 pictures with my mob. phone so except sweet album...

for 1,30 hour its little short but it was great...

ps. from arena about 50 meters is church and i hear thta during the concert, people who was aginst the concer was praying fro our souls so we dont become satan members or kill each other...

pps. i was forbiden to get into arena with camera or camecorder or dynamite ?! and umberllas and all punk things you put you know spokes and stuff...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
H8R said:
Whatever. It's what I saw.
Tales from the road should stay on the road.

That musta been funny though... looking for an empty dressing room... knock knock.. "Is anyone in here.. oh sorry man." :blah:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
yonton228 said:
lol, they were praying for people not to become satanists?? that is sad
yes i know...

ther was a roomer that "he" is eating puppyes, eagles, and that he throw a chicken and say if you dont drink his blood i will not sing

and stuff like that, i mean everyone knows that is stupid roomers but you cannot tell that to priests or big "cristians"..

i mean i am believer, but still i lisen marilyn manson, or rammstain or static x...

(police have body armours, its like i am on DH race :) )


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
here is one picture from my phone...

warning: quality isnt very good because it was taking picture from ****ty phone camera, i do my best..

and guys around me was jumping and jumping so i was lucky to get any picture...



Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
i am the "token" white guy with the group of people who i hang out with. most of my freinds are black, asian etc etc etc, none are white. most of them listen to hip hop, rap and R&B, i am the only one who really listens to rock. all of them thought the same thing about manson until i explained to them the type of music he creates. people judge him in such a manner because they are ignorant, they do not know that he is a wonderfull artist, not just a musicain, but a artist. he also seems like a very polite and nice person, i have seen many interviews with him. and each and everyone he seems like a very nice person. people will always judge others with haste just because that person does not fit in there "views and .... um...".

well thats my thought as of right now.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Ciaran said:
Tales from the road should stay on the road.

That musta been funny though... looking for an empty dressing room... knock knock.. "Is anyone in here.. oh sorry man." :blah:
Uh, it was more for shock value, he started to do it w/ about 20 people in the room.

As soon as the bass player dropped his pants and Manson got on his knees with a condom in his mouth - well let's just say they didn't get very far.

(where is that barf smilie?)


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
I am glad that you had a great time!

And the picture is pretty cool!!!

I am reading Chuck Palahniuk's 'Stranger Than Fiction' which is a collection of true stories ..... and Marilyn Manson is one of the subjects.
Marilyn talks about how he created his character... he decided that he was just going to portray himself as the lowest common denominator..so when anyone insulted him he's getting exactly what he wants. You can't insult the guy.

And........he stands up whenever a woman enters or leaves a room.
And....he used to think that his grandfather was weird for having women's clothes in his closet.......and now he realizes that he has turned into his grandfather.

Funny, huh?