
married lady monkey... click here


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
First he bought me a motorcycle as a Christmas present, just to set the hook and let me run with it.

A month later, he said, "Um, I've been thinking about this for a while now... will you marry me?"

Forget the ring. What girl can turn down a guy who gets her a motorcycle?


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
LordOpie said:
How did he (or she) propose to you? Share the story.

not a married lady monkey... but #1 DONT DO IT!!! now that that is out of the way... here is how I did it... ask her parents permission first, even if it isn't really an issue... SUPER BIG BROWNIE POINTS!!! it was our 5 year anniversery... and I usually got her flowers for anniverseries etc... I went and got a dozen roses and made one stick up a little bit more than the others... I asked for some extra floral wire, and securred one end of the wire on the ring, and fed the other end carefully through the center of the rose drawing the ring into the center of the rose. I rewrapped the flowers and gave them to her and said how nice they smelled... when she noticed the ring she started balling!!! when she aske what it was... I said I don't know what you are talking about!!! then I looked at it and the ring was there so I said I guess you want to get married or something? she started balling all over again!!! for the next 3 hours of the anniversery she spent it on the phone telling everyone she new!!!:cool:


Mar 14, 2005
im not a lady monkey either but heres how i did it.

we always got away for valentines day, just a little getaway nothing much. I have always told her/family i would never propose on V-day or Christmas i think it takes away from the holiday.
so we go away to Hersheys for a romatic V-day. Flights and take eb 15th we come home from a great dinner, she jumps in the shower. as she is in there i take out these signs I made previously they say " Will You Marry Me" in glow in the dark paint.I scotch tape them to the ceiling when she comes out of the shower i put a blindfold on her.. and tell her to lay on the bed (meanwhile she thought i was getting kinky). I shut the lights and take off the blindfold. she starts crying... then asks me if I am serious :) . I turn the lights on and I am kneeling beside her with the ring in hand. I ask her "will you marry me??" and the rest is history.
and she spent the next 2 hrs calling everyone as well..


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh

I think that you will find the majority of women will spend a vast amount of time directly after the proposal to call everyone and then some to tell them... so if you had something romantic and a little more :thumb: planned...:love::devil: then do it first...:D cause you arent going to do it after the question comes out!!!


I knocked Julie out, and told her we were engaged when she woke up. I just told her she fainted.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
We were driving to my house one night about dinner time and he pulled over and asked me...my reply..."yeah right, stop kidding around". Then he pulled out a ring and I was shocked and of course said yes :love: TOTALLY surprised!


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
BurlyShirley said:
I peed my proposal in the snow.


as little girls, we hear about these romantic stories...and hope that someday... someone as charming as that will make us the happiest people alive.

like the one where the bf sits on her face and farts out in morse code... "Will you marry me?"

My sister was *sure* that she was going to get a ring on Christmas. Being the level headed chica that I am, I wanted to make sure that she wasn't setting herself up for disaster...so I asked what would happen if she didn't get a ring.... and again... she was absolutely positive she was getting a ring.

So, my bf thought that it would be appropriate if we got her some candy ring pops. We gave the ring pops to her bf, Joe. He put them in a cute little bag with a spa certificate. When he gave the bag to her, she looked at the ring pops, tossed them out, and got the spa certificate.... then looked in the bag again. She was a tad confused.

Joe then pulled the real ring out from under the couch. There was crying and kissing.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
what girl doesn't like to share her sappy engagement story?

the boy and i flew back east to visit some friends and family. ate breakfast in brooklyn, ny and then had a leisurely walk across the brooklyn bridge drinking coffees. we got about 3/4 of the way across and he stopped down and proposed.

wasn't the biggest of suprises because we had been dating 9 years.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
mine is pretty boring. We'd been living together for 3 years, and he proposed to me at a nice dinner in a nice restaurant one night. Something along the lines of " I want to spend the rest of my life with you". Nothing like getting all verklempt over the cheesecake....



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I knocked her up first, then she figured she would get more out of me if we were married, so we got hitched. Aint that sweet?


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
Screw asking her parents. Dads a dick and Mom loves me, besides what are they going to say NO! Besides it was a box of chocolate with the ring in the center of the candy. She cried. 10 years this May.

Her Dad still hates me and her mom still loves me.


Feb 11, 2006
I told my lady monkey that we should go to Reno and get hitched and then go to a strip club afterwards. I think she had more fun at the strip club.


Sep 19, 2003
Bellingham, WA
allsk8sno just asked. so I said yes! then we went online and I picked out a ring! then a couple days later I told my mom. she was mad that I did not tell her earlier. but at least I called her, we just emailed his parents. we like the whole email thing! that is how we told his parents when I became pregnant. I might even email after I give birth.... we'll see :-D


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
I'm not a "lady monkey" but this is how I did it....

Went to dinner at a restaurant with an ocean view in Monterey, CA and then went down to the beach to watch the sunset. Got down on one knee and popped the question.....